Number of items: 28.
Causes of ATtrition in CHIldren's NursinG (CATCHING): An exploratory mixed method study. (2018)
Lisa Whiting,
Stephen McKeever,
Alison Twycross
David Anderson
Association Between Experiencing Relational Bullying and Adolescent Health Related Quality of Life. (2017)
Kayleigh Chester,
Neil Spencer,
Lisa Whiting
Fiona Brooks
An Evaluation of the NHS England Youth Forum. (2016)
Lisa Whiting,
Sheila Roberts,
Jenni Etchells,
Kath Evans
Alice Williams
An examination of interprofessional education in a pre‑registration children’s nursing course. (2016)
Lisa Whiting,
Chris Caldwell
Elizabeth Akers
Effective nursing care of children and young people outside hospital. (2015)
Lisa Whiting,
Chris Caldwell,
Mary Donnelly,
Deborah Martin
Mark Whiting
Reflecting on the use of photo elicitation with children. (2015)
Lisa Whiting
We should rise to the challenge of research. (2014)
Lisa Whiting
Rethinking children’s public health : the development of an assets model. (2013)
Lisa Whiting,
S. Kendall
Wendy Wills
The importance of research and participation in formulating child health policy. (2012)
Lisa Whiting,
S. Kendall
Wendy Wills
An asset-based approach : an alternative health promotion strategy? (2012)
Lisa Whiting,
S. Kendall
Wendy Wills
Conducting qualitative research with palliative care patients : Applying Hammick's research ethics wheel. (2010)
Lisa Whiting
P.S. Vickers
Systematic review protocols: an introduction. (2010)
Lisa Whiting
Involving children in research. (2009)
Lisa Whiting
Traditional, alternative and innovative approaches to health promotion for children and young people. (2009)
Lisa Whiting
S. Miller
Semi-structured interviews : guidance for novice researchers. (2008)
Lisa Whiting
Tackling childhood obesity. (2008)
Lisa Whiting
Smacking: a family perspective. (2004)
Lisa Whiting,
M. Whiting
T. Whiting
Analysis of phenomenological data : personal reflections on Giorgi's method. (2001)
Lisa Whiting
Health promotion: the views of children's nurses. (2001)
Lisa Whiting
Review : Caring for children of differing cultures. (1999)
Lisa Whiting
Child health promotion. (1997)
Lisa Whiting
Clinical assessment of student nurses. (1997)
Lisa Whiting