Number of items: 17.
  • A 7-day high protein hypocaloric diet promotes cellular metabolic adaptations and attenuates lean mass loss in healthy males. (2017) Matt Furber, Ana Anton-Solanas, Emma Koppe, Charlotte Ashby, Michael Roberts and Justin Roberts
  • Dissecting the molecular pathways underpinning lifespan extension following exposure to Montmorency Tart Cherries. (2017) Inge Vrinds, Amber van den Elzen, Terun Desai, Michael Roberts, Christien Lokman, Lindsay Bottoms and Samantha Hughes
  • A valid and reliable nutrition knowledge questionnaire for track and field athletes. (2017) Matt Furber, Justin Roberts and Michael Roberts
  • An exploratory investigation of endotoxin levels in novice long distance triathletes, and the effects of a multi-strain probioyic/prebiotic, antioxidant intervention. (2016) Michael Roberts, Justin Roberts, Craig Suckling, Georgia Peedle and Tony G. Dawkins
  • A case study evaluation of competitors undertaking an Antarctic ultra-endurance event : nutrition, hydration and body composition variables. (2015) Scott Paulin, Justin Roberts, Michael Roberts and Ian Davis
  • The effect of a decaffeinated green tea extract formula on fat oxidation, body composition and exercise performance. (2015) Justin Roberts, Michael Roberts, Clare Thomas, Jack Weeks and Michael Tarpey
  • Assessing a commercially available sports drink on exogenous carbohydrate oxidation, fluid delivery and sustained exercise performance. (2014) Roberts, Justin, Mike Tarpey, Lindsy Kass, Richard Tarpey and Michael Roberts
  • The ingestion of protein with a maltodextrin and fructose beverage on substrate utilisation and exercise performance. (2013) Michael Tarpey, Justin Roberts, Lindsy Kass, Richard Tarpey and Michael Roberts
  • An investigative study into the influence of a commercially available carbohydrate-protein-electrolyte beverage on short term repeated exercise performance. (2012) Justin Roberts, Michael D. Tarpey, Lindsy Kass and Michael G. Roberts
  • Intracellular recording at high barometric pressures. (1992) Michael Roberts and Gordon I. McPhie
  • Ultrasound effects on miniature end plate potential discharge frquency are contingent upon acoustic environment. (1990) Mike Roberts and William Revell
  • The effects of bombesin on feeding in fish. (1988) Michael Roberts, Mark A. Beach, A. McVean and Michael C. Thorndyke
  • An accurate demand feeder for fish : suitable for microcomputer control. (1986) Mike Roberts, Gary Baker and Mark Beach
  • The effect of increased levels of endogenous nerve growth factor on mouse sympathetic ganglia. (1979) Jill R Carstairs, Fred L Pearce and Mike Roberts
  • Efffects of hypothalamic lesions on the food intake of the goldfish (Carassius auratus). (1978) Michael Roberts and George Savage
  • Behavioural effects of electrical stimulation of the hypothalamus of the goldfish (Carassius auratus). (1975) Michael Roberts and George Savage
  • A technique for obtaining the electrocardiogram of fish. (1973) Michael Roberts, George Savage and D.E. Wright