Number of items: 61.
  • Primeval very low-mass stars and brown dwarfs - III. The halo transitional brown dwarfs. (2018) Z. H. Zhang, D. J. Pinfield, M. C. Galvez-Ortiz, D. Homeier, A. J. Burgasser, N. Lodieu, E. L. Martin, M. R. Zapatero Osorio, F. Allard, H. R. A. Jones, R. L. Smart, B. Lopez Marti, B. Burningham and R. Rebolo
  • Low-resolution near-infrared spectroscopic signatures of unresolved ultracool companions to M dwarfs. (2017) Neil Cook, D. J. Pinfield, F. Marocco, B. Burningham, H. R. A. Jones, J. Frith, J. Zhong, A. L. Luo, Z. X. Qi, N. B. Cowan, M. Gromadzki, R.G. Kurtev, Y. X. Guo, Y. F. Wang, Y. H. Song, Z. P. Yi and R. L. Smart
  • Robust detection of quasi-periodic variability : A HAWKI mini survey of late T dwarfs. (2017) S. P. Littlefair, B. Burningham and Ch Helling
  • Kepler-1649b: : An Exo-Venus in the Solar Neighborhood. (2017) Isabel Angelo, Jason F. Rowe, Steve B. Howell, Elisa V. Quintana, Martin Still, Andrew W. Mann, Ben Burningham, Thomas Barclay, David R. Ciardi and Daniel Huber
  • Primeval very low-mass stars and brown dwarfs. I. Six new L subdwarfs, classification and atmospheric properties. (2017) Z. H. Zhang, D. J. Pinfield, M. C. Galvez-Ortiz, B. Burningham, N. Lodieu, F. Marocco, A. J. Burgasser, A. C. Day-Jones, F. Allard, H. R. A. Jones, D. Homeier, J. Gomes and R. L. Smart
  • A LOFAR mini-survey for low-frequency radio emission from the nearest brown dwarfs. (2016) Ben Burningham, Martin Hardcastle, Jonathan Nichols, Sarah Casewell, Stuart Littlefair, Craig Stark, Matthew Burleigh, Stanimir Metchev, Megan Tannock, Reinout van Weeren, Wendy Louise Williams and Graham Wynn
  • A method for selecting M dwarfs with an increased likelihood of unresolved ultracool companionship. (2016) Neil Cook, D.J. Pinfield, F. Marocco, B. Burningham, H.R.A. Jones, James Frith, J. Zhong, A. Luo, Z. Qi, P.W. Lucas, Mariusz Gromadzki, Avril Day-Jones, Radostin Kurtev, Y. Guo, Y. Wang, Y. Bai, Z. Yi and R. Smart
  • Discovery of a brown dwarf companion to the A3V star β Circini. (2015) Leigh Smith, P.W. Lucas, C. Contreras Peña, R. Kurtev, Federico Marocco, H.R.A. Jones, J.C. Beamin, Ralf Napiwotzki, J. Borissova, B. Burningham, J. Faherty, D.J. Pinfield, M. Gromadzki, V.D. Ivanov, D. Minniti, W. Stimson and V. Villanueva
  • Discovery and spectroscopy of the young Jovian planet 51 Eri b with the Gemini Planet Imager. (2015) B. Macintosh, J. R. Graham, T. Barman, R. J. De Rosa, Q. Konopacky, M. S. Marley, C. Marois, E. L. Nielsen, L. Pueyo, A. Rajan, J. Rameau, D. Saumon, J. J. Wang, J. Patience, M. Ammons, P. Arriaga, E. Artigau, S. Beckwith, J. Brewster, S. Bruzzone, J. Bulger, B. Burningham, A. S. Burrows, C. Chen, E. Chiang, J. K. Chilcote, R. I. Dawson, R. Dong, R. Doyon, Z. H. Draper, G. Duchêne, T. M. Esposito, D. Fabrycky, M. P. Fitzgerald, K. B. Follette, J. J. Fortney, B. Gerard, S. Goodsell, A. Z. Greenbaum, P. Hibon, S. Hinkley, T. H. Cotten, L. -W. Hung, P. Ingraham, M. Johnson-Groh, P. Kalas, D. Lafreniere, J. E. Larkin, J. Lee, M. Line, D. Long, J. Maire, F. Marchis, B. C. Matthews, C. E. Max, S. Metchev, M. A. Millar-Blanchaer, T. Mittal, C. V. Morley, K. M. Morzinski, R. Murray-Clay, R. Oppenheimer, D. W. Palmer, R. Patel, M. D. Perrin, L. A. Poyneer, R. R. Rafikov, F. T. Rantakyrö, E. L. Rice, P. Rojo, A. R. Rudy, J. -B. Ruffio, M. T. Ruiz, N. Sadakuni, L. Saddlemyer, M. Salama, D. Savransky, A. C. Schneider, A. Sivaramakrishnan, I. Song, R. Soummer, S. Thomas, G. Vasisht, J. K. Wallace, K. Ward-Duong, S. J. Wiktorowicz, S. G. Wolff and B. Zuckerman
  • Uniform Atmospheric Retrieval Analysis of Ultracool Dwarfs I : Characterizing Benchmarks, Gl570D and HD3651B. (2015) Michael R. Line, Johanna Teske, Ben Burningham, Jonathan Fortney and Mark Marley
  • 49 new T dwarfs identified using methane imaging. (2015) C. V. Cardoso, B. Burningham, R. L. Smart, L. van Spaandonk, D. Baker, L. C. Smith, A.H. Andrei, B. Bucciarelli, S. Dhital, H.R.A. Jones, M. G. Lattanzi, A. Magazzu, D.J. Pinfield and C. G. Tinney
  • Methane and ammonia in the near-infrared spectra of late-T dwarfs. (2015) J. I. Canty, P.W. Lucas, S.N. Yurchenko, Jonathan Tennyson, S.K. Leggett, C.G. Tinney, H.R.A. Jones, B. Burningham, D.J. Pinfield and R.L. Smart
  • A large spectroscopic sample of L and T dwarfs from UKIDSS LAS : peculiar objects, binaries, and space density. (2015) F. Marocco, H.R.A. Jones, A. C. Day-Jones, D.J. Pinfield, P.W. Lucas, B. Burningham, Z. H. Zhang, R.L. Smart, J. I. Gomes and L. Smith
  • The substellar companion in the eclipsing white dwarf binary SDSS J141126.20+200911.1. (2014) S.P. Littlefair, S.L. Casewell, S.G. Parsons, V. S. Dhillon, T.R. Marsh, B.T. Gansicke, S. Bloemen, Silvia Catalan, P. Irawati, L.K. Hardy, M. Mcallister, M.C.P. Bours, A. Richichi, M.R. Burleigh, B. Burningham, E. Breedt and P. Kerry
  • Discovery of a new Y dwarf: WISE J030449.03-270508.3. (2014) D.J. Pinfield, M. Gromadzki, S.K. Leggett, J. Gomes, N. Lodieu, R. Kurtev, A. C. Day-Jones, M. T. Ruiz, N. J. Cook, C.V. Morley, M. S. Marley, F. Marocco, R.L. Smart, H.R.A. Jones, P.W. Lucas, Y. Beletsky, V. D. Ivanov, B. Burningham, J. S. Jenkins, C. Cardoso, J. Frith, J. R. A. Clarke, M. C. Gálvez-Ortiz and Z. Zhang
  • High proper motion objects from the UKIDSS Galactic plane survey. (2014) Leigh Smith, P.W. Lucas, R. Bunce, B. Burningham, H.R.A. Jones, R.L. Smart, N. Skrzypek, D. R. Rodriguez, J. Faherty, G. Barentsen, J.E. Drew, A.H. Andrei, S. Catalán, D.J. Pinfield and D. Redburn
  • The discovery of a T6.5 subdwarf. (2014) B. Burningham, Leigh Smith, C. V. Cardoso, P.W. Lucas, A. J. Burgasser, H.R.A. Jones and R.L. Smart
  • The extremely red L dwarf ULAS J222711-004547-dominated by dust. (2014) F. Marocco, A. C. Day-Jones, P.W. Lucas, H.R.A. Jones, R.L. Smart, Z. H. Zhang, J. I. Gomes, B. Burningham, D.J. Pinfield, R. Raddi and Leigh Smith
  • A 1500 deg(2) near infrared proper motion catalogue from the UKIDSS Large Area Survey. (2014) Leigh Smith, P.W. Lucas, B. Burningham, H.R.A. Jones, R.L. Smart, A.H. Andrei, S. Catalan and D.J. Pinfield
  • A deep WISE search for very late type objects and the discovery of two halo/thick-disc T dwarfs : WISE 0013+0634 and WISE 0833+0052. (2014) D.J. Pinfield, J. Gomes, A. C. Day-Jones, S.K. Leggett, M. Gromadzki, B. Burningham, M. T. Ruiz, R. Kurtev, T. Cattermole, C. Cardoso, N. Lodieu, J. Faherty, S. Littlefair, R. Smart, M. Irwin, J. R. A. Clarke, Leigh Smith, P.W. Lucas, M. C. Galvez-Ortiz, J. S. Jenkins, H.R.A. Jones, R. Rebolo, V. J. S. Bejar and B. Gauza
  • Parallaxes of Five L Dwarfs with a Robotic Telescope. (2014) Y. Wang, H.R.A. Jones, R.L. Smart, F. Marocco, D.J. Pinfield, Z. Shao, I.A. Steele, Z. Zhang, A.H. Andrei, A. J. Burgasser, K. L. Cruz, J. Yu, J. R. A. Clarke, C.J. Leigh, A. Sozzetti, D. N. Murray and B. Burningham
  • A spectroscopic and proper motion search of Sloan Digital Sky Survey : red subdwarfs in binary systems. (2013) Z. H. Zhang, D.J. Pinfield, B. Burningham, H.R.A. Jones, M. C. Galvez-Ortiz, S. Catalan, R. L. Smart, S. Lepine, J. R. A. Clarke, Ya V. Pavlenko, D. N. Murray, M. K. Kuznetsov, A. C. Day-Jones, J. Gomes, F. Marocco and B. Sipocz
  • NPARSEC : NTT Parallaxes of Southern Extremely Cool objects. Goals, targets, procedures and first results. (2013) R.L. Smart, C.G. Tinney, B. Bucciarelli, F. Marocco, U. Abbas, A. Andrei, G. Bernardi, B. Burningham, C. Cardoso, E. Costa, M.T. Crosta, M. Dapra, A. Day-Jones, B. Goldman, H.R.A. Jones, M.G. Lattanzi, S.K. Leggett, P.W. Lucas, R. Mendez, J.L. Penna, D.J. Pinfield, Leigh Smith, A. Sozzetti and A. Vecchiato
  • 76 T dwarfs from the UKIDSS LAS : benchmarks, kinematics and an updated space density. (2013) B. Burningham, C. V. Cardoso, Leigh Smith, S.K. Leggett, R.L. Smart, A. W. Mann, S. Dhital, P.W. Lucas, C.G. Tinney, D.J. Pinfield, Z. Zhang, C. Morley, D. Saumon, K. Aller, S. P. Littlefair, D. Homeier, N. Lodieu, Niall Deacon, M. S. Marley, L. van Spaandonk, D. Baker, F. Allard, A.H. Andrei, J. Canty, J. Clarke, A. C. Day-Jones, T. Dupuy, J. J. Fortney, J. Gomes, M. Ishii, H.R.A. Jones, M. Liu, A. Magazzu, F. Marocco, D. N. Murray, B. Rojas-Ayala and M. Tamura
  • Two new ultracool benchmark systems from WISE+2MASS. (2013) J. I. Gomes, D.J. Pinfield, F. Marocco, A. C. Day-Jones, B. Burningham, Z. H. Zhang, H.R.A. Jones, L. van Spaandonk and D. Weights
  • The sub-stellar birth rate from UKIDSS. (2013) A. C. Day-Jones, F. Marocco, D.J. Pinfield, Z. H. Zhang, B. Burningham, Niall Deacon, M. T. Ruiz, J. Gallardo, H.R.A. Jones, P.W. Lucas, J. S. Jenkins, J. Gomes, S. L. Folkes and J. R. A. Clarke
  • The Properties of the 500 K Dwarf UGPS J072227.51-054031.2, and a Study of the Far-Red Flux of Cold Brown Dwarfs. (2012) S. Leggett, D. Saumon, M. Marley, K. Lodders, J. Canty, P.W. Lucas, R. Smart, C. Tinney, D. Homeier, F. Allard, B. Burningham, A. Day-Jones, B. Fegley, Miki Ishii, H.R.A. Jones, F. Marocco, D.J. Pinfield and M. Tamura
  • Discovery of the benchmark metal poor T8 dwarf BD+01 2920B. (2012) D.J. Pinfield, B. Burningham, N. Lodieu, S. Leggett, C.G. Tinney, L. van Spaandonk, F. Marocco, R. Smart, J. Gomes, Leigh Smith, P.W. Lucas, A. Day-jones, D. Murray, A. C. Katsiyannis, S. Catalan, C. Cardoso, James Clarke, S. Folkes, M. Galvez-Ortiz, D. Homeier, J. Jenkins, H.R.A. Jones and Z. Zhang
  • The properties of the T8.5p dwarf Ross 458C. (2011) B. Burningham, S.K. Leggett, D. Homeier, D. Saumon, P.W. Lucas, D.J. Pinfield, C. G. Tinney, F. Allard, M. S. Marley, H.R.A. Jones, D. N. Murray, M. Ishii, A. Day-Jones, J. Gomes and Z. H. Zhang
  • Blue not brown: UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey T dwarfs with suppressed K-band flux. (2011) D. N. Murray, B. Burningham, H.R.A. Jones, D.J. Pinfield, P.W. Lucas, S. K. Leggett, C. G. Tinney, A. C. Day-Jones, D. J. Weights, N. Lodieu, J. A. Perez Prieto, E. Nickson, Z. H. Zhang, J. R. A. Clarke, J. S. Jenkins and M. Tamura
  • The discovery of the T8.5 dwarf UGPS J0521+3640. (2011) B. Burningham, P.W. Lucas, S.K. Leggett, R. Smart, D. Baker, D.J. Pinfield, C. G. Tinney, D. Homeier, F. Allard, Z. H. Zhang, J. Gomes, A. C. Day-Jones, H.R.A. Jones, G. Kovacs, N. Lodieu, F. Marocco, D. N. Murray and B. Sipocz
  • Discovery of a T dwarf + white dwarf binary system. (2011) Avril Day-Jones, D.J. Pinfield, M. Ruiz, H. Beaumont, B. Burningham, J. Gallardo, A. Gianninas, P. Bergeron, Ralf Napiwotzki, J.S. Jenkins, Z.H. Zhang, D.N. Murray, Silvia Catalan and Joana Ines Gomes
  • 47 new T dwarfs from the UKIDDS large area survey. (2010) B. Burningham, D.J. Pinfield, P.W. Lucas, S.K. Leggett, Niall Deacon, M. Tamura, C.G. Tinney, N. Lodieu, Z. Zhang, N. Huelamo, H.R.A. Jones, D.N. Murray, D.J. Mortlock, M. Patel, D. Barrado y Navascues, M.R. Zapatero Osorio, M. Ishii, M. Kuzuhara and R.L. Smart
  • Discovery of the first L dwarf plus giant binary system and eight other ultracool dwarfs in wide binaries. (2010) Z. Zhang, D.J. Pinfield, A.C. Day-Jones, B. Burningham, H.R.A. Jones, S. Yu, J.S. Jenkins, Z. Han, M.C. Galvez-Ortiz, J. Gallardo, A.E. Garcia Perez, D. Weights, C.G. Tinney and R.S. Pokorny
  • Mid-infrared photometry of cold brown dwarfs : diversity in age, mass and metallicity. (2010) S.K. Leggett, B. Burningham, D. Saumon, M. Marley, S.J. Warren, R.L. Smart, H.R.A. Jones, P.W. Lucas, D.J. Pinfield and M. Tamura
  • Parallaxes and physical properties of 11 mid-to-late T dwarfs. (2010) F. Marocco, R.L. Smart, H.R.A. Jones, B. Burningham, M.G. Lattanzi, S.K. Leggett, P.W. Lucas, C.G. Tinney, A. Adamson, D. W. Evans, N. Lodieu, D.N. Murray, D.J. Pinfield and M. Tamura
  • Properties of the T8.5 dwarf Wolf 940 B. (2010) S.K. Leggett, D. Saumon, B. Burningham, M.C. Cushing, M. Marley and D.J. Pinfield
  • Spectroscopy and kinematics of low-mass members of young moving groups. (2010) M. C. Galvez-Ortiz, J.R.A. Clarke, D.J. Pinfield, J. S. Jenkins, S. L. Folkes, A. E. Garcia Perez, A.C. Day-Jones, B. Burningham, H.R.A. Jones, J. R. Barnes and R.S. Pokorny
  • The discovery of a very cool binary system. (2010) B. Burningham, S.K. Leggett, P.W. Lucas, D.J. Pinfield, R.L. Smart, A.C. Day-Jones, H.R.A. Jones, D.N. Murray, E. Nickson, M. Tamura, Z. Zhang, N. Lodieu, C.G. Tinney and M.R. Zapatero Osorio
  • The discovery of a very cool, very nearby brown dwarf in the Galactic plane. (2010) P.W. Lucas, C. G. Tinney, B. Burningham, S. K. Leggett, D.J. Pinfield, Richard Smart, H.R.A. Jones, F. Marocco, Robert J. Barber, Sergei N. Yurchenko, Jonathan Tennyson, Miki Ishii, Motohide Tamura, Avril C. Day-Jones, Andrew Adamson, France Allard and Derek Homeier
  • The distance to the cool T9 brown dwarf ULAS J003402.77-005206.7. (2010) R.L. Smart, H.R.A. Jones, M.G. Lattanzi, S.K. Leggett, S.J. Warren, A.J. Adamson, B. Burningham, M. Casali, D.W. Evans, M.J. Irwin and D.J. Pinfield
  • A search for southern ultracool dwarfs in young moving groups. (2010) J.R.A. Clarke, D.J. Pinfield, M.C. Galvez-Ortiz, J.S. Jenkins, B. Burningham, Niall Deacon, H.R.A. Jones, R.S. Pokorny, J.R. Barnes and A.C. Day-Jones
  • Discovery of a redshift 6.13 quasar in the UKIRT infrared deep sky survey. (2009) D.J. Mortlock, M. Patel, S.J. Warren, B.P. Venemans, R.G. McMahon, P.C. Hewett, C. Simpson, R.G. Sharp, B. Burningham, S. Dye, S. Ellis, E. Gonzales-Solares and N. Huelamo
  • Identifying nearby field T dwarfs in the UKIDSS Galactic Clusters Survey. (2009) N. Lodieu, B. Burningham, N.C. Hambly and D.J. Pinfield
  • Ultra-cool dwarfs: new discoveries, proper motions and improved spectral typing from SDSS and 2MASS photometric colors. (2009) Z.H. Zhang, R.S. Pokorny, H.R.A. Jones, D.J. Pinfield, P.S. Chen, Z. Han, D. Chen, M.C. Galvez-Ortiz and B. Burningham
  • The discovery of an M4+T8.5 binary system. (2009) B. Burningham, D.J. Pinfield, S.K. Leggett, C.G. Tinney, M.C. Liu, D. Homeier, A.A. West, A.C. Day-Jones, N. Huelamo, T.J. Dupuy, Z. Zhang, D.N. Murray, N. Lodieu, D.B.Y. Navascues, S. Folkes, M.C. Galvez-Ortiz, H.R.A. Jones, P.W. Lucas, M.M. Calderon and M. Tamura
  • The physical properties of four ~600 K T dwarfs. (2009) S.K. Leggett, M.C. Cushing, D. Saumon, M. Marley, T.L. Roellig, S.J. Warren, B. Burningham, H.R.A. Jones, J.D. Kirkpatrick, N. Lodieu, P.W. Lucas, A.K. Mainzer, E.L. Martin, M.J. McCaughrean, D.J. Pinfield, G.C. Sloan, R.L. Smart, M. Tamura and J. Van Cleve
  • Discovery of a widely separated ultracool dwarf–white dwarf binary. (2008) A.C. Day-Jones, D.J. Pinfield, R. Napiwotzki, B. Burningham, J.S. Jenkins, H.R.A. Jones, S. Folkes, D. Weights and J.R.A. Clarke
  • Exploring the substellar temperature regime down to ~550 K. (2008) B. Burningham, D.J. Pinfield, P.W. Lucas and H.R.A. Jones
  • Fifteen new T dwarfs discovered in the UKIDSS Large Area Survey. (2008) D.J. Pinfield, B. Burningham, M. Tamura, S.K. Leggett, N. Lodieu, P.W. Lucas, D.J. Mortlock, S.J. Warren, D. Homeier, M. Ishi, Niall Deacon, R.G. McMahon, P.C. Hewett, M.R. Zapatero Osorio, E.L. Martin, H.R.A. Jones, B.P. Venemans, A.C. Day-Jones, P.D. Dobbie, S. Folkes, S. Dye, F. Allard, I. Baraffe, D. Barrado y Navascues, S.L. Casewell, K. Chiu, G. Chabrier, F. Clarke, S.T. Hodgkin, A. Magazzu, M.J. McCaughrean, E. Moraux, T. Nakajima, Y. Pavlenko and C.G. Tinney
  • Can variability account for apparent age spreads in OB association colour-magnitude diagrams. (2005) B. Burningham, T. Naylor, S.P. Littlefair and R.D. Jeffries
  • Contamination and exclusion in the s Orionis young group. (2005) B. Burningham, T. Naylor, S.P. Littlefair and R.D. Jeffries
  • Do accretion discs regulate the rotation of young stars. (2005) S.P. Littlefair, T. Naylor, B. Burningham and R.D. Jeffries
  • On the nature of Collinder 121: insights from the low-mass pre-main sequence. (2003) B. Burningham, T. Naylor, R.D. Jeffries and C.R. Devey
  • Other
  • A 2 epoch proper motion catalogue from the UKIDSS Large Area Survey. (2013) Leigh Smith, P.W. Lucas, B. Burningham, H.R.A. Jones, D.J. Pinfield, Ricky Smart and Alexandre Andrei
  • Benchmark low-mass objects in Moving Groups. (2013) M. C. Galvez-Ortiz, M. Kuznetsov, J. R. A. Clarke, Ya. V. Pavlenko, D.J. Pinfield, H.R.A. Jones, J. S. Jenkins, J. Barnes, B. Burningham, A. C. Day-Jones, E. L. Martin, A. E. Garcia Perez and R.S. Pokorny
  • Measuring ultracool properties from the UKIDSS Large Area Survey. (2013) Avril Day-Jones, F. Marocco, D.J. Pinfield, Zenghua Zhang, B. Burningham, Niall Deacon, Maria-Teresa Ruiz, Jose Gallardo, H.R.A. Jones, P.W. Lucas, James Jenkins, Joana Gomes, Stuart Folkes and James Clarke
  • Purple dwarfs : New L subdwarfs from UKIDSS and SDSS. (2013) Z. H. Zhang, D.J. Pinfield, B. Burningham, H.R.A. Jones, A. C. Day-Jones, F. Marocco, J. Gomes and M. C. Galvez-Ortiz
  • Discovery of the first white dwarf + T dwarf binary system and the use of white dwarfs as age calibrators. (2010) Avril Day-Jones, D.J. Pinfield, M. Ruiz, H. Beaumont, J. Gallardo, A. Gianninas, P. Bergeron, Ralf Napiwotzki, J.S. Jenkins, B. Burningham, Z.H. Zhang, H.R.A. Jones, D. Murray, Silvia Catalan and Joana Ines Gomes
  • Low-mass Objects in Moving Groups. (2010) M. C. Galvez-Ortiz, J. R. A. Clarke, D.J. Pinfield, S. L. Folkes, J. S. Jenkins, A. E. Garcia Perez, B. Burningham, A. C. Day-Jones and H.R.A. Jones
  • Estimating the low-mass IMF in OB associations : o Orionis. (2005) B. Burningham, T. Naylor, S.P. Littlefair and R.D. Jefferies