
Number of items: 12.
  • Future, law, education and technology: WoW, have we forgotten something? (2017) Felipe Romero Moreno
  • Is social media challenging the authority of the judiciary? Rethinking the effectiveness of anonymised and super injunctions in the age of the internet. (2016) Thaddeus Manu and Felipe Romero Moreno
  • Criminal copyright proposals: are they appropriate in the information era? (2016) Felipe Romero Moreno and James GH Griffin
  • The Digital Economy Act 2010: subscriber monitoring and the right to privacy under Article 8 of the ECHR. (2016) Felipe Romero Moreno
  • BILETA Response to EC Consultation on the Evaluation and Modernization of the Legal Framework for the Enforcement of IPRED. (2016) Felipe Romero Moreno and James GH Griffin
  • BILETA Response to IPO consultation to changes to penalties for online copyright infringement. (2015) Felipe Romero Moreno and James G.H. Griffin
  • Search engine liability in the UK and the right to freedom of expression under Article 10 of the ECHR. (2015) Felipe Romero Moreno
  • The Digital Economy Act (DEA) 2010; subscriber monitoring and the right to privacy under Article 8 of the ECHR. (2014) Felipe Romero Moreno
  • Incompatibility of the Digital Economy Act 2010 subscriber appeal process provisions with Article 6 of the ECHR. (2014) Felipe Romero Moreno
  • Unblocking the Digital Economy Act 2010 : human rights issues in the UK. (2013) Felipe Romero Moreno
  • The Digital Economy Act 2010 and the proportionality of tracking software technologies. (2012) Felipe Romero Moreno
  • The three strikes and you are out challenge. (2012) Felipe Romero Moreno