Number of items: 17.
  • In labor or in limbo? : The experiences of women undergoing induction of labor in hospital: findings of a qualitative study. (2018) Annabel Jay, Hilary Thomas and Fiona Brooks
  • Induction of labour: how do women get information and make decisions? Findings of a qualitative study. (2018) Annabel Jay, Hilary Thomas and Fiona Brooks
  • Practice standards for the newborn and infant physical examination: a national survey. (2017) Annabel Jay
  • Education provision for the newborn physical examination as a postregistration module: National survey. (2017) Cathy Rogers, Carole Yearley and Annabel Jay
  • Including the Newborn Physical Examination (NIPE) in the pre-registration midwifery curriculum: National Survey. (2017) Carole Yearley, Cathy Rogers and Annabel Jay
  • Changing times: why direct-entry midwives are retraining as health visitors and how this affects their professional identity. (2016) Annabel Jay, Radica Hardyal and Valerie Thurtle
  • Changing times: why direct-entry midwives are re-training as Health Visitors and how this affects their professional identity. (2016) Annabel Jay, Valerie Thurtle and Radica Hardyal
  • National survey of current practice standards for the newborn infant physical examination. (2015) Cathy Rogers, Annabel Jay, Carole Yearley and Karen Beeton
  • Experiencing induction. (2013) Annabel Jay
  • Parents, we need your views. (2012) Annabel Jay
  • Students' perceptions of the OSCE : a valid assessment tool? (2007) Annabel Jay
  • Other
  • Labor or limbo? experiencing induction on an antenatal ward: findings of a qualitative study. (2017) Annabel Jay
  • Women’s experiences of induction of labour: a qualitative study. (2015) Annabel Jay
  • Effective postnatal care. (2014) Annabel Jay and Marianne Peace
  • Intrapartum care. (2014) Annabel Jay and Catherine Hamilton
  • Whatever would induce you...? : Comment. (2014) Annabel Jay
  • Women's experiences of induced labour : one year on. (2013) Annabel Jay