Number of items: 168.
The map is not the territory : Musings on complexity, people and models. (2018)
Darren Dalcher
Strategy as learning to discover the way forward. (2018)
Darren Dalcher
Why culture really matters : The secret revenge of forced acculturation. (2018)
Darren Dalcher
Commercial management and projects, a long overdue match. (2017)
Darren Dalcher
Who killed change? : Reconsidering the relationship between projects and change. (2017)
Darren Dalcher
Is it time for good enough governance? (2017)
Darren Dalcher
The case for further advances in project management. (2017)
Darren Dalcher
We need to talk about strategy. (2017)
Darren Dalcher
Coming to terms with the unknown : Re-invoking Knightian uncertainty. (2017)
Darren Dalcher
Homing in on project performance: : The long road towards continuous improvement. (2017)
Darren Dalcher
What has Taylor ever done for us?: : Scientific and humane management reconsidered. (2017)
Darren Dalcher
It starts with trust : People, perspectives and relationships as the building blocks for sustainable success. (2017)
Darren Dalcher
So, where do Benefits Come From? (2017)
Darren Dalcher
Delivering a Brighter Future for IT Projects. (2017)
Darren Dalcher
Changing for the Better? : Living with the Inherent Paradox of Change. (2017)
Darren Dalcher
Editorial : A five year retrospective. (2017)
Gerardo Canfora,
Darren Dalcher
David Raffo
On the Importance of Context : Why Situational Awareness remains an Essential Focus. (2016)
Darren Dalcher
Rethinking Project Practice : Emerging Insights From a Series of Practitioner Books. (2016)
Darren Dalcher
Thinking in Patterns : Problems, Solutions and Strategies. (2016)
Darren Dalcher
The Essence of Collaboration : Extending our Reach and Potential Impact. (2016)
Darren Dalcher
The Unspoken Role of Sponsors, Champions, Shapers and Influencers : Balancing Organisational Concerns and Personal Values for Effective Project and Programme Initiation. (2016)
Darren Dalcher
Thinking Teams, Performing Teams and sustaining Teams : Beginning the Dialogue about Working Together. (2016)
Darren Dalcher
Thinking in Contracts : The Role of Intelligent Procurements in Projects. (2016)
Darren Dalcher
Rise of the Robots : Rethinking Ethics, Trust and Responsibility in the Age of Autonomous Machines. (2016)
Darren Dalcher
Business Cases, Benefits and Potential Value : The impact of Planning Fallacy, Optimism Bias and Strategic Misrepresentation on the Road to Success. (2016)
Darren Dalcher
Time to Rethink the Social Element of Projects : Building on Ambient Awareness and Social Media. (2016)
Darren Dalcher
Why Planning is More Important than Plans. (2016)
Darren Dalcher
Asking Strategic Questions : Reflections on the Temporal Nature of Projects and Programmes. (2016)
Darren Dalcher
Progress Through People : A Study of Projects as if People Mattered. (2016)
Darren Dalcher
Complexity, Projects and Systems : Just Going Around in Circles? (2015)
Darren Dalcher
Resilience as Bouncing Forward : Developing the Capability to Cope When Bouncing Back is no Longer Sufficient. (2015)
Darren Dalcher
Here comes everybody : Reframing the stakeholder concept when just about everyone can become your stakeholder. (2015)
Darren Dalcher
Dynamic Knowledge Support Model for Decision-Making and Sustainable Growth : An Empirical Study. (2015)
Birinder S. Sandhawalia
Darren Dalcher
The sprint or the marathon? : finding a metaphor to account for value in projects. (2015)
Darren Dalcher
In Data We Trust : Establishing the Value of Information, Big Data and Analytics. (2015)
Darren Dalcher
There is nothing so permanent as temporary : some thoughts on adapting project structures. (2015)
Darren Dalcher
Whose success is it anyway? : rethinking the role of suppliers in projects. (2015)
Darren Dalcher
Not by accident : revisiting quality management. (2015)
Darren Dalcher
Going Beyond the Waterfall : Managing Scope Effectively Across the Project Life Cycle. (2015)
Darren Dalcher
Dedichiamo sufficiente attenzione agli stakeholder? (2015)
Darren Dalcher
For whose benefit? : reclaiming the role of users in projects. (2015)
Darren Dalcher
Learning to deal with emergencies : what the project management bodies of knowledge don’t tell us. (2014)
Darren Dalcher
Is it Time to Rethink Project Management? (2014)
Darren Dalcher
Making Knowledge Count: : Where to Find Meaningful Information? (2014)
Darren Dalcher
Too Little, Too Late, or, Too Much, Too Early : Are we Paying Enough Attention to Stakeholders. (2014)
Darren Dalcher
Who Needs Project Requirements? (2014)
Darren Dalcher
Beyond Knowledge: : Growing Capability for an Uncertain Future. (2014)
Darren Dalcher
Whatever Happened to Management by Objectives? : Learning to Look Beyond the Goals. (2014)
Darren Dalcher
When People Make Decisions : Thinking and deciding in Projects. (2014)
Darren Dalcher
Seeing Change : The Power to Think in New Ways. (2014)
Darren Dalcher
Project Economics : Wishful Thinking, Conspiracy of Optimism, or a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy. (2013)
Darren Dalcher
Adapt for successful project management. (2013)
Darren Dalcher
Managing Change : Organisations, People and the Search for Performance. (2013)
Darren Dalcher
The Complexity Dialogues : ‘Complicated’ and ‘Complex’ – the management difference. (2013)
Darren Dalcher,
Kaye Remington
Michael Cavanagh
Mind Your Metaphors : A Guide to the Past, Present and Future of Project Management Learning. (2013)
Darren Dalcher
Professionalism, Ethics and the Freedom to Ask the Right Questions. (2013)
Darren Dalcher
From Quality to the Pursuit of Excellence. (2013)
Darren Dalcher
From Projects to Strategy, and Back Again. (2013)
Darren Dalcher
Is There a Universal Theory of Project Management? (2013)
Darren Dalcher
A Wicked Path to Success. (2013)
Darren Dalcher
Sustainability and Success. (2012)
Darren Dalcher
The Burden of Making Good Decisions. (2012)
Darren Dalcher
What can agile project management offer? (2012)
Darren Dalcher
Overstating the Benefits? : Realising Project Portfolio Benefits. (2012)
Darren Dalcher
Managing Wicked Problems. (2012)
Darren Dalcher
Software: evolution and process A new journal is born. (2012)
Gerardo Canfora,
Darren Dalcher
David Raffo
The Nature of Project Management : A Reflection on the Anatomy of Major Projects. (2012)
Darren Dalcher
Tendencias y avances en Gestión de Riesgos. (2011)
Darren Dalcher
Learning to Live with Uncertainty : Looking Beyond Risk Management. (2011)
Darren Dalcher
The paradox of uncertaintyWhen more means less. (2011)
Darren Dalcher
Preparing for a new era. (2011)
Gerardo Canfora,
Darren Dalcher
David Raffo
Developing knowledge management capabilities : a structured approach. (2011)
Birinder Singh Sandhawalia
Darren Dalcher
The Dynamics of Growth within Global Organisations : Issues, Consequences and Implications. (2011)
Birinder Singh Sandhawalia
Darren Dalcher
In memory of Manny Lehman, 'Father of Software Evolution'. (2011)
Gerardo Canfora,
Darren Dalcher,
David Raffo,
Victor R. Basili,
Juan Fernandez-Ramil,
Vaclav Rajlich,
Keith Bennett,
Liz Burd,
Malcolm Munro,
Sophia Drossopoulou,
Barry Boehm,
Susan Eisenbach,
Greg Michaelson,
Peter Ross,
Paul D. Wernick
Dewayne E. Perry
Towards a New Perspective : Balancing Risk, Safety and Danger. (2011)
Darren Dalcher
Towards a New PerspectiveBalancing Risk, Safety and Danger. (2011)
Darren Dalcher
Trends and Advances in Risk Management. (2011)
Darren Dalcher
The Dynamics of Collaboration in Multipartner Projects. (2010)
Perttu Dietrich,
Pernille Eskerod,
Darren Dalcher
Birinder Sandhawalia
Knowledge Flows in Software Projects : An Empirical Investigation. (2010)
Birinder Singh Sandhawalia
Darren Dalcher
The Paradox of Uncertainty : When more means less. (2010)
Darren Dalcher
The Paradox of UncertaintyWhen more means less. (2009)
Darren Dalcher
Software Project Success : Moving Beyond Failure. (2009)
Darren Dalcher
Presentation. Mejorando le Calidad en procesos, productos y sistemasorganizativos. (2009)
Darren Dalcher
Luis Fernandez-Sanz
Improving Quality in Business Processes, Products and Organisational Systems. (2009)
Darren Dalcher
Luis Fernández-Sanz
Moral Maze. (2009)
Darren Dalcher
The Paradox of Uncertainty : When More Means Less. (2009)
Darren Dalcher
Success in Software ProjectsGoing Beyond Software Failures. (2009)
Darren Dalcher
Beyond Agile Project Management : The Way Forward. (2008)
Darren Dalcher
Why the Pilot Cannot be Blamed : A Cautionary Note about Excessive Reliance on Technology. (2007)
Darren Dalcher
Consilience for Universal Design : The Emergence of a Third Culture. (2006)
Darren Dalcher
Comparison of software development life cycles : a multiproject experiment. (2006)
O. Benediktsson,
Darren Dalcher
H. Thorbergsson
Managing Software Development Project Size : Overcoming the Effort-Boxing Constraint. (2006)
Darren Dalcher
O. Benediktsson
Estimating size in incremental software development projects. (2005)
O. Benediktsson
Darren Dalcher
Learning from Information Systems Failures by using Narrative and Ante-narrative Methods. (2004)
Darren Dalcher
Lynette Drevin
Engineering of Computer-Based Systems : A proposed curriculum for a degree program at Bachelor level. (2004)
J. Z. Lavi,
Darren Dalcher,
M. Mannion
R. Gallant
Engineering of computer-based systems : A proposed curriculum for a degree program at bachelor level. (2004)
J. Z. Lavi,
Darren Dalcher,
M. Mannion
R. Gallant
Design for life : Invoking Continuity and Dealing with Change. (2004)
Darren Dalcher
New Insights into Effort Estimation for Incremental Software Development Projects. (2004)
Darren Dalcher
Effort estimation in incremental software development. (2003)
Darren Dalcher
O. Benediktsson
Beyond normal failures : Dynamic management of software projects. (2003)
Darren Dalcher
Introduction: Avoiding IS/IT implementation failure. (2003)
Darren Dalcher
A. Genus
COCOMO-based effort estimation for iterative and incremental software development. (2003)
O. Benediktsson,
Darren Dalcher,
K. Reed
M. Woodman
Mirrors, Rockets, and Lives : Considering the Limits of Testing. (2002)
Darren Dalcher
Learning from failure. (2002)
Darren Dalcher
Colin Tully
Safety, risk, and danger : A new dynamic perspective. (2002)
Darren Dalcher
Simplicity and power : When more means less. (1999)
Darren Dalcher
The role of Knowledge Flow and integration for Effective Decision Making When Delivering Change. (2016)
Birinder Sandhawalia
Darren Dalcher
Effective Decision Making during Project Implementation. (2016)
Birinder Sandhawalia
Darren Dalcher
Learning to Live with Dragons : Rekindling the Quest to Tame Uncertainty. (2016)
Darren Dalcher
Leading Successful Projects with Dynamic Knowledge Support : An Empirical Study. (2015)
Darren Dalcher
Dynamic Knowledge Support Model for Project Leadership and Success : An Empirical Study. (2015)
Birinder Sandhawalia
Darren Dalcher
Publish or Perish? : Transforming your thesis into a tangible product. (2015)
Darren Dalcher
From Stories to Histories : Making Sense of IS Failures. (2015)
Darren Dalcher
The Adoption of Agile Management Practices in a Traditional Project Environment : An IS/IT Case Study. (2015)
Hany Wells,
Darren Dalcher
Hedley Smyth
What can Project Success, or Failure, Tell us About Project Management Theory. (2014)
Darren Dalcher
Rethinking Success in Software Projects : Looking Beyond the Failure factors. (2014)
Darren Dalcher
Dynamic Knowledge Support for Project Implementation. (2014)
Birinder S. Sandhawalia
Darren Dalcher
Requirements Management. (2014)
Darren Dalcher
Control, Planning and Feedback : Sustaining a Dynamic Relationship. (2013)
Darren Dalcher
Dynamic Knowledge Support for Decision-Making and Problem-Solving. (2013)
Birinder S. Sandhawalia
Darren Dalcher
Quick Turnaround : Re-discovering Innovation and the Power of Teams. (2013)
Darren Dalcher
The Art of Communication. (2012)
Darren Dalcher
Narrative Methods : Success and Failure Stories as Told by Information Systems Users. (2011)
Darren Dalcher
Antenarrative and Narrative : The Experience of Actors Involved in the Development and Use of Information Systems. (2011)
Lynette Drevin
Darren Dalcher
Using antenarrative approaches to investigate the perceptions of Information Systems’ actors regarding project success and failure. (2011)
Lynette Drevin
Darren Dalcher
In times of crisis invest in maturity : results of an assessment in Iceland. (2010)
Helgi Thor Ingason,
Darren Dalcher
Haukur Ingi Jonasson
The LAS Story : Learning From Failure. (2010)
Darren Dalcher
The Role of Knowledge Integration Capability and Collaboration Quality in Multi-Partner Projects. (2010)
Perttu Dietrich,
Pernille Eskerod,
Darren Dalcher
Birinder Singh Sandhawalia
Making sense of IS Failures. (2009)
Darren Dalcher
Knowledge Management Capability framework. (2008)
Birinder Sandhawalia
Darren Dalcher
Knowledge and decision-making within software projects. (2007)
Birinder Sandhawalia
Darren Dalcher
A controlled experiment to investigate the effect of 'process patterns' on the quality of requirement analysis. (2007)
Ahmad Estabraghy
Darren Dalcher
Emergency: Implementing an Ambulance Despatch System. (2006)
Darren Dalcher
A Framework for Predicting Person-Effort on Requirements Changes. (2006)
Bee Bee Chua,
June M. Verner
Darren Dalcher
Development life cycle management : A multiproject experiment. (2005)
Darren Dalcher,
O. Benedikisson
H. Thorbergsson
Failure, success, and maturity in projects. (2005)
A. Ahiable
Darren Dalcher
Working with alternative development life cycles : A multiproject experiment. (2005)
Darren Dalcher,
O. Benediktsson
H. Thorbergsson
Emergency : A new ambulance dispatch system. (2004)
Darren Dalcher
Project effort estimation : Or, when size makes a difference. (2004)
O. Benediktsson
Darren Dalcher
Dynamic systems development : Towards continuity, growth and evolution. (2003)
Darren Dalcher
Together we stand : Group projects for integrating software engineering in the curriculum. (2003)
Darren Dalcher
M. Woodman
Trust, systems and accidents : Designing complex systems. (2003)
Darren Dalcher
Life Cycle Design and Management. (2002)
Darren Dalcher
Software development for dynamic systems. (2002)
Darren Dalcher
Towards continuous development : A dynamic process perspective. (2002)
Darren Dalcher
Ambulance despatch systems : The Melbourne story. (2001)
Darren Dalcher
Forensic ECBS : The way forward. (2001)
Darren Dalcher
Smooth seas - rough sailing : the case of the lame ship. (2000)
Darren Dalcher
Forensic ECBS : a situational assessment. (2000)
Darren Dalcher
Focus on answers, not features - Response. (1999)
Darren Dalcher
Disaster in London - The LAS case study. (1999)
Darren Dalcher
Lessons for the future : Safety critical systems. (1999)
Darren Dalcher
Falling down is still part of growing up : Success, failure and forensic ECBS. (1994)
Darren Dalcher
Nimrod AEW flies again : A procurement case study. (1994)
Darren Dalcher
Falling down is part of Growing up: : The Study of Failure and the Software Engineering Community. (1994)
Darren Dalcher
The New Project Management Mindset for the 21st century. (1993)
Darren Dalcher
CBSE Life Cycles. (1992)
Darren Dalcher
Chaotic life Cycles. (1992)
Darren Dalcher