Number of items: 19.
  • Assessing the applicability of terrestrial laser scanning for mapping englacial conduits. (2018) J.E. Kamintzis, J. P. P. Jones, T. D. L. Irvine-Fynn, T. O. Holt, P. Bunting, S. J. A. Jennings, Philip Porter and B. Hubbard
  • Supraglacial ponds regulate runoff from Himalayan debris-covered glaciers. (2017) Tristam D. L. Irvine-fynn, Philip Porter, Ann V. Rowan, Duncan J. Quincey, Morgan J. Gibson, Jonathan W. Bridge, C. Scott Watson, Alun Hubbard and Neil F. Glasser
  • The sustainability of water resources in the High Mountain Asia in the context of recent and future glacier change. (2017) Ann V. Rowan, Duncan J. Quincey, Morgan J. Gibson, Neil F. Glasser, Matthew J. Westoby, Tristam D. L. Irvine-Fynn, Philip Porter and Michael J. Hambrey
  • Examination of a physically based, high-resolution, distributed Arctic temperature-index melt model, on Midtre Lovénbreen, Svalbard. (2014) Tristram D. L. Irvine-Fynn, E. Hanna, N.E. Barrand, Philip Porter, J. Kohler and A.J. Hodson
  • Ten Top tips to liven up your lectures! (2013) Philip Porter and Suzanne Fergus
  • Geomorphological consequences of glacier advance across a paraglacial rock avalanche deposit. (2013) Simon Cook, Philip Porter and Charles A Bendall
  • Getting the best from PowerPoint: 2 and 3-dimensional animations. (2010) P.R. Porter
  • Ice-marginal sediment delivery to the surface of a high-arctic glacier: Austre Broggerbreen, Svalbard. (2010) Philip R. Porter, Geir Vatne, Felix Ng and Tristram D. L. Irvine-Fynn
  • Recent High-Arctic glacial sediment redistribution : a process perspective using airborne lidar. (2010) T.D.L. Irvine-Fynn, N.E. Barrand, P.R. Porter, A.J. Hodson and T. Murray
  • Geotechnical controls on a steep lateral moraine undergoing paraglacial slope adjustment. (2009) A.M. Curry, T.B. Sands and P.R. Porter
  • Getting the best from PowerPoint: 2 and 3 dimensional animations. (2009) P.R. Porter
  • Quantitative particle size, microtextural and outline shape analyses of glacigenic sediment reworked by paraglacial debris flows. (2009) A.M. Curry, P.R. Porter, T.D.L. Irvine-Fynn, G. Rees, T.B. Sands and J. Puttick
  • Sediment-moss interactions on a temperate glacier: Falljökull, Iceland. (2008) P.R. Porter, A.J. Evans, A.J. Hodson, A. Lowe and M.D. Crabtree
  • Chemical denudation and silicate weathering in Himalayan glacier basins: Batura Glacier, Pakistan. (2002) A.J. Hodson, P.R. Porter, A. Lowe and P.N. Mumford
  • Composite suspended sediment particles and flocculation in glacial meltwaters: preliminary evidence from Alpine and Himalayan basins. (2002) J. Woodward, P.R. Porter, A. Lowe, D.E. Walling and A.J. Evans
  • Basal conditions beneath a soft-bedded polythermal surge-type glacier: Bakaninbreen, Svalbard. (2001) T. Murray and P.R. Porter
  • Hydraulic and mechanical properties of glacial sediments beneath Unteraargletscher, Switzerland: implications for glacier basal motion. (2001) U. Fischer, P.R. Porter, T. Schuler, A.J. Evans and H. Gudmundsson
  • Mechanical and hydraulic properties of till beneath Bakaninbreen, Svalbard. (2001) P.R. Porter and T. Murray
  • Glacier surge propagation by thermal evolution at the bed. (2000) T. Murray, G.W. Stuart, P.J. Miller, J. Woodward, A.M. Smith, P.R. Porter and H. Jiskoot