Number of items: 21.
Protein droplet actuation on superhydrophobic surfaces: A new approach toward anti-biofouling electrowetting systems. (2017)
Eli Nadia Abdul Latip,
Loic Coudron,
M.B. McDonnell,
Ian Johnston,
Daniel McCluskey,
Rodney Day
Mark Tracey
The Design of an Innovative Research Led, Undergraduate Programme for Effective Development of R&D Skills and Learning. (2016)
Daniel McCluskey,
Christabel Tan,
Mark Tracey,
Ian Johnston
Loic Coudron
The Design of an Innovative Research Led, Undergraduate Programme for Effective Development of R&D Skills and Learning. (2016)
Daniel McCluskey,
Christabel Tan,
Mark Tracey,
Ian Johnston
Loic Coudron
New Strategies towards the Next Generation of Personal Worn Bio Detector. (2016)
Loic Coudron,
T. Foat,
W. Sellors,
M. Walker,
P. Rachwal,
J. Jones,
D. Despeyroux,
M.B. McDonnell,
Daniel McCluskey,
Ian Munro,
Ian Johnston,
Christabel Tan
Mark Tracey
Analysis and design optimization of an integrated micropump-micromixer operated for bio-MEMS applications. (2014)
Cesar Cortes,
Alireza Azarbadegan,
Ian Johnston
M.C. Tracey
Dean flow focusing and separation of small microspheres within a narrow size range. (2014)
Ian Johnston,
M.B. McDonnell,
Christabel Tan,
Daniel McCluskey,
Matthew Davies
M.C. Tracey
Mechanical Characterisation of Bulk Sylgard 184 for Microfluidics and Microengineering. (2014)
Ian Johnston,
Daniel McCluskey,
Christabel Tan
M.C. Tracey
Low-cost credit card-based microfluidic devices for magnetic bead immobilisation. (2013)
Loic Coudron,
Ian Johnston,
Christabel Tan
M.C. Tracey
Dean-flow sample Clean-up to Optimise and Extend the Operational Envelope of Biodetection Systems. : Final report for the Centre for Defence Enterprise Research Project. (2011)
M.C. Tracey
Ian Johnston
Increasing pumping efficiency in a micro throttle pump by enhancing displacement amplification in an elastomeric substrate. (2010)
T. Fujiwara,
I.D. Johnston,
M.C. Tracey
C.K.L Tan
Multi-Channel Patterning of Antibodies on a Sensor Surface for Simultaneous Detection of Pathogens and Toxins. (2010)
M. J. Davies,
M.B. McDonnell,
I.D. Johnston,
E.A. Perkins
M.C. Tracey
Whole blood pumping with a microthrottle pump. (2010)
M. J. Davies,
I.D. Johnston,
C.K.L Tan
M.C. Tracey
Dual independent displacement-amplified micropumps with a single actuator. (2006)
M.C. Tracey,
I. D. Johnston,
J. B. Davis
C. K. L. Tan
Suspension-Compatible Elastomer-Glass Micropumps Employing a Linear Topology. (2006)
M.C. Tracey,
I.D. Johnston,
J.B. Davis
C. Tan
Continuously variable mixing-ratio micromixer with elastomer valves. (2005)
C. K. L. Tan,
M.C. Tracey,
J. B. Davis
I. D. Johnston
Micro throttle pump employing displacement amplification in an elastomeric substrate. (2005)
I. D. Johnston,
M.C. Tracey,
J. B. Davis
C. K. L. Tan
Microfluidic solid phase suspension transport with an elastomer-based, single piezo-actuator, micro throttle pump. (2005)
I. D. Johnston,
M.C. Tracey,
J. B. Davis
C. K. L. Tan
Elastomer-glass micropump employing active throttles. (2004)
I. D. Johnston,
J.B. Davis,
R. Richter,
G. I. Herbert
M.C. Tracey
A microfluidics-based instrument for cytomechanical studies of blood. (2000)
M.C. Tracey,
N. Sutton,
I.D. Johnston
W.A. Doetzel
Microfluidics based microcytometer: interfacing microfluidics with macrofluidics. (1998)
M.C. Tracey,
I.D. Johnston,
R. Greenaway,
N. Sutton
W.A. Doetzel
A Novel Instrument for Studying the Flow Behaviour of Erythrocytes through Microchannels Simulating Human. (1997)
N. Sutton,
M.C. Tracey,
I.D. Johnston,
R. Greenaway
M.W. Rampling