Number of items: 70.
Light leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza brassicae) : a resurgent problem in the UK. (2014)
Neal Evans,
Rishi R. Burlakoti,
Peter Gladders,
Faye Ritchie,
J.A. Turner,
Coretta Kloppel
Bruce D.L. Fitt
Arable crop disease control, climate change and food security. (2013)
Bruce D.L. Fitt,
Neal Evans,
Peter Gladders,
David Hughes
Jon S. West
Erratum: The impact of climate change on disease constraints on production of oilseed rape (vol 2, pg 143, 2010). (2011)
Neal Evans,
Michael H. Butterworth,
Andreas Baierl,
Mikhail A. Semenov,
Jon S. West,
Andrew Barnes,
Dominic Moran
Bruce D.L. Fitt
Arable crop disease control, climate change and food security. (2011)
Bruce D.L. Fitt,
Neal Evans,
P. Gladders,
David Hughes,
M.J. Jeger,
J.A. Turner
Jon S. West
Climate change and arable crop disease control : mitigation and adaptation. (2011)
Bruce D.L. Fitt,
Neal Evans,
Peter Gladders,
D. J. Hughes,
J.W. Madgwick,
M.J. Jeger,
J.A. Townsend,
J.A. Turner
Jon S. West
Effects of Leptosphaeria maculans race structure and fitness cost of virulence on management of phoma stem canker of oilseed rape. (2011)
Yongju Huang,
Marie-Helene Balesdent,
A. P. Van de Wouw,
Jenna F. Stonard,
Neal Evans,
Jon S. West,
Thierry Rouxel
Bruce D.L. Fitt
Impacts of climate change on phoma stem canker and light leaf spot on UK oilseed rape. (2011)
Bruce D.L. Fitt,
Neal Evans,
Yongju Huang,
Jon S. West
P. Gladders
Adaptation to increasing severity of phoma stem canker on winter oilseed rape in the UK under climate change. (2010)
A. P. Barnes,
A. Wreford,
M. H. Butterworth,
M.A. Semenov,
D. Moran,
Neal Evans
Bruce D.L. Fitt
Fitness cost of virulence differs between the AvrLm1 and AvrLm4 loci in Leptosphaeria maculans (phoma stem canker of oilseed rape). (2010)
Yong-Ju Huang,
Marie-Helene Balesdent,
Zi-Qin Li,
Neal Evans,
Thierry Rouxel
Bruce D.L. Fitt
Geostatistical analysis of the distribution of Leptosphaeria species causing phoma stem canker on winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus) in England. (2010)
J. F. Stonard,
B. P. Marchant,
A. O. Latunde-Dada,
Z. Liu,
Neal Evans,
P. Gladders,
M. R. Eckert
Bruce D.L. Fitt
Geographic variation in severity of phoma stem canker and Leptosphaeria maculans/L. biglobosa populations on UK winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus). (2010)
J. F. Stonard,
A. O. Latunde-Dada,
Yongju Huang,
Jon S. West,
N. Evans
Bruce D.L. Fitt
Quantitative resistance to symptomless growth of Leptosphaeria maculans (phoma stem canker) in Brassica napus (oilseed rape). (2009)
Y. J. Huang,
E. J. Pirie,
Neal Evans,
R. Delourme,
G. J. King
Bruce D.L. Fitt
Altered distribution and life cycles of major pathogens in Europe. (2009)
N. Evans,
P. Gladders,
Bruce D.L. Fitt
A. V. Tiedemann
Climate change in Europe : altered life cycles and spread of major pathogens in oilseed rape. (2009)
Neal Evans,
Peter Gladders,
Bruce D.L. Fitt
A.V. Tiedemann
Effects of fungicides on control of Leptosphaeria maculans and L. biglobosa (Phoma stem canker) in oilseed rape. (2008)
J. R. Hood,
Yongju Huang,
Neal Evans,
S. Rossall,
M. Ashworth
Bruce D.L. Fitt
Range and severity of Phoma stem canker (Leptosphaeria maculans) of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus) increased by global warming. (2008)
Neal Evans,
A. Baierl,
M.A. Semenov,
P. Gladders
Bruce D.L. Fitt
Range and severity of a plant disease increased by global warming. (2008)
Neal Evans,
Andreas Baierl,
Mikhail A. Semenov,
Peter Gladders
Bruce D.L. Fitt
Factors affecting canker and light leaf spot severity in oilseed rape. (2008)
Jon S. West,
P. Gladders,
E. Booth,
J. Thomas,
R. Jennaway,
P. Werner,
J. Bowman,
M. Nightingale,
N. Padbury,
M. Clarke,
S. L. Rogers,
D. Kenyon,
Simon D. Atkins,
Emily F. Boys,
Yongju Huang,
Neal Evans,
A. O. Latunde-Dada,
Q. Li
Bruce D.L. Fitt
Climate change and phoma stem canker. (2008)
Neal Evans,
Bruce D.L. Fitt
P. Gladders
Effect of climate on the proportions of Leptosphaeria maculans and L. biglobosa in phoma stem cankers on oilseed rape in England. (2008)
J. F. Stonard,
B. P. Marchant,
A. O. Latunde-Dada,
Z. Liu,
Neal Evans,
P. Gladders,
M. R. Eckert
Bruce D.L. Fitt
Phoma stem canker and light leaf spot on oilseed rape in a changing climate. (2008)
Bruce D.L. Fitt,
Neal Evans,
P. Gladders
Yongju Huang
Stem Canker of oilseed rape : Molecular methods and mathematical modelling to deploy durable resistance. (2008)
Neal Evans,
Bruce D.L. Fitt,
Frank van den Bosch,
M. R. Eckert,
Yongju Huang,
S. Pietravalle,
Thierry Rouxel,
Marie-Helene Balesdent,
S. Ross,
L. Gout,
Hortense Brun,
Didier Andrivon,
L. Bousset,
P. Gladders,
X. Pinochet,
A. Penaud,
M. Jedryczka,
P. Kachlicki,
A. Stachowiak,
J. Olechnowicz,
I. Happstadius,
A. Podlesna,
Michel Renard
Z. Karolewski
Resistance to infection by stealth : Brassica napus (winter oilseed rape) and Pyrenopeziza brassicae (light leaf spot). (2007)
E.F. Boys,
S.E. Roques,
N. Evans,
A.O. Latunde-Dada,
Jon S. West,
Bruce D.L. Fitt,
A.M. Ashby
J.E. Thomas
Development of phoma stem canker (Leptosphaeria maculans) and light leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza brassicae) on current and historical oilseed rape cultivars in 2003/04, 2004/05 and 2005/06 UK growing seasons. (2007)
Jenna F. Stonard,
K. Downes,
E. J. Pirie,
Bruce D.L. Fitt
Neal Evans
Effect of spray timing of flusilazole on the incidence and severity of phoma leaf spot (Leptosphaeria maculans and L. biglobosa) on winter oilseed rape. (2007)
J. R. Hood,
Neal Evans,
S. Rossall,
M. Ashworth
Bruce D.L. Fitt
Interactions between Leptosphaeria maculans, L. biglobosa and fungicides in oilseed rape. (2007)
J. R. Hood,
Neal Evans,
Peter Ashworth,
J Allin
Bruce D.L. Fitt
Leptosphaeria maculans avirulence management for durable control of phoma stem canker of oilseed rape. (2007)
Jon S. West,
Akinwunmi O. Latunde-Dada,
S. L. Rogers,
Yongju Huang,
Neal Evans
Bruce D.L. Fitt
Regional variation in UK populations of Leptosphaeria maculans and L. biglobosa (phoma stem canker) on oilseed rape. (2007)
Jenna F. Stonard,
P. Gladders,
A. O. Latunde-Dada,
Neal Evans,
Z. Liu,
M. R. Eckert,
S. Rossall
Bruce D.L. Fitt
Resistance of current and historical oilseed rape cultivars to phoma stem canker (Leptosphaeria maculans) and light leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza brassicae) in 2003/04, 2004/05 and 2005/06 growing seasons. (2007)
J. F. Stonard,
K. Downes,
E. J. Pirie,
Bruce D.L. Fitt,
Neal Evans
A. O. Latunde-Dada
Understanding symptomless growth of Leptosphaeria maculans in Brassica napus (oilseed rape) to manage phoma stem canker. (2007)
Yongju Huang,
E. J. Pirie,
Neal Evans,
R. Delourme,
G. J. King
Bruce D.L. Fitt
Development and uptake of a scheme for predicting risk of severe light leaf spot on oilseed rape. (2006)
N. Evans,
S.J. Welham,
J.F. Antoniw
Bruce D.L. Fitt
Resistance to Leptosphaeria maculans (phoma stem canker) in Brassica napus (oilseed rape) induced by Leptosphaeria biglobosa and chemical defence activators in field and controlled environments. (2006)
S. Y. Liu,
Z. Liu,
Bruce D.L. Fitt,
Neal Evans,
S. J. Foster,
Y. J. Huang,
A. O. Latunde-Dada
J. A. Lucas
Visual and PCR assessment of light leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza brassicae) on winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus) cultivars. (2006)
Z. Karolewski,
Bruce D.L. Fitt,
A.O. Latunde-Dada,
S.J. Foster,
A.D. Todd,
K. Downes
N. Evans
Temperature and leaf wetness duration affect phenotypic expression of Rlm6-mediated resistance to Leptosphaeria maculans in Brassica napus. (2006)
Y. J. Huang,
Neal Evans,
Zi-Qin Li,
M. Eckert,
A. M. Chevre,
M. Renard
Bruce D.L. Fitt
Fitness cost associated with loss of the AvrLm4 avirulence function in Leptosphaeria maculans (Phoma stem canker of oilseed rape). (2006)
Yongju Huang,
Z. Q. Li,
Neal Evans,
T. Rouxel,
Bruce D.L. Fitt
Marie-Helene Balesdent
Development of light leaf spot and phoma stem canker on a range of current and historical oilseed rape cultivars at Rothamsted in 2003/4 and 2004/5 growing seasons. (2006)
K. Downes,
Neal Evans,
E. J. Pirie
Bruce D.L. Fitt
Effects of temperature on R1m6-mediated resistance to Leptosphaeria maculans in Brassica napus. (2006)
Yongju Huang,
R. Liu,
Zi-Qin Li,
Neal Evans,
Anne-Marie Chevre,
R. Delourme,
Michel Renard
Bruce D.L. Fitt
Foreword. (2006)
Bruce D.L. Fitt,
N. Evans,
B. J. Howlett
B.M. Cooke
OREGIN collection of oilseed rape fungal pathogen isolates managed by a relational database accessible to stakeholders via the Internet. (2006)
Akinwunmi O. Latunde-Dada,
P. E. Hornby,
N. Castells-Brooke,
Neal Evans
Bruce D.L. Fitt
Prediction of the date of onset of phoma leaf spot epidemics on oilseed rape in the UK. (2006)
Neal Evans,
Andreas Baierl,
Peter Gladders,
B. Hall
Bruce D.L. Fitt
Understanding resistance of oilseed rape to Pyrenopeziza brassicae (Cylindrosporium concentricum). (2006)
K. Downes,
Neal Evans
Bruce D.L. Fitt
In vitro mutation and selection of doubled-haploid Brassica napus lines with improved resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. (2005)
S. Liu,
H. Wang,
Junhua Zhang,
Bruce D.L. Fitt,
Z. Xu,
Neal Evans,
Y. Liu,
W. Yang
X. X. Guo
Pest and disease management system for supporting winter oilseed rape decisions (PASSWORD) – validation phase. (2005)
P. Gladders,
Chris Dyer,
Bruce D.L. Fitt,
Neal Evans,
Frank van den Bosch,
A. Baierl,
J. Turner,
K. Walters,
P. Northing,
K.G. Sutherland,
S. J. P. Oxley,
V. Foster,
D. Ellerton,
N. Myers,
Andrew Selley,
M. Ashworth
B. Hall
Resistance to Leptosphaeria maculans in Brassica napus (oilseed rape) leaves (phoma leaf spot) and stems (canker). (2005)
E. J. Pirie,
Yongju Huang,
Neal Evans
Bruce D.L. Fitt
Use of risk prediction models for integrated control of diseases of oilseed rape in the UK. (2005)
Neal Evans,
S.J. Welham,
A. Baierl,
J.F. Antoniw,
K. Papastamati
Bruce D.L. Fitt
Development of a decision support system for phoma and light leaf spot in winter oilseed rape (PASSWORD project). (2004)
P. Gladders,
Chris Dyer,
Bruce D.L. Fitt,
Neal Evans,
Frank van den Bosch,
J. M. Steed,
A. Baierl,
J. D. Turner,
K. Walters,
P. Northing,
K.G. Sutherland,
S. Campbell,
D. Ellerton,
Andrew Selley,
B. Hall,
D. Naylor
C. Parker
Predicting light leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza brassicae) risk on winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus) in England and Wales, using survey, weather and crop information. (2004)
S.J. Welham,
J.A. Turner,
P. Gladders,
Bruce D.L. Fitt,
N. Evans
A. Baierl
Comparative epidemiology of Pyrenopeziza brassicae (light leaf spot) ascospores and conidia from Polish and UK populations. (2004)
Z. Karolewski,
N. Evans,
Bruce D.L. Fitt,
A. Baierl,
A.D. Todd
S.J. Foster
Biodiversity and genetic resources for Brassica napus and its major fungal pathogens within the UK Defra Oilseed RapE Genetic Improvement Network (OREGIN). (2004)
A. O. Latunde-Dada,
G. R. Teakle,
Neal Evans,
P. E. Hornby,
D. A. C. Pink,
Bruce D.L. Fitt,
G. J. King
I. R. Crute
Cloning of plant defensin and oxalic acid oxidase genes and expressions of these genes induced by pathogens and chemicals in Brassica napus. (2004)
S. Y. Liu,
Bruce D.L. Fitt,
R. H. Liu,
Neal Evans,
C. A. Dong
Yongju Huang
Development of the oilseed rape light leaf spot forecast : from model to mobile phone. (2004)
Neal Evans,
S.J. Welham,
Andreas Baierl,
J.F. Antoniw
Bruce D.L. Fitt
Stem canker of oilseed rape : molecular tools and mathematical modelling to deploy durable resistance. (2004)
Neal Evans,
Bruce D.L. Fitt,
Frank van den Bosch,
Thierry Rouxel,
Marie-Helene Balesdent,
Hortense Brun,
Didier Andrivon,
P. Gladders,
X. Pinochet,
A. Penaud,
M. Jedryczka,
P Kachlicki,
I Happstadius,
J. Meyer,
Z Karolewski
Michel Renard
Spatial aspects of light leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza brassicae) epidemic development on winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus) in the United Kingdom. (2003)
N. Evans,
A. Baierl,
S.J. Welham,
Bruce D.L. Fitt
P. Brain
Preliminary evaluation of root disease of winter oilseed rape in the UK. (2003)
Neal Evans,
J. M. Steed,
Bruce D.L. Fitt,
K. Norman,
R. Bryson,
J. Alford
P. Cavell
Development of Pyrenopeziza brassicae on oilseed rape leaves at different temperatures and wetness durations. (2003)
Z. Karolewski,
Neal Evans
Bruce D.L. Fitt
Interactive forecasting of light leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza brassicae) risk for winter oilseed rape on the internet. (2003)
Neal Evans,
J. M. Steed,
S.J. Welham,
J.F. Antoniw,
A. Baierl,
J.A. Turner,
P. Gladders
Bruce D.L. Fitt
Relation between light leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza brassicae), pod canopy size and winter oilseed rape yield in England. (2003)
Bruce D.L. Fitt,
G. D. Lunn,
J. M. Steed,
A. Baierl,
Neal Evans
P. Gladders
Stem canker of oilseed rape : molecular tools and mathematical modelling to deploy durable resistance. (2003)
Neal Evans,
Bruce D.L. Fitt,
Frank van den Bosch,
M. R. Eckert,
Yongju Huang,
S. Pietravalle,
Z. Karolewski,
Thierry Rouxel,
Marie-Helene Balesdent,
S. Ross,
L. Gout,
Hortense Brun,
Didier Andrivon,
L. Bousset,
P. Gladders,
X. Pinochet,
A. Penaud,
M. Jedryczka,
P. Kachlicki,
A. Stachowiak,
J. Olechnowicz,
A. Podlesna,
I. Happstadius,
J. Meyer
Michel Renard
Effects of light leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza brassicae) infection on canopy size and yield of oilseed rape. (2002)
G. D. Lunn,
J. M. Steed,
A. Baierl,
Neal Evans,
Bruce D.L. Fitt,
P. Gladders
D. T. Stokes
Effects of light leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza brassicae) infection on winter survival and yield of oilseed rape (Brassica napus). (2002)
A. Baierl,
Neal Evans,
J. M. Steed,
Bruce D.L. Fitt
K.G. Sutherland
Sporulation of Pyrenopeziza brassicae (light leaf spot) on oilseed rape (Brassica napus) leaves inoculated with ascospores or conidia at different temperatures and wetness durations. (2002)
Z. Karolewski,
N. Evans,
Bruce D.L. Fitt,
A.D. Todd
A. Baierl
Modelling the daily progress of light leaf spot epidemics on winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus), in relation to Pyrenopeziza brassicae inoculum concentrations and weather factors. (2002)
K. Papastamati,
F. Van Den Bosch,
S.J. Welham,
Bruce D.L. Fitt,
N. Evans
J.M. Steed
Development of a DSS for diseases and pests in winter oilseed rape. (2002)
J.G Sutherland,
Neal Evans,
Bruce D.L. Fitt,
P. Gladders,
D. Morgan,
P. Northing,
J.A. Turner,
K.F.A Walters
C. Parker
Modelling the effects of temperature and wetness duration on development of light leaf spot on oilseed rape leaves inoculated with Pyrenopeziza brassicae conidia. (2001)
T. Gilles,
Bruce D.L. Fitt,
S.J. Welham,
N. Evans,
J.M. Steed
M.J. Jeger
Epidemiology in relation to methods for forecasting light leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza brassicae) severity on winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus) in the UK. (2000)
T. Gilles,
N. Evans,
Bruce D.L. Fitt
Michael J. Jeger
Effects of stem canker (Leptosphaeria maculans) and light leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza brassicae) on yield of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus) in southern England. (2000)
Y. Zhou,
Bruce D.L. Fitt,
S.J. Welham,
N. Evans
P. Gladders
Forecasting light leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza brassicae) of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus) on the Internet. (1999)
S. D. Souter,
N.I.D Castells-Brooke,
J.F. Antoniw,
S.J. Welham,
Bruce D.L. Fitt
Neal Evans
Investigating the horizontal spatial spread of light leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza brassicae) of winter oilseed rape in the UK. (1999)
Neal Evans,
Bruce D.L. Fitt,
H. A. McCartney,
S.J. Welham
Neil McRoberts
Sampling winter oilseed rape crops to assess incidence of light leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza brassicae). (1999)
Neal Evans,
Bruce D.L. Fitt,
H. A. McCartney,
S.J. Welham
Neil McRoberts
The effect of climate on the Release of Ascospores of Leptosphaeria maculans (Stem Canker of Oilseed Rape). (1999)
Jon S. West,
Neal Evans,
P. K. Leech
Bruce D.L. Fitt