Number of items: 22.
Modelling regional imbalances in English plebeian migration to late eighteenth-century London. (2018)
Adam Crymble,
Adam Dennett
Tim Hitchcock
How Criminal were the Irish? Bias in the detection of London currency crime, 1797-1821. (2018)
Adam Crymble
From Chartist Newspaper to Digital Map of Grassroots Meetings, 1841-1844: Documenting Workflows. (2017)
Katrina Navickas
Adam Crymble
Canada’s accidental brain drain. (2017)
Adam Crymble
Digital library search preferences amongst historians and genealogists: British History Online user survey. (2016)
Adam Crymble
Identifying and Removing Gender Barriers in Open Learning Communities: The Programming Historian. (2016)
Adam Crymble
Whipped and deported: England's historic resistance to free movement of labour. (2016)
Adam Crymble
Vagrant Lives: 14,789 Vagrants Processed by the County of Middlesex, 1777-1786. (2015)
Adam Crymble,
Louise Falcini
Tim Hitchcock
Vagrant Lives : 14,789 Vagrants Processed by Middlesex County 1777-1786. (2015)
Adam Crymble,
Louise Falcini
Tim Hitchcock
A Comparative Approach to Identifying the Irish in Long Eighteenth-Century London. (2015)
Adam Crymble
Does your historical collection need a database-driven website? (2015)
Adam Crymble
Loose, idle and disorderly : vagrant removal in late eighteenth-century Middlesex. (2014)
Tim Hitchcock,
Adam Crymble
Louise Falcini
Digital Hubris, Digital Humility. (2014)
Adam Crymble
Whose name should go first? : It's time we had 'The Talk'. (2013)
Adam Crymble
Faircite : Towards a Fairer Practice of Citation and Credit in the Humanities. (2013)
Adam Crymble
Julia Flanders
Citer les humanités numérique : l’Old Bailey Online est-il un film ou un article scientifique?
Citation in the Digital HumanitiesIs the Old Bailey Online a film or a science article? (2012)
Adam Crymble
Is sympathy for certain topics influencing SSHRC doctoral awards? (2012)
Adam Crymble
The Programming Historian. (2012)
Adam Crymble
Crafting an effective elevator pitch. (2011)
Adam Crymble
How to submit an article to a non-academic publication. (2010)
Adam Crymble
An Analysis of Twitter and Facebook Use by the Archival Community. (2010)
Adam Crymble
How to Write a Zotero Translator : A Practical Beginners Guide for Humanists. (2009)
Adam Crymble