Number of items: 13.
  • Networking Innovation in the European Car Industry : Does the Open Innovation Model Fit? (2014) Mariana Dodourova and Keith Bevis
  • Plugging the gap – can planned infrastructure address resistance to adoption of electric vehicles? (2013) Keith Bevis, Austin Smyth and S. Walsh
  • How Does the British Snowman Work? : The Disruptive Characteristic of British Snow. (2012) Keith Bevis and Mariana Dodourova
  • Networking Innovation in the European Car Industry : Does the Open Innovation Model Fit? (2012) Mariana Dodourova and Keith Bevis
  • Open Innovation Readiness: a Tool. (2010) K. Bevis and A. Cole
  • The Challenges for Sustainable Skills Development in the UK Automotive Supply Sector: Policy and Implementation. (2010) K. Bevis
  • Managing Innovation in a Publicly-funded Organization : The Innovator’s Perspective. (2010) Mariana Dodourova, K.R. Randle and Keith Bevis
  • The role of social dialogue in skills initiatives: a case study approach. (2010) K. Bevis and F. Paoletti
  • The challenges for sustainable skills development in the UK automotive supply sector: policy and implementation. (2008) K. Bevis
  • Automotive Regions: Present and Future, Final Report of the Network. (2007) K. Bevis
  • Training: an inhibitor of innovation in the automotive supply chain? (2007) K. Bevis
  • Detecting innovation opportunities: the development of an online innovation tool and process for university - business engagement. (2005) E. Philpott and K. Bevis
  • Integrating the Engineering Manager. (2004) K. Bevis and A. Combes