Number of items: 27.
  • Untangling multiple inequalities: intersectionality, work and globalisation. (2015) Natalia Rocha Lawton, Moira Calveley and Cynthia Forson
  • Towards a Bourdieusian analysis of the social composition of the UK film and television workforce. (2015) Keith Randle, Cynthia Forson and Moira Calveley
  • The Equality Effects of the 'Hyper-formalization' of Selection. (2013) Mike Noon, Geraldine Healy, Cynthia Forson and Franklin Oikelome
  • Contextualising migrant black business women's work-life balance experiences. (2013) Cynthia Forson
  • Intersectional Sensibilities in Analysing Inequality Regimes in Public Sector Organizations. (2011) Geraldine Healy, Harriet Bradley and Cynthia Forson
  • The Strategic Framework for Women's Enterprise: BME women at the margins. (2006) C. Forson
  • Dot-com women entrepreneurs in the UK. (2003) C. Forson and M.F. Ozbilgin
  • Monograph
  • Diffusion of e-government in Nigeria : a qualitative study of culture and gender. (2012) Jyoti Choudrie, Emeka Umeoji and Cynthia Forson
  • Cultural factors Impacting on the Selection of Black and Minority Ethnic People in the BBC. (2010) G. Healy, Cynthia Forson, Mike Noon and Franklin Oikelome
  • Workplace Cultures : What Does and Does Not Work. (2007) Harriet Bradley, Geraldine Healy, Cynthia Forson and Priyasha Kaul
  • Assessment Centres for Judicial Appointments and Diversity. (2006) Geraldine Healy, G. Kirton, M.F. Ozbilgin, Moira Calveley, Cynthia Forson, Franklin Oikelome and A. Tatli
  • 'Dotcom' Women Entrepreneurs in the UK. (2002) C. Forson and M.F. Ozbilgin
  • Other
  • Academics at the intersection of age and gender: : A Ghanaian experience. (2017) Cynthia Forson, Moira Calveley, Steven Shelley and Christeen George
  • Legitimising the unacceptable and accepting the illegitimate : Symbolic violence in the engineering profession in the UK. (2016) Paul Smith, Moira Calveley and Cynthia Forson
  • Key Players in International Human Resource Management. (2014) Graham Hollinshead, Cynthia Forson, Natalia Rocha Lawton and Moira Calveley
  • The psychological contracts of academics in UK and Ghana. (2013) Christeen George, Moira Calveley, Cynthia Forson and Steven Shelley
  • Gender ethnicity and migration in Black women's start up resourcing. (2011) Cynthia Forson
  • The Glass Ceiling : Gender Differences in Perceptions of Managers in the UK Travel and Tourism Sector. (2011) Paul Smith, Brandon Crimes and Cynthia Forson
  • Diffusion of e-government in Nigeria : an exploratory study of culture and gender. (2010) Jyoti Choudrie, Cynthia Forson and Emeka Umeoji
  • Social capital, migration and self-employment : Black women in business. (2010) Cynthia Forson
  • Contextualising work life balance in self-employment. (2009) Cynthia Forson
  • Gender, Ethnicity and the Exclusionary Organisation. (2009) Cynthia Forson and Geraldine Healy
  • Professional Black migrant women : post colonialism, ethnocentricity and patriarchy in career advancement. (2009) Cynthia Forson
  • Shifting circles of support - organising and reorganising gendered labour in self-employment: an intersectional analysis. (2009) Cynthia Forson
  • Women entrepreneurs in North Cyprus. (2009) Gozde Inal, Mine Karatas-Ozkan and Cynthia Forson
  • Convergence and Divergence of Influences on Career Choice : A Comparative Analysis of Influences on Career Choices of MBA Students in China, Ghana, Greece, Israel, Korea, North Cyprus, Turkey and UK. (2007) Barbara Dexter, Cynthia Forson, Gozde Inal, Mine Karatas-Ozkan, Fatma Kusku, Mustafa Ozbilgin, Ayala Malach-Pines, Cem Tanova and Jeongkoo Yoon
  • Intersectionality, context and choice: the career choice influences of self-employed black women. (2007) Cynthia Forson