Number of items: 39.
  • The New Russian Book: A Graphic Cultural History, by Birgitte Beck Pristed : What’s in a book cover? Grace Lees-Maffei examines a history of graphic design in Russian fiction. (2017) Grace Lees-Maffei
  • A Gathering of Flowers : On Design Anthologies. (2017) Grace Lees-Maffei and Daniel J. Huppatz
  • Design History: The State of the Art. (2016) Grace Lees-Maffei
  • A Special Relationship: The Transatlantic Domestic Dialogue. (2016) Grace Lees-Maffei
  • "Why then the world's mine oyster": Consumption and Globalization. (2016) Grace Lees-Maffei
  • Introduction: National Design Histories in an Age of Globalization. (2016) Grace Lees-Maffei
  • Real imagined communities: : National narratives and the globalization of design history. (2016) Kjetil Fallan and Grace Lees-Maffei
  • From National Histories of Advice Discourse to a "Transatlantic Domestic Dialogue". (2015) Grace Lees-Maffei
  • Introduction: Interrogating Iconic Design. (2014) Grace Lees-Maffei
  • Juicy Salif Lemon Squeezer, Italy/France (Philippe Starck, 1990). (2014) Grace Lees-Maffei
  • Design at Home : Domestic Advice Books in Britain and the USA since 1945. (2014) Grace Lees-Maffei
  • Introduction: The History of Italian Design. (2013) Grace Lees-Maffei
  • ‘Made’ in England? : The Mediation of Alessi S.p.A. (2013) Grace Lees-Maffei
  • Made in Italy : Rethinking a Century of Italian Design. (2013) Grace Lees-Maffei
  • Why design history? : A multi-national perspective on the state and purpose of the field. (2013) Grace Lees-Maffei and Daniel J. Huppatz
  • Small Change? : Emily Post’s Etiquette (1922-2011). (2012) Grace Lees-Maffei
  • Design History : From Service Subject to Discrete Discipline. (2012) Grace Lees-Maffei and Daniel J. Huppatz
  • Introduction: Writing Design. (2012) Grace Lees-Maffei
  • Reflections on Design Activism and Social Change. (2012) Grace Lees-Maffei
  • Reflections on Design Activism and Social Change Design History Society Annual Conference, September 7-10, 2011, Barcelona. (2012) Grace Lees-Maffei
  • ‘Dressing the part(y): 1950s domestic advice books and the studied performance of informal domesticity in the UK and the US'. (2011) Grace Lees-Maffei
  • Introduction - Writing design : words, myths, practices. (2010) Grace Lees-Maffei
  • General Introduction. (2010) Grace Lees-Maffei
  • The Production-Consumption-Mediation Paradigm. (2009) G. Lees-Maffei
  • The man in the white suit: Alexander Mackendrick (1951). (2009) G. Lees-Maffei
  • Introduction: Professionalization as a Focus in Interior Design History. (2008) Grace Lees-Maffei
  • Accommodating 'Mrs. Three-in-One': homemaking, home entertaining and domestic advice literature in post-war Britain. (2007) G. Lees-Maffei
  • Show/tell : relationships between text, narrative and image. (2007) Grace Lees-Maffei
  • Dangerous Liaisons: Relationships between Design, Craft and Art. (2004) G. Lees-Maffei
  • Domestic Design Advice. (2003) Grace Lees-Maffei
  • Studying advice: historiography, methodology, commentary, bibliography. (2003) G. Lees-Maffei
  • Men, motors, markets and women. (2002) Grace Lees-Maffei
  • Italianita and Internationalism: production, design and mediation at Alessi 1976-96. (2002) G. Lees-Maffei
  • From Service to Self-Service: Advice Literature as Design Discourse, 1920–1970. (2001) G. Lees-Maffei
  • Belonging and belongings : etiquette writing as design discourse 1920-1970. (2000) Grace Lees-Maffei
  • An Analysis of the Art Craft Debate with Reference to the Work of Chatwin: Martin. (1998) Grace Lees-Maffei
  • Balancing the object: the reinvention of Alessi. (1997) Grace Lees-Maffei
  • Gottfried Semper. (1997) Grace Lees-Maffei
  • Norman Shaw. (1997) Grace Lees-Maffei