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Quiescence continued? : Recent strike activity in nine Western European economies. (2013)
Gregor Gall
An Agency of their Own : sex workers union organising. (2012)
Gregor Gall
Industrial conflict in the engineering construction industry in Britain. (2012)
Gregor Gall
Union Commitment and Activism in Britain and the United States : Searching for Synthesis and Synergy for Renewal. (2012)
Gregor Gall
Jack Fiorito
Richard Hyman : An assessment of his Industrial Relations – a Marxist introduction. (2012)
Gregor Gall
Tommy Sheridan: From Hero to Zero? : A Political Biography. (2012)
Gregor Gall
Toward Better Theory on the Relationship between Commitment, Participation and Leadership in Unions. (2012)
Gregor Gall
Jack Fiorito
Union Recognition in Britain : The end of legally-induced voluntarism. (2012)
Gregor Gall
Why we need a survey of unions. (2012)
Jack Fiorito
Gregor Gall
Contemporary workplace occupations in Britain : Motivations, stimuli, dynamics and outcomes. (2011)
Gregor Gall
Closing down a means of collective voice for workers : Victimisation of union activists in Britain’. (2011)
Gregor Gall
Journalists' collective representation and editorial content in newspapers. (2011)
G. Gall
Worker resistance and response to the crisis of neo-liberal capitalism. (2011)
Gregor Gall
Activism and willingness to help in union organizing : who are the activists? (2010)
J. Fiorito
G. Gall
A.D. Martinez
Radical labour unionism in Britain : Capable of stepping up to the plate? (2010)
Gregor Gall
Sex worker collective organisation : Between advocacy group and labour union? (2010)
Gregor Gall
Statutory union recognition provisions as stimulants to employer anti-unionism in three Anglo-Saxon countries. (2010)
G. Gall
The first ten years of the third statutory union recognition procedure in Britain. (2010)
Gregor Gall
Resisting Recession and Redundancy : Contemporary worker occupations in Britain. (2009)
Gregor Gall
Labour Unionism in the Financial Services Sector : Fighting for Rights and Representation. (2008)
Gregor Gall
Conflict at work. (2008)
Gregor Gall
Multi-unionism and the representation of sectional interests in British workplaces. (2008)
Gregor Gall
Neo-liberal reform of the Fire and Rescue Service in Britain. (2008)
M. Wrack
G. Gall
Sources of labour union power. (2008)
G. Gall
Annual hours working in Britain. (2007)
G. Gall
D. Allsop
Trade Union Recognition in Britain: An Emerging Crisis for Trade Unions? (2007)
G. Gall
The future of public services under labour. (2007)
M. Serwotka
G. Gall
Journalists' collective representation and editorial content in British newspapers- never the twain shall meet? (2005)
G. Gall
Trade Unions: Back from the brink or still on the margins? (2005)
G. Gall
Trade union recognition in Britain, 1995 1902: turning a corner. (2004)
G. Gall
The Organization of Organized Discontent: The Case of the Postal Workers in Britain. (2001)
G. Gall
What happened to single union deals?- a research note. (1993)
G. Gall
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