Number of items: 24.
  • Wigner's quantum phase space current in weakly anharmonic weakly excited two-state systems. (2017) Dimitris Kakofengitis and Ole Steuernagel
  • Structures far below sub-Planck scale in quantum phase-space through superoscillations. (2017) Maxime Oliva and Ole Steuernagel
  • Wigner's representation of quantum mechanics in integral form and its applications. (2017) Dimitris Kakofengitis, Maxime Oliva and Ole Steuernagel
  • 2014
  • Equivalence between free quantum particles and those in harmonic potentials and its application to instantaneous changes. (2014) Ole Steuernagel
  • 2013
  • Wigner flow reveals topological order in quantum phase space dynamics. (2013) Ole Steuernagel, Dimitris Kakofengitis and Georg Ritter
  • 2012
  • Bright and dark helices of light. (2012) Ole Steuernagel
  • 2011
  • Imprinting interference fringes in massive optomechanical systems. (2011) Ole Steuernagel
  • 2010
  • Multiobjective Optimization Applied to the Eradication of Persistent Pathogens. (2010) O. Steuernagel and D. Polani
  • 2009
  • Optical lenses for atomic beams. (2009) O. Steuernagel
  • 2005
  • Coherent transport and concentration of particles in optical traps using varying transverse beam profiles. (2005) O. Steuernagel
  • Equivalence between focused paraxial beams and the quantum harmonic oscillator. (2005) O. Steuernagel
  • Observation of Gouy-phase-induced transversal intensity changes in focused beams. (2005) O. Steuernagel, E. Yao, K. O'Holleran and M. Padgett
  • 2002
  • Quantum statistics can suppress classical interference. (2002) O. Steuernagel
  • de Broglie wavelength reduction for a multiphoton wavepacket. (2002) O. Steuernagel
  • 2001
  • A class of Symmetric controlled quantum operations. (2001) O. Steuernagel and S.F. Huelga
  • 2000
  • Explicit generation of unitary transformations in a single atom or molecule. (2000) V. Ramakrishna, R. Ober, X. Sun, O. Steuernagel, J. Botina and H. Rabitz
  • 1998
  • Second harmonic generation : the solution for an amplitude-modulated initial pulse. (1998) H. Steudel, C. Figueira de Morisson Faria, M.G.A. Paris, A.M. Kamchatnov and O. Steuernagel
  • Spontaneous parametric down-conversion for an arbitrary monochromatic pump beam. (1998) O. Steuernagel and H. Rabitz
  • Time-resolved quantum measurements using active detectors. (1998) O. Steuernagel and H. Rabitz
  • 1997
  • Phase space distributions from three-port couplers. (1997) M.G.A. Paris, A.V. Chizhov and O. Steuernagel
  • Synthesis of Fock states via beam splitters. (1997) O. Steuernagel
  • 1996
  • Decoherence: phases washed out or smeared recoil drift. (1996) O. Steuernagel
  • Spontaneous emission from an extended wave packet : field correlations. (1996) O. Steuernagel and H. Paul
  • 1995
  • Reconstructing the density operator via simple projectors. (1995) O. Steuernagel and J. Vaccaro