Number of items: 26.
  • Macho, mobile and resilient? How workers with impairments are doubly disabled in project-based film and television work. (2016) Keith Randle and Kate Hardy
  • Getting in, getting on, getting out? : Women as career scramblers in the UK film and television industries. (2015) Wing Fai Leung, Rosalind Gill and K.R. Randle
  • Towards a Bourdieusian analysis of the social composition of the UK film and television workforce. (2015) Keith Randle, Cynthia Forson and Moira Calveley
  • ‘Sorry mate, you’re finishing tonight’ : A historical perspective on employment flexibility in the UK film industry. (2014) William Atkinson and K.R. Randle
  • Linking Digital Technologies and Dynamic Capabilities : A Case Study of Small Firms in the UK Audio Visual Sector. (2010) Mariana Dodourova and K.R. Randle
  • Finance, policy and industrial dynamics : The rise of co-productions in the film industry. (2007) N. Morawetz, Jane Hardy, K.R. Randle and Colin Haslam
  • From London to Los Angeles: a comparison of local labour market processes in the US and UK film industries. (2004) H. Blair, N. Culkin and K.R. Randle
  • Digital Cinema : Opportunities and Challenges. (2003) N. Culkin and K.R. Randle
  • Working in film : employment in a project-based industry. (2001) H. Blair, S. Grey and K.R. Randle
  • A Pernicious panacea: a critical evaluation of business re-engineering. (1998) Keith Randle, Susan Grey and Helen Blair
  • Further Education and the New Managerialism. (1997) Keith Randle and Norman Brady
  • Managerialism and Professionalism in the Cinderella Service. (1997) Keith Randle and norman brady
  • Rewarding Failure: operating a performance-related pay system in pharmaceutical research. (1997) Keith Randle
  • The White-coated Worker: Professional Autonomy in a Period of Change. (1996) Keith Randle
  • Monograph
  • Working Below the Line in the Studio System : Exploring Labour Processes in the UK Film Industry 1927-1950. (2013) Will Atkinson and K.R. Randle
  • Digital Cinema : Opportunities and Challenges. (2004) N. Culkin and K.R. Randle
  • 'Whither the Service Class Re-investigating the middle layers of employment in the 21st Century. (2003) K.R. Randle
  • From Hollywood to Borehamwood- Exploring nepotism and networking in US and UK freelance film careers. (2001) H. Blair, N. Culkin and K.R. Randle
  • Book
  • Virtual Workers and the Global Labour Market. (2016) Keith Randle and juliet webster
  • Other
  • Positioning Virtual Workers Within Space, Time and Social Dynamics. (2016) Keith Randle and juliet webster
  • Class and Exclusion at Work : The Case of UK Film and Television. (2015) K.R. Randle
  • The Organisation of Film and Television Production. (2011) K.R. Randle
  • Managing Innovation in a Publicly-funded Organization : The Innovator’s Perspective. (2010) Mariana Dodourova, K.R. Randle and Keith Bevis
  • Getting in and Getting on in Hollywood: Freelance Careers in an Uncertain Industry. (2009) Keith Randle and Nigel Culkin
  • Creating difference: overcoming barriers to diversity in UK film and television employment. (2007) K.R. Randle, J. Kurian and W.F. Leung
  • Managerialism and Professionalism in the 'Cinderella Service'. (2000) Keith Randle and Norman Brady