Number of items: 40.
  • The Cost and Benefits of Coordination Programming: Two Case Studies in Concurrent Collection and S-Net. (2016) Pavel Zaichenkov, Bert Gijsbers, Clemens Grelck, Olga Tveretina and Alex Shafarenko
  • Configuring Cloud-Service Interfaces Using Flow Inheritance. (2016) Pavel Zaichenkov, Olga Tveretina and Alex Shafarenko
  • A Constraint Satisfaction Method for Configuring Non-Local Service Interfaces. (2016) Pavel Zaichenkov, Olga Tveretina and Alex Shafarenko
  • Relay-proof channels using UWB lasers. (2014) B. Christianson, Alex Shafarenko, Frank Stajano and Ford-Long Wong
  • The error statistics analysis of the QPSK-modulated signal in the high-rate optical link. (2013) A. Redyuk, A. Skidin, M. Fedoruk and Alex Shafarenko
  • Linear Support Vector Machines for Error Correction in Optical Data Transmission. (2013) A. Metaxas, A. Redyuk, Yi Sun, Alex Shafarenko, N. Davey and Roderick Adams
  • Modeling Streams-based Variants of Ant Colony Optimisation for Parallel Systems. (2012) Wei Cheng, Frank Penczek, Clemens Grelck, Raimund Kirner, Bernd Scheuermann and Alex Shafarenko
  • The analysis of the error statistics in a 5 x 40 Gbit/s fibre link with hybrid amplification. (2011) A. Skidin, A. Redyuk, O. Shtyrina, M. Fedoruk and Alex Shafarenko
  • Gearing up : How to eat your cryptocake and still have it. (2011) A. Shafarenko and B. Christianson
  • CAL : a language for aggregating functional and extrafunctional constraints in streaming networks. (2011) Alex Shafarenko and Raimund Kirner
  • Engineering Concurrent Software Guided by Statistical Performance Analysis. (2011) Bernd Scheuermann, Clemens Grelck, Kevin Hammond, Heinz Hertlein, Philip Hoelzenspies, Chris Jesshope, Raimund Kirner, Alex Shafarenko, Rene te Boekhorst and Volkmar Wieser
  • Gearing up : How to eat your cryptocake and still have it (transcript of discussion). (2011) A. Shafarenko
  • Weakly-Constrained Codes for Suppression of Patterning Effects in Digital Communications. (2010) A. Shafarenko, A. Skidin and S.K. Turitsyn
  • Asynchronous Stream Processing with S-Net. (2010) C. Grelck, S. Scholz and A. Shafarenko
  • Correcting Errors in Optical Data Transmission Using Neural Networks. (2010) S. Hunt, Yi. Sun, A. Shafarenko, R.G. Adams, N. Davey, B. Slater, R. Bhamber, S. Boscolo and S.K. Turitsyn
  • Message Driven Programming with S-Net: Methodology and Performance. (2010) F. Penczek, S. Herhut, S. Scholz, A. Shafarenko, J.S. Yang, C.-Y. Chen, N. Bagherzadeh and C. Grelck
  • PS-NET - a predictable typed coordination language for stream processing in resource-constrained environments. (2010) Raimund Kirner, Sven-Bodo Scholz, Frank Penczek and Alex Shafarenko
  • Parallel signal processing with S-Net. (2010) F. Penczek, S. Herhut, C. Grelck, S. Scholz, A. Shafarenko, R. Barrere and E. Lenormand
  • Adaptive electrical signal post-processing with varying representations in optical communication systems. (2009) Stephen Hunt, Yi Sun, Alex Shafarenko, Roderick Adams, N. Davey, Brendan Slater, Ranjeet Bhamber, Sonia Boscolo and Sergei K. Turitsyn
  • Efficient weakly-constrained codes for mitigation of patterning effects in digital communications. (2009) A. Shafarenko, M. Fedoruk, A. Skidin and S.K. Turitsyn
  • Numerical simulations of unsteady shock wave interactions using SAC and Fortran-90. (2009) D. Rolls, C. Joslin, A. Kudryavtsev, S. Scholz and A. Shafarenko
  • Vintage Bit Cryptography. (2009) B. Christianson and A. Shafarenko
  • Vintage bit cryptography. (Transcript of discussion). (2009) A. Shafarenko
  • A gentle introduction to S-NET : Typed stream processing and declarative coordination of asynchronous components. (2008) C. Grelck, S.-B. Scholz and A. Shafarenko
  • Adaptive Electrical Signal Post-Processing in Optical Communication Systems. (2008) Yi. Sun, A. Shafarenko, R.G. Adams, N. Davey, B. Slater, R. Bhamber, S. Boscolo and S.K. Turitsyn
  • Concurrency engineering. (2008) C. Jesshope and A. Shafarenko
  • Coordinating Data Parallel SAC Programs with S-Net. (2007) C. Grelck, S. Scholz and A. Shafarenko
  • Information theory analysis of skewed coding for suppresion of pattern-dependant errors in digital communications. (2007) A. Shafarenko, S.K. Turitsyn and K.S. Turitsyn
  • Word Segmentation of Handwritten Text Using Supervised Classification Techniques. (2007) Yi. Sun, T. Butler, A. Shafarenko, R.G. Adams, M.J. Loomes and N. Davey
  • Skewed coding for suppression of pattern-dependent errors. (2005) A. Shafarenko, K.S. Turitsyn and S.K. Turitsyn
  • General homomorphic overloading. (2004) A. Shafarenko
  • Identifying word boundaries in handwritten text. (2004) Yi. Sun, T. Butler, A. Shafarenko, M.J. Loomes, R.G. Adams and N. Davey
  • Segmenting hand written text using supervised classification techniques. (2004) Yi. Sun, T. Butler, A. Shafarenko, M.J. Loomes, R.G. Adams and N. Davey
  • Reduction of nonlinear intrachannel effects by channel asymmetry in transmission lines with strong bit overlapping. (2003) E.G. Shapiro, M. Fedoruk, S.K. Turitsyn and A. Shafarenko
  • Coercion as homomorphism: type inference in a system with subtyping and overloading. (2002) A. Shafarenko
  • Teaching mathematical explanation through audiographic technology. (2002) M.J. Loomes, A. Shafarenko and M. Loomes
  • Teaching mathematics with audiograph. (2002) M.C. Loomes, A. Shafarenko and M.J. Loomes
  • An Active Organisation for Customised, Secure Agent Discovery. (2001) A. Shafarenko and N. Antonopoulos
  • Symmetry-based formalism for array subtyping. (2001) A. Shafarenko
  • An adaptive, reconfigurable interconnect for computational clusters. (2001) A. Shafarenko and V. Vasekin