Number of items: 10.
  • Towards Long-Term Social Child-Robot Interaction: Using Multi-Activity Switching to Engage Young Users. (2016) A. Coninx, Paul Baxter, Elettra Oleari, S. Bellini, Bert Bierman, O. Henkemans, Lola Canamero, Piero Cosi, V. Enescu, R. Espinoza, Antoine Hiolle, R. Humbert, B. Kiefer, I. Kruijff-Korbayova, R. Looije, M. Mosconi, M. Neerincx, G. Paci, G. Patsis, C. Pozzi, F. Sacchitelli, H. Sahli, A. Sanna, Giacomo Sommavilla, Fabio Tesser, Y. Demiris and T. Belpaeme
  • Arousal regulation and affective adaptation to human responsiveness by a robot that explores and learns a novel environment. (2014) Antoine Hiolle, Matthew Lewis and Lola Cañamero
  • Interpretation of Emotional Body Language Displayed by a Humanoid Robot : A Case Study with Children. (2013) Ariel Beck, Lola Cañamero, Antoine Hiolle, Luisa Damiano, Piero Cosi, Fabio Tesser and Giacomo Sommavilla
  • Eliciting Caregiving Behavior in Dyadic Human-Robot Attachment-Like Interactions. (2012) Antoine Hiolle, Lola Cañamero, Marina Davila Ross and Kim A. Bard
  • Using the interaction rhythm as a natural reinforcement signal for social robots: a matter of belief. (2010) A. Hiolle, Lola Cañamero, P. Andry, A. Blanchard and P. Gaussier
  • Other
  • Grounding Synthetic Knowledge : An epistemological framework and criteria of relevance for the scientific exploration of life, affect and social cognition. (2011) Luisa Damiano, Antoine Hiolle and Lola Cañamero
  • Interpretation of emotional body language displayed by robots. (2010) A. Beck, A. Hiolle, A. Mazel and Lola Cañamero
  • Assessing human reactions to different robot attachment profiles. (2009) A. Hiolle, K.A. Bard and Lola Cañamero
  • Towards a model of emotion expression in an interactive robot head. (2009) J.C. Murray, Lola Cañamero and A. Hiolle
  • Why should you care? : An arousal-based model of exploratory behavior for autonomous robots. (2008) Antoine Hiolle and Lola Canamero