Number of items: 137.
Model fitting for small skin permeability data sets: hyperparameter optimisation in Gaussian Process Regression. (2018)
Parivash Ashrafi,
Yi Sun,
Neil Davey,
Roderick Adams,
Simon C Wilkinson
Gary Patrick Moss
Nonspecific synaptic plasticity improves the recognition of sparse patterns degraded by local noise. (2017)
Karen Safaryan,
Reinoud Maex,
Neil Davey,
Roderick Adams
Volker Steuber
Support vector regression to estimate the permeability enhancement of potential transdermal enhancers. (2016)
Alpa Shah,
Yi Sun,
Roderick Adams,
Neil Davey,
Simon Charles Wilkinson
Gary Patrick Joseph Moss
Dendritic Morphology Predicts Pattern Recognition Performance in Multi-compartmental Model Neurons with and without Active Conductances. (2015)
Giseli De Sousa,
Reinoud Maex,
R.G. Adams,
N. Davey
Volker Steuber
The application of discriminant analysis and Machine Learning methods as tools to identify and classify compounds with potential as transdermal enhancers. (2012)
Gary Moss,
A.J. Shah,
R.G. Adams,
N. Davey,
Y. Sun,
S.C. Wilkinson
W.J. Pugh
The application and limitations of mathematical modelling in the prediction of permeability across mammalian skin and polydimethylsiloxane membranes. (2011)
Gary Moss,
Yi Sun,
Simon C. Wilkinson,
N. Davey,
Roderick Adams,
Gary P. Martin,
M. Prapopopolou
Marc Brown
The application of stochastic machine learning methods in the prediction of skin penetration. (2011)
Y. Sun,
Marc Brown,
M. Prapopoulou,
N. Davey,
R. G. Adams
G. P. Moss
Clustering predicts memory performance in networks of spiking and non-spiking neurons. (2011)
W. Chen,
R. Maex,
R.G. Adams,
Volker Steuber,
L. Calcraft
N. Davey
Effect of using varying negative examples in transcription factor binding site predictions. (2011)
Faisal Rezwan,
Yi Sun,
N. Davey,
Roderick Adams,
A.G. Rust
M. Robinson
STD-dependent and independent encoding of input irregularity as spike rate in a computational model of a cerebellar nucleus neuron. (2011)
Johannes Luthman,
Freek E Hoebeek,
Reinoud Maex,
N. Davey,
Roderick Adams,
Chris I De Zeeuw
Volker Steuber
Correcting Errors in Optical Data Transmission Using Neural Networks. (2010)
S. Hunt,
Yi. Sun,
A. Shafarenko,
R.G. Adams,
N. Davey,
B. Slater,
R. Bhamber,
S. Boscolo
S.K. Turitsyn
Photometric redshift estimation using Gaussian processes. (2010)
D. Bonfield,
Yi Sun,
N. Davey,
M.J. Jarvis,
F.B. Abdalla,
M. Banerji
R.G. Adams
The application of feature selection to the development of Gaussian process models for percutaneous absorption. (2010)
L.T. Lam,
Yi Sun,
N. Davey,
Roderick Adams,
M. Prapopoulou,
Marc Brown
Gary Moss
The application of Gaussian processes in the prediction of percutaneous absorption. (2009)
Gary P. Moss,
Yi Sun,
Maria Prapopoulou,
N. Davey,
Roderick Adams,
W. John Pugh
Marc Brown
Adaptive electrical signal post-processing with varying representations in optical communication systems. (2009)
Stephen Hunt,
Yi Sun,
Alex Shafarenko,
Roderick Adams,
N. Davey,
Brendan Slater,
Ranjeet Bhamber,
Sonia Boscolo
Sergei K. Turitsyn
Connection Strategies in Associative Memory Models. (2009)
W. Chen,
R. Maex,
R.G. Adams,
L. Calcraft,
Volker Steuber
N. Davey
The Effect of Different Forms of Synaptic Plasticity on Pattern Recognition in the Cerebellar Cortex. (2009)
G. de Sousa,
R.G. Adams,
N. Davey,
R. Maex
Volker Steuber
Integrating genomic binding site predictions using real-valued meta classifiers. (2009)
Yi. Sun,
M. Robinson,
R.G. Adams,
Paul H. Kaye,
R. Te Boekhorst,
A.G. Rust
N. Davey
Using a genetic algorithm to investigate efficient connectivity in associative memories. (2009)
R.G. Adams,
L. Calcraft
N. Davey
Using pre and post-processing methods to improve binding site predictions. (2009)
Yi Sun,
C.G. Castellano,
M. Robinson,
R.G. Adams,
A.G. Rust
N. Davey
Adaptive Olfactory Encoding in Agents Controlled by Spiking Neural Networks. (2008)
N. Oros,
Volker Steuber,
N. Davey,
L. Canamero
R.G. Adams
Combining experts in order to identify binding sites in genomic data. (2008)
F. Rezwan,
Yi. Sun,
M. Robinson,
R.G. Adams,
A.G. Rust
N. Davey
Combining experts in order to identify binding sites in yeast and mouse genomic data. (2008)
M. Robinson,
C. Gonzalez Castellano,
F. Rezwan,
R.G. Adams,
N. Davey,
A.G. Rust
Yi. Sun
Efficient connection strategies in 1D and 2D associative memory models with and without displaced connectivity. (2008)
L. Calcraft,
R.G. Adams
N. Davey
Prediction of Binding Sites in the Mouse Genome Using Support Vector Machines. (2008)
Yi. Sun,
M. Robinson,
R.G. Adams,
A.G. Rust
N. Davey
Efficient architectures for sparsely-connected high capacity associative memory models. (2007)
L. Calcraft,
R.G. Adams
N. Davey
High capacity associative memory with bipolar and binary, biased patterns. (2007)
W. Chen,
R.G. Adams,
L. Calcraft,
N. Davey
Volker Steuber
Identifying binding sites in sequential genomic data. (2007)
M. Robinson,
C. Gonzalez Castellano,
R.G. Adams,
N. Davey
Yi. Sun
Optimal connection strategies in one- and two-dimensional associative memory models. (2007)
L. Calcraft,
R.G. Adams
N. Davey
Unsupervised Learning with Normalised Data and Non-Euclidean Norms. (2007)
K. Doherty,
R.G. Adams
N. Davey
Word Segmentation of Handwritten Text Using Supervised Classification Techniques. (2007)
Yi. Sun,
T. Butler,
A. Shafarenko,
R.G. Adams,
M.J. Loomes
N. Davey
Connectivity in real and evolved associative memories. (2006)
R.G. Adams,
L. Calcraft
N. Davey
High Capacity, Small World Associative Memory Models. (2006)
N. Davey,
L. Calcraft
R.G. Adams
High performance associative memory models with low wiring costs. (2006)
L. Calcraft,
R.G. Adams
N. Davey
Learning through experience: an emergent connectionist account of letter production behaviour. (2006)
F.M. Richardson,
N. Davey,
R.G. Adams
D.J. Done
Locally connected and small world associative memories in very large networks. (2006)
L. Calcraft,
R.G. Adams
N. Davey
Evolving high capacity associative memories with efficient wiring. (2005)
R.G. Adams,
L. Calcraft
N. Davey
High Capacity Recurrent Associative Memories. (2004)
N. Davey,
S. Hunt
R.G. Adams
Non-Euclidean Norms and Data Normalisation. (2004)
K. Doherty,
R.G. Adams
N. Davey
High Capacity Associative Memories and Connection Constraints. (2004)
N. Davey
R.G. Adams
Identifying word boundaries in handwritten text. (2004)
Yi. Sun,
T. Butler,
A. Shafarenko,
M.J. Loomes,
R.G. Adams
N. Davey
Optimising a Neural Tree Using Subtree Retraining. (2004)
W. Pensuwon,
R.G. Adams
N. Davey
Structured connectivity in an associative memory model. (2004)
S.P. Turvey,
S. Hunt,
R. Frank,
R.G. Adams
N. Davey
The Recognition and Analysis of Animate Objects using Neural Networks and Active Contour Models. (2002)
Ken Tabb,
N. Davey,
R.G. Adams
S. George
A Finite State Automation Model for Multi-Neuron Simulations. (2002)
M. Schilstra,
A.G. Rust,
R.G. Adams
H. Bolouri
High capacity associative memories and stochasticity. (2002)
N. Davey
R.G. Adams
Optimising a stochastic dynamic neural tree. (2002)
W. Pensuwon,
R.G. Adams
N. Davey
The Analysis of the addition of Stochasticity to a Neural Tree Classifier. (2001)
W. Pensuwon,
R.G. Adams
N. Davey
Towards Computational Neural Systems through Developmental Evolution. (2001)
A.G. Rust,
R.G. Adams,
S. George
H. Bolouri
Analysis of human motion using snakes and neural networks. (2000)
Ken Tabb,
S. George,
N. Davey
R.G. Adams
The Architecture and Performance of a Stochastic Competitive Evolutionary Neural Tree Network. (2000)
N. Davey,
R.G. Adams
S. George
Evolutionary neural topiary: growing and sculpting artifical neurons to order. (2000)
A.G. Rust,
R.G. Adams
H. Bolouri
Hierarchical Classification with a Competitive Evolutionary Neural Tree. (1999)
R.G. Adams,
K. Butchart
N. Davey
Using Conditional Execution to Exploit Instruction Level Concurrency. (1995)
R.G. Adams
S.M. Gray
Addressing Mechanisms for VLIW and Superscalar Processors. (1993)
F.L. Steven,
R.G. Adams,
G.B. Steven,
L. Wang
D. Whale
Static Instruction Scheduling for the HARP Multiple-Instruction-Issue Architecture. (1993)
S.M. Gray,
R.G. Adams,
G.J. Green
G.B. Steven
iHARP a Multiple Instruction Issue Processor Chip Incorporating RISC and VLIW Design Features. (1992)
S.A. Trainis,
P. Findlay,
G.B. Steven,
R.G. Adams
D. McHale
iHarp: a Multiple Instruction Issue Processor. (1992)
G.B. Steven,
R.G. Adams,
P. Findlay
S.A. Trainis
A Parallel Pipelined Processor with Conditional Instruction Execution. (1991)
R.G. Adams
G.B. Steven
HARP: A Parallel Pipelined RISC Processor. (1989)
G.B. Steven,
S.M. Gray
R.G. Adams
Structural plasticity and associative memory in balanced neural networks with spike-time dependent inhibitory plasticity. (2015)
Ankur Sinha,
N. Davey,
Roderick Adams
Volker Steuber
Optimization of input parameters to a CN neuron model to simulate its activity during and between epileptic absence seizures. (2015)
Parimala Alva,
Lieke Kros,
Oscar Eelkman Rooda,
C.I. De Zeeuw,
Roderick Adams,
N. Davey,
F.E. Hoebeek
Volker Steuber
The importance of hyperparameters selection within small datasets. (2015)
Parivash Ashrafi,
Yi Sun,
Neil Davey,
Roderick Adams,
Marc Brown,
Maria Prapopoulou
Gary Moss
Combining machine learning and simulations of a morphologically realistic model to study modulation of neuronal activity in cerebellar nuclei. (2014)
Parimala Alva,
Lieke Kroos,
Oscar Eelkman Rooda,
Chris I. De Zeeuw,
R.G. Adams,
N. Davey,
Freek E. Hoebeek
Volker Steuber
Synaptic plasticity and pattern recognition in cerebellar Purkinje cells. (2014)
Giseli De Sousa,
Reinoud Maex,
Roderick Adams,
N. Davey
Volker Steuber
Characterising the performance of balanced memory networks. (2013)
A. Metaxas,
Reinoud Maex,
R.G. Adams,
Volker Steuber
N. Davey
Evolution of Dendritic Morphologies Using Deterministic and Nondeterministic Genotype to Phenotype Mapping. (2013)
Parimala Alva,
Giseli De Sousa,
Ben Torben-Nielsen,
Reinoud Maex,
Roderick Adams,
N. Davey
Volker Steuber
Linear Support Vector Machines for Error Correction in Optical Data Transmission. (2013)
A. Metaxas,
A. Redyuk,
Yi Sun,
Alex Shafarenko,
N. Davey
Roderick Adams
A potential role for the cerebellar nuclei in absence seizures. (2013)
Parimala Alva,
Lieke Kroos,
Reinoud Maex,
Chris I. De Zeeuw,
R.G. Adams,
N. Davey,
Volker Steuber
Freek E. Hoebeek
Determinants of associative memory performance in spiking and non-spiking neural networks with different synaptic plasticity regimes. (2012)
A. Metaxas,
Reinoud Maex,
R.G. Adams,
Volker Steuber
N. Davey
Evolving dendritic morphology and parameters in biologically realistic model neurons for pattern recognition. (2012)
G. De Sousa,
R. Maex,
R. Adams,
N. Davey
Volker Steuber
The effect of different types of synaptic plasticity on the performance of associative memory networks with excitatory and inhibitory sub-populations. (2012)
A. Metaxas,
R. Maex,
Volker Steuber,
R. Adams
N. Davey
Non-specific LTD at parallel fibre - Purkinje cell synapses in cerebellar cortex provides robustness against local spatial noise during pattern recognition. (2011)
Karen Safaryan,
Reinoud Maex,
R.G. Adams,
N. Davey
Volker Steuber
The effect of dendritic morphology on pattern recognition in the presence of active conductances. (2011)
Giseli De Sousa,
Reinoud Maex,
R.G. Adams,
N. Davey
Volker Steuber
The application of Gaussian processes in the prediction of absorption across mammalian skin and synthetic membranes. (2010)
Y. Sun,
M. Prapopoulou,
R. Adams,
N. Davey,
G. P. Moss
Marc Brown
Evolution of bistable dynamics in spiking neural controllers for agents performing olfactory attraction and aversion. (2010)
Nicolas Oros,
Volker Steuber,
N. Davey,
Lola Cañamero
R.G. Adams
Optimization of neuronal morphologies for pattern recognition. (2010)
Giseli De Sousa,
Reinoud Maex,
R.G. Adams,
N. Davey
Volker Steuber
Predicting drug absorption rates through human skin. (2010)
Yi. Sun,
L.Y. Lam,
G.P. Moss,
M. Prapopoulou,
R.G. Adams,
N. Davey,
David Gray
Marc Brown
Using randomised vectors in transcription factor binding site predictions. (2010)
F. Rezwan,
Yi. Sun,
N. Davey,
R.G. Adams,
A.G. Rust
M. Robinson
The effect of non-specific LTD on pattern recognition in cerebellar Purkinje cells. (2010)
Karen Safaryan,
Reinoud Maex,
R.G. Adams,
N. Davey
Volker Steuber
Connection strategy and performance in sparsely connected 2D associative memory models with non-random images. (2009)
L. Calcraft,
R.G. Adams
N. Davey
Decoding of Purkinje cell pauses by deep cerebellar nucleus neurons. (2009)
Johannes Luthman,
Roderick Adams,
N. Davey,
Reinoud Maex
Volker Steuber
Evolution of bilateral symmetry in agents controlled by spiking neural networks. (2009)
N. Oros,
Volker Steuber,
N. Davey,
Lola Cañamero
R.G. Adams
The performance pf sparsley-connected 2D associative memory models with non-random images. (2009)
L. Calcraft,
Roderick Adams
N. Davey
The role of lateral inhibition in the sensory processing in a simulated spiking neural controller for a robot. (2009)
D. Bowes,
R.G. Adams,
Lola Cañamero,
Volker Steuber
N. Davey
Adaptive Electrical Signal Post-Processing in Optical Communication Systems. (2008)
Yi. Sun,
A. Shafarenko,
R.G. Adams,
N. Davey,
B. Slater,
R. Bhamber,
S. Boscolo
S.K. Turitsyn
Connectivity graphs and the performance of sparse associative memory models. (2008)
W. Chen,
R.G. Adams,
L. Calcraft,
Volker Steuber
N. Davey
Determinants of pattern recognition by cerebellar Purkinje cells. (2008)
Giseli De Sousa,
R.G. Adams,
N. Davey
Volker Steuber
Encoding sensory information in spiking neural network for the control of autonomous agents. (2008)
N. Oros,
R.G. Adams,
N. Davey,
Lola Cañamero
Volker Steuber
Optimal noise in spiking neural networks for the detection of chemicals by simulated agents. (2008)
N. Oros,
Volker Steuber,
N. Davey,
Lola Cañamero
R.G. Adams
Prediction of skin penetration using machine learning methods. (2008)
Yi Sun,
Gary Moss,
M. Prapopoulou,
Roderick Adams,
Marc Brown
N. Davey
Receptor response and soma leakiness in a simulated spiking neural controller for a robot. (2008)
D. Bowes,
R.G. Adams,
L. Canamero,
Volker Steuber
N. Davey
Using graph theoretic measures to predict the performance of associative memory models. (2008)
L. Calcraft,
R.G. Adams,
W. Chen
N. Davey
Predicting Binding Sites in the Mouse Genome. (2007)
Yi. Sun,
M. Robinson,
R.G. Adams,
N. Davey
A.G. Rust
Using real-valued meta classifiers to integrate and contextualize binding site predictions. (2007)
M. Robinson,
O. Sharabi,
Yi. Sun,
R.G. Adams,
R. Te Boekhorst,
A.G. Rust
N. Davey
Evolved patterns of connectivity in associative memory models. (2006)
R.G. Adams,
L. Calcraft
N. Davey
Gaussian and Exponential Architectures in Small-World Associative Memories. (2006)
L. Calcraft,
R.G. Adams
N. Davey
Using Feature Selection Filtering Methods for Binding Site Predictions. (2006)
Yi. Sun,
M. Robinson,
R.G. Adams,
R. Te Boekhorst,
A.G. Rust
N. Davey
Using sampling methods to improve binding site predictions. (2006)
Yi. Sun,
M. Robinson,
R.G. Adams,
R. Te Boekhorst,
A.G. Rust
N. Davey
Associative Memories with Small World Connectivity. (2005)
N. Davey,
L. Calcraft,
B. Christianson
R.G. Adams
Comparing computational and human measures of visual similarity. (2005)
T.M. Gale,
Yi. Sun,
R.G. Adams
N. Davey
Hierarchical growing neural gas. (2005)
K. Doherty,
R.G. Adams
N. Davey
Hierarchical topological clustering learns stock market sectors. (2005)
K. Doherty,
R.G. Adams,
N. Davey
W. Pensuwon
TreeGNG - hierarchical topological clustering. (2005)
K. Doherty,
R.G. Adams
N. Davey
Using real-valued metaclassifiers to integrate binding site predictions. (2005)
Yi Sun,
M. Robinson,
Roderick Adams,
Paul H. Kaye,
A.G. Rust
N. Davey
High Capacity Associative Memories and Small World Networks. (2004)
N. Davey,
B. Christianson
R.G. Adams
Design of spatially extended neural networks for specific applications. (2004)
Roderick Adams,
Rene te Boekhorst,
A.G. Rust,
Paul H. Kaye
M. Schilstra
High capacity associative memory models - binary and bipolar representation. (2004)
N. Davey,
R. Frank,
S. Hunt,
R.G. Adams
L. Calcraft
Optimising a hierarchical neural clusterer applied to large gene sequence data sets. (2004)
Roderick Adams,
N. Davey,
Paul H. Kaye
W. Pensuwon
Segmenting hand written text using supervised classification techniques. (2004)
Yi. Sun,
T. Butler,
A. Shafarenko,
M.J. Loomes,
R.G. Adams
N. Davey
Evolving computational neural systems using synthetic developmental mechanisms. (2003)
R.G. Adams,
A.G. Rust,
M. Schilstra
H. Bolouri
A Hybrid Detection and Classification System for Human Motion Analysis. (2002)
Ken Tabb,
N. Davey,
R.G. Adams
S. George
Stochastic dynamics and high capacity associative memories. (2002)
N. Davey
R.G. Adams
Comparative performances of stochastic competitive evolutionary neural tree (SCENT) with neural classifiers. (2001)
W. Pensuwon,
R.G. Adams
N. Davey
High performance associative memory models and sign constraints. (2001)
N. Davey
R.G. Adams
High performance associative memory models and weight dilution. (2001)
N. Davey,
R.G. Adams
S. Hunt
Omni-directional motion: pedestrian shape classification using neural networks and active contour models. (2001)
Ken Tabb,
S. George,
N. Davey
R.G. Adams
High performance associative memory models and symmetric connections. (2000)
N. Davey,
R.G. Adams
Stephen Hunt
Optimising a neural tree classifier using a genetic algorithm. (2000)
W. Pensuwon,
R.G. Adams
N. Davey
Stochasticity applied to a neural tree classifier. (2000)
W. Pensuwon,
R.G. Adams
N. Davey
The analysis of animate object motion using neural networks and snakes. (2000)
Ken Tabb,
S. George,
N. Davey
R.G. Adams
Detecting partial occlusion of humans using snakes and neural networks. (1999)
Ken Tabb,
N. Davey,
S. George
R.G. Adams
Developmental evolution of dendritic morphology in a multi-compartmental neuron model. (1999)
A.G. Rust
R.G. Adams
Human shape recognition from snakes using neural networks. (1999)
Ken Tabb,
N. Davey,
S. George
R.G. Adams
Staged training of Neocognitron by evolutionary algorithms. (1999)
Z. Pan,
T. Sabisch,
R.G. Adams
H. Bolouri
Analysing Hierarchical Data Using a Stochastic Evolutionary Neural Tree. (1998)
R.G. Adams,
N. Davey
S. George
Developmental evolution of an edge detecting retina. (1998)
A.G. Rust,
R.G. Adams,
S. George
H. Bolouri
Evolution of developmental ontogeny for robustly reproducible phenotypes. (1998)
A.G. Rust,
R.G. Adams,
S. George
H. Bolouri
Molecular self-organisation in a developmental model for the evolution of large-scale artificial neural networks. (1998)
H. Bolouri,
R.G. Adams,
S. George
A.G. Rust
An investigation into the performance and representation of a stochastic evolutionary neural tree. (1997)
K. Butchart,
N. Davey
R.G. Adams
Artificial evolution: modelling the development of the retina. (1996)
A.G. Rust,
R.G. Adams,
S. George
H. Bolouri
Developmental artificial neural networks for shape recognition: a model of the retina. (1996)
A.G. Rust,
S. George,
H. Bolouri
R.G. Adams
HARP: a statically scheduled multiple-instruction-issue architecture and its compiler. (1994)
R.G. Adams,
S.M. Gray
G.B. Steven
Using conditional execution to exploit instruction level concurrency. (1994)
S.M. Gray
R.G. Adams
Static instruction scheduling for the HARP multiple-instruction-issue architecture. (1992)
S.M. Gray,
R.G. Adams,
G.J. Green
G.B. Steven
HARP: a VLIW RISC processor. (1991)
P. Findlay,
S.A. Trainis,
G.B. Steven
R.G. Adams
The development of iHARP: a multiple instruction issue processor chip. (1991)
G.B. Steven,
R.G. Adams,
P. Findlay
S.A. Trainis