Number of items: 6.
Molecular data reveal a cryptic species within the Culex pipiens mosquito complex. (2016)
Emilie Dumas,
Célestine M. Atyame,
Colin A. Malcolm,
Gilbert Le Goff,
Sandra Unal,
Patrick Makoundou,
Nicole Pasteur,
Mylène Weill
Olivier Duron
Laboratory rearing of mosquitos (Anopheles arabiensis): impact on genetic variability and implications for Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) based mosquito control in northern Sudan. (2016)
Rasha S. Azrag,
K. M. Ibrahim,
Colin A. Malcolm,
E. El Rayah
Badria El Sayed
Dramatic developmental changes in larval knockdown response enhance genetic sexing based on DDT resistance in Anopheles stephensi (Diptera: Culicidae). (2001)
Colin Malcolm
A. S. Robinson
Anopheles stephensi Dox-A2 shares common ancestry with genes from distant groups of eukaryotes encoding a 26S proteasome subunit and is in a conserved gene cluster. (2000)
C. F. Garvey
Colin Malcolm
A sex-linked Ace gene, not linked to insensitive acetylcholinesterase-mediated insecticide resistance in Culex pipiens. (1998)
Colin Malcolm,
D. Bourguet,
A. Ascolillo,
S. J. Rooker,
C. F. Garvey,
L. M. Hall,
N. Pasteur
M. Raymond
Genetic differentiation between and within strains of the saw-toothed grain beetle, Oryzaephilus surinamensis (Coleoptera Silvanidae) at RAPD loci. (1997)
R. J. Brown,
Colin Malcolm,
P. L. Mason
R. A. Nichols