Number of items: 58.
  • Quality science from quality measurement: The role of measurement type with respect to replication and effect size magnitude in psychological research. (2018) Diana Kornbrot, Richard Wiseman and George Georgiou
  • 2016
  • Human Psychophysical Functions, an Update : Methods for Identifying their form; Estimating their Parameters; and Evaluating the Effects of Important Predictors. (2016) Diana E. Kornbrot
  • 2015
  • The relationship between mood state and perceived control in contingency learning : Effects of individualist and collectivist values. (2015) Rachel Msetfi, Diana Kornbrot, Helen Matute and Robin A. Murphy
  • 2014
  • Using serum CA125 to assess the activity of potential cytostatic agents in ovarian cancer. (2014) M.R. Hall, A. Petruckevitch, Joanna Pascoe, Mojca Persic, Saad Tahir, J.S. Morgan, Charlie Gourley, N.S.A. Stuart, S.M. Crawford, D.E. Kornbrot, Wendi Qian and G.J.S. Rustin
  • 2013
  • Prospective memory and ageing paradox with event-based tasks : A study of young, young-old, and old-old participants. (2013) Lia Kvavilashvili, J. Cockburn and Diana Kornbrot
  • Time perception and depressive realism : judgement type, psychophysical functions and bias. (2013) D. Kornbrot, Rachel Msetfi and Melvyn Grimwood
  • 2012
  • Dysphoric mood states are related to sensitivity to temporal changes in contingency. (2012) R.M. Msetfi, R.A. Murphy and D. Kornbrot
  • The Effect of Mild Depression on Time Discrimination. (2012) Rachel Msetfi, R. Murphy and D. Kornbrot
  • Detection of disease change from a biological marker : using CA125 in ovarian cancer as an example. (2012) Wendi Qian, Marcia Hall, Gordon J. Rustin and Diana Kornbrot
  • Detection of disease change using a biological marker and clinical application: CA125 in ovarian cancer patients. (2012) Wendi Qian, Marcia Hall, Gordon J. Rustin and Diana Kornbrot
  • 2010
  • Effects of age on phenomenology and consistency of flashbulb memories of September 11 and a staged control event. (2010) L. Kvavilashvili, J. Mirani, S. Schlagman, J.A.K. Erskine and D. Kornbrot
  • 2009
  • Consistency of flashbulb memories of September 11 over long delays : implications for consolidation and wrong time slice hypotheses. (2009) L. Kvavilashvili, J. Mirani, S. Schlagman, K. Foley and D. Kornbrot
  • Differential effects of age on prospective and retrospective memory tasks in young, young-old, and old-old adults. (2009) L. Kvavilashvili, D. Kornbrot, V. Mash, J. Cockburn and A. Milne
  • Impaired context maintenance in mild to moderately depressed students. (2009) R.M. Msetfi, R.A. Murphy, D. Kornbrot and J. Simpson
  • 2008
  • How was it for you? Psychophysics and the evaluation of student experience of e-learning. (2008) D. Kornbrot
  • 2007
  • Investigating university students' prior experiences of technology and their expectations of using technology in their studies. (2007) Amanda Jefferies, D. Kornbrot and Nuzhat Quadri
  • Misleading ‘quality’ measures in Higher Education : problems from combining diverse indicators that include subjective ratings and academic performance and costs. (2007) D. Kornbrot
  • Roughness perception in haptic virtual reality for sighted and blind people. (2007) D. Kornbrot, P. Penn, H. Petrie, S. Furner and A. Hardwick
  • The dog that didn't bark...interpreting non-significance. (2007) D. Kornbrot and R.M. Msetfi
  • The predictors of thought suppression in young and old adults : effects of anxiety, rumination and other variables. (2007) J.A.K. Erskine, L. Kvavilashvili and D. Kornbrot
  • 2006
  • New generation learners - does the learning environment match student expectations. (2006) A. Jefferies, N. Quadri and D. Kornbrot
  • Signal detection theory, the approach of choice : model-based and distribution-free measures and evaluation. (2006) D. Kornbrot
  • 2005
  • Raving about Ravens : modelling speed-accuracy in intelligence tests. (2005) D. Kornbrot and M. Greaves
  • Depressive realism and outcome density bias in contingency judgements : the effect of the context and inter-trial interval. (2005) R.M. Msetfi, R.A. Murphy, J. Simpson and D. Kornbrot
  • Length of stay as a performance indicator : robust statistical methodology. (2005) E. Kulinskaya, D. Kornbrot and H. Gao
  • 2004
  • The influence of maternity units' intrapartum intervention rates and midwives' risk perception for women suitable for midwifery led care. (2004) M. Mead and D. Kornbrot
  • In the glimpse of an eye : decision making and vision. (2004) D. Kornbrot
  • An intrapartum intervention scoring system for the comparison of maternity units' intrapartum care of nulliparous women suitable for midwifery led care. (2004) M. Mead and D. Kornbrot
  • 2003
  • Comparing flashbulb memories of September 11 and the death of Princess Diana : effects of time delays and nationality. (2003) L. Kvavilashvili, J. Mirani, S. Schlagman and D. Kornbrot
  • 2001
  • The use of log and power transformations in the analysis of length of stay data. (2001) E. Kulinskaya, E. Knight, D. Kornbrot and P. Benton
  • 2000
  • Saying “welcome” is not enough : women, information systems and equity in work. (2000) L. Miller, T.A. Wood, J. Halligan, L. Keller, C. Hutchinson-Pike, D. Kornbrot and J. deLotz
  • The perception of texture, object size and angularity by touch in virtual environments with two haptic devices. (2000) P. Penn, H. Petrie, C. Colwell, D. Kornbrot, S. Furner and A. Hardwick
  • 1999
  • Haptic virtual environments for blind people : exploratory experiments with two devices. (1999) G. Jansson, C. Colwell, H. Petrie, D. Kornbrot, J. Fanger and H.L. Konig
  • 1998
  • Applying software metrics to formal specifications : a cognitive approach. (1998) R.J. Vinter, M.J. Loomes and D. Kornbrot
  • Democracy for data : on the usefulness of robust location methods : Comment on "The goals and strategies of robust methods" by Rand Wilcox. (1998) D. Kornbrot
  • Haptic virtual reality for blind computer users. (1998) C. Colwell, H. Petrie, D. Kornbrot, A. Hardwick and S. Fumer
  • Use of a haptic device by blind and sighted people : perception of virtual textures and objects. (1998) C. Colwell, H. Petrie, D. Kornbrot, A. Hardwick and S. Furner
  • 1997
  • Conditional reasoning in language and logic : transfer of non-logical heuristics? (1997) R.J. Vinter, M.J. Loomes and D. Kornbrot
  • Measuring human inferential complexity in formal specifications : a predictive model for the Z notation. (1997) R.J. Vinter, M.J. Loomes and D. Kornbrot
  • Quantified reasoning in formal specification : transfer of everyday errors and biases? (1997) R.J. Vinter, M.J. Loomes and D. Kornbrot
  • A study of disjunctive and conjunctive reasoning in formal logic. (1997) R.J. Vinter, M.J. Loomes and D. Kornbrot
  • 1996
  • Exploring possible sender-to-experimenter acoustic leakage in the PRL autoganzfeld experiments. (1996) R. Wiseman, M. Smith and D. Kornbrot
  • Reasoning about formal software specifications : an initial investigation. (1996) R.J. Vinter, M.J. Loomes and D. Kornbrot
  • Resources, dimorphism, sexual selection and mathematics achievement. (1996) D. Kornbrot
  • Seven lesser known myths of formal methods : uncovering the psychology of formal specification. (1996) R.J. Vinter, M.J. Loomes and D. Kornbrot
  • 1993
  • Cognitive and organisational aspects of design. (1993) M. Loomes, D. Ridley and D. Kornbrot
  • 1990
  • Monitoring and analysis of hypermedia navigation. (1990) D. Kornbrot and M. G. Mcleod
  • The rank difference test : a new and meaningful alternative to the Wilcoxon signed ranks test for ordinal data. (1990) D. Kornbrot
  • 1989
  • Organisation of keying skills : the effect of motor complexity and number of units. (1989) D. Kornbrot
  • 1988
  • Creative mathematics: Do SAT-M sex effects matter? (1988) D. Kornbrot
  • Random walk models of binary choice : the effect of deadlines in the presence of assymetric payoffs. (1988) D. Kornbrot
  • 1987
  • Degree performance as a function of discipline studied, parental occupation and gender. (1987) D. Kornbrot
  • Science and performance in undergraduate psychology degrees. (1987) D. Kornbrot
  • 1984
  • Mechanisms for categorization - decision criteria and the form of the psychophysical function. (1984) D. Kornbrot
  • 1981
  • ARTIST : a computer system for creating and running psychology experiments. (1981) D. Kornbrot
  • Estimates of utility function parameters from signal-detection experiments. (1981) D. Kornbrot, M. Donnelly and E. Galanter
  • 1980
  • Attention bands: Some implications for categorical judgement. (1980) D. Kornbrot
  • 1978
  • Theoretical and empirical comparison of Luces Choice Model and Logistic Thurstone Model of Categorical Judgement. (1978) D. Kornbrot