Number of items: 11.
  • Bilinguale Kindergärten: Der Einfluss des Zweitspracherwerbs auf den Erstspracherwerb Deutsch bei Kindern im Vorschulalter Bilingual Kindergarten:The influence of second language acquisition English on the first language acquisition, German for children in pre-school age. (2016) Christina Schelletter and Anja Steinlen
  • Lexikalische Entwicklung von bilingualen Vorschulkindern lexical development of bilingual pre-school children. (2016) Christina Schelletter
  • Receptive Grammatical Skills in Bilingual Children. (2012) Christina Schelletter
  • The effect of learning another language at preschool on first language acquisition. (2011) Christina Schelletter and Anja Steinlen
  • Lexical and Grammatical Comprehension in Monolingual and Bilingual Children. (2010) Christina Schelletter and Rachel Ramsey
  • Receptive L2 Grammar Knowledge Development in Bilingual Preschools. (2010) Anja Steinlen, Gisela Hakansson, Alex Housen and Christina Schelletter
  • Bilingual Children's Lexical Development: Factors Affecting the Acquisition of Nouns and Verbs and Their Translation Equivalents. (2005) Christina Schelletter
  • Using Story Re-tell in Bilingual Assessment. (2004) Christina Schelletter and T. Parke
  • Normal and language-impaired children's use of reference: syntactic vs pragmatic processing. (2003) Christina Schelletter and E. Leinonen
  • The effect of form similarity on bilingual children's lexical development. (2002) Christina Schelletter
  • Early nouns in bilingual acquisition : a test of the separate development hypothesis. (2001) Christina Schelletter, I. Sinka and M. Garman