Number of items: 83.
Nonspecific synaptic plasticity improves the recognition of sparse patterns degraded by local noise. (2017)
Karen Safaryan,
Reinoud Maex,
Neil Davey,
Roderick Adams
Volker Steuber
Distinctive Role of KV1.1 Subunits in the Biology and Functions of Low Threshold K+ Channels with Implication for Neurological Disease. (2016)
Saak Ovsepian,
Marie Le Berre,
Volker Steuber,
Valerie O'Leary,
Christian Leibold
Oliver Dolly
Cerebellar output controls generalized spike-and-wave discharge occurence. (2015)
Lieke Kros,
Oscar Eelkman Rooda,
Jochen Spanke,
Parimala Alva,
Marijn van Dongen,
Athanasios Karapatis,
Else Tolner,
Christos Strydis,
N. Davey,
Beerend Winkelman,
Mario Negrello,
Wouter Serdijn,
Volker Steuber,
Arn van den Maagdenberg,
Chris I. De Zeeuw
Freek E. Hoebeek
Dendritic Morphology Predicts Pattern Recognition Performance in Multi-compartmental Model Neurons with and without Active Conductances. (2015)
Giseli De Sousa,
Reinoud Maex,
R.G. Adams,
N. Davey
Volker Steuber
Modeling the generation of output by the cerebellar nuclei. (2013)
Volker Steuber
Dieter Jaeger
An integrator circuit in cerebellar cortex. (2013)
Reinoud Maex
Volker Steuber
A Defined Heteromeric KV1 Channel Stabilizes the Intrinsic Pacemaking and Regulates the Efferent Code of Deep Cerebellar Nuclear Neurons to Thalamic Targets. (2013)
Saak Ovsepian,
Volker Steuber,
Marie Le Berre,
Liam O'Hara,
Valerie O'Leary
Oliver Dolly
Creating, documenting and sharing network models. (2012)
Sharon M. Crook,
James A. Bednar,
Sandra Berger,
Robert Cannon,
Andrew P. Davison,
Mikael Djurfeldt,
Jochen Eppler,
Birgit Kriener,
Steve Furber,
Bruce Graham,
Hans E. Plesser,
Lars Schwabe,
Leslie Smith,
Volker Steuber
Sacha van Albada
Clustering predicts memory performance in networks of spiking and non-spiking neurons. (2011)
W. Chen,
R. Maex,
R.G. Adams,
Volker Steuber,
L. Calcraft
N. Davey
Determinants of synaptic integration and heterogeneity in rebound firing explored with data-driven models of deep cerebellar nucleus cells. (2011)
Volker Steuber,
N.W. Schultheiss,
R.A. Silver,
E. De Schutter
D. Jaeger
STD-dependent and independent encoding of input irregularity as spike rate in a computational model of a cerebellar nucleus neuron. (2011)
Johannes Luthman,
Freek E Hoebeek,
Reinoud Maex,
N. Davey,
Roderick Adams,
Chris I De Zeeuw
Volker Steuber
Connection Strategies in Associative Memory Models. (2009)
W. Chen,
R. Maex,
R.G. Adams,
L. Calcraft,
Volker Steuber
N. Davey
The Effect of Different Forms of Synaptic Plasticity on Pattern Recognition in the Cerebellar Cortex. (2009)
G. de Sousa,
R.G. Adams,
N. Davey,
R. Maex
Volker Steuber
Patterns and pauses in Purkinje cell simple spike trains : experiments, modeling and theory. (2009)
E. De Schutter
Volker Steuber
Synaptic depression enables neuronal gain control. (2009)
J.S. Rothman,
L. Cathala,
Volker Steuber
R.A. Silver
The first second : Models of short-term memory traces in the brain. (2009)
R. Maex
Volker Steuber
Adaptive Olfactory Encoding in Agents Controlled by Spiking Neural Networks. (2008)
N. Oros,
Volker Steuber,
N. Davey,
L. Canamero
R.G. Adams
Cerebellar LTD and pattern recognition by Purkinje cells. (2007)
Volker Steuber,
W. Mittmann,
F.E. Hoebeek,
R.A. Silver,
C.I. De Zeeuw,
M. Hausser
E. De Schutter
High capacity associative memory with bipolar and binary, biased patterns. (2007)
W. Chen,
R.G. Adams,
L. Calcraft,
N. Davey
Volker Steuber
neuroConstruct: a tool for modeling networks of neurons in 3D space. (2007)
P. Gleeson,
Volker Steuber
R.A. Silver
Generation of time delays: simplified models of intracellular signalling in cerebellar Purkinje cells. (2006)
Volker Steuber,
D. Willshaw
A. van Ooyen
Passive models of neurons in the deep cerebellar nuclei: the effect of reconstruction errors. (2004)
Volker Steuber,
E. De Schutter
D. Jaeger
A biophysical model of synaptic delay learning and temporal pattern recognition in a cerebellar Purkinje cell. (2004)
Volker Steuber
D. Willshaw
Novelty detection in a Kohonen-like network with a long-term depression learning rule. (2003)
D. Theofilou,
Volker Steuber
E. De Schutter
Rank order decoding of temporal parallel fibre input patterns in a complex Purkinje cell model. (2002)
Volker Steuber
E. De Schutter
Long-term depression and recognition of parallel fibre patterns in a multi-compartmental model of a cerebellar Purkinje cell. (2001)
Volker Steuber
E. De Schutter
Adaptive leaky integrator models of cerebellar Purkinje cells can learn the clustering of temporal patterns. (1999)
Volker Steuber
D. J. Willshaw
Structural features of a close homologue of L1 (CHL1) in the mouse: a new member of the L1 family of neural recognition molecules. (1996)
J. Holm,
R. Hillenbrand,
Volker Steuber,
U. Bartsch,
M. Moos,
H. Lübbert,
D. Montag
M. Schachner
Study of Gross Muscle Fatigue During Human-Robot Interactions. (2017)
Azeemsha Thacham-Poyil,
Farshid Amirabdollahian
Volker Steuber
Input-location dependent gain modulation in cerebellar nucleus neurons. (2016)
Maria Psarrou,
Maria Schilstra,
Neil Davey,
Ben Torben-Nielsen
Volker Steuber
The role of cerebellar short-term synaptic plasticity in the pathology and medication of downbeat nystagmus. (2016)
Julia Goncharenko,
Neil Davey,
Maria Schilstra
Volker Steuber
Evolving small spiking neural networks to work as state machines for temporal pattern recognition. (2015)
Borys Wrobel,
Ahmed Abdelmotaleb,
N. Davey
Volker Steuber
Structural plasticity and associative memory in balanced neural networks with spike-time dependent inhibitory plasticity. (2015)
Ankur Sinha,
N. Davey,
Roderick Adams
Volker Steuber
Using transfer entropy to study synaptic integration in Purkinje cells. (2015)
Kirsty Kidd,
James M. Bower,
D. Polani,
N. Davey
Volker Steuber
Optimization of input parameters to a CN neuron model to simulate its activity during and between epileptic absence seizures. (2015)
Parimala Alva,
Lieke Kros,
Oscar Eelkman Rooda,
C.I. De Zeeuw,
Roderick Adams,
N. Davey,
F.E. Hoebeek
Volker Steuber
Modeling the generation of cerebellar nuclear spike output. (2015)
Volker Steuber
βCaMKII regulates bidirectional long-term plasticity in cerebellar Purkinje cells by a CaMKII/PP2B switch mechanism. (2014)
Thiago Matos Pinto,
M. Schilstra,
Volker Steuber
Antonio Roque
Combining machine learning and simulations of a morphologically realistic model to study modulation of neuronal activity in cerebellar nuclei. (2014)
Parimala Alva,
Lieke Kroos,
Oscar Eelkman Rooda,
Chris I. De Zeeuw,
R.G. Adams,
N. Davey,
Freek E. Hoebeek
Volker Steuber
Determinants of gain modulation enabled by short-term depression at an inhibitory cerebellar synapse. (2014)
Dimitris Bampasakis,
Reinoud Maex,
Neil Davey
Volker Steuber
Information theoretical analysis of differences in information transmission in cerebellar Purkinje cells across species. (2014)
Kirsty Kidd,
James M. Bower,
D. Polani,
N. Davey
Volker Steuber
Evolving spiking neural networks for temporal pattern recognition in the presence of noise. (2014)
Ahmed Abdelmotaleb,
N. Davey,
M. Schilstra,
Volker Steuber
Borys Wrobel
Multiplicative gain modulation arising from inhibitory synaptic plasticity in the cerebellar nuclei. (2014)
Dimitris Bampasakis,
Reinoud Maex,
N. Davey
Volker Steuber
Synaptic plasticity and pattern recognition in cerebellar Purkinje cells. (2014)
Giseli De Sousa,
Reinoud Maex,
Roderick Adams,
N. Davey
Volker Steuber
Short-term depression of inhibitory Purkinje cell synapses enhances gain modulation in the cerebellar nuclei. (2013)
Dimitris Bampasakis,
Reinoud Maex,
N. Davey
Volker Steuber
Characterising the performance of balanced memory networks. (2013)
A. Metaxas,
Reinoud Maex,
R.G. Adams,
Volker Steuber
N. Davey
Evolution of Dendritic Morphologies Using Deterministic and Nondeterministic Genotype to Phenotype Mapping. (2013)
Parimala Alva,
Giseli De Sousa,
Ben Torben-Nielsen,
Reinoud Maex,
Roderick Adams,
N. Davey
Volker Steuber
Filamentous actin binding enables betaCaMKII to regulate bidirectional plasticity in cerebellar Purkinje cells. (2013)
T.M. Pinto,
M. Schilstra
Volker Steuber
From evolving artificial gene regulatory networks to evolving spiking neural networks for pattern recognition. (2013)
Ahmed Abdelmotaleb,
M. Schilstra,
N. Davey,
Volker Steuber
Borys Wrobel
Interoperability in the GENESIS 3.0 Software Federation : the NEURON Simulator as an Example. (2013)
Hugo Cornelis,
Dimitris Bampasakis,
Volker Steuber
James M. Bower
The implications of evolutionary changes in the dendritic morphology of cerebellar Purkinje cells for information processing. (2013)
Kirsty Kidd,
Hugo Cornelis,
James M. Bower,
D. Polani,
N. Davey
Volker Steuber
A potential role for the cerebellar nuclei in absence seizures. (2013)
Parimala Alva,
Lieke Kroos,
Reinoud Maex,
Chris I. De Zeeuw,
R.G. Adams,
N. Davey,
Volker Steuber
Freek E. Hoebeek
Determinants of associative memory performance in spiking and non-spiking neural networks with different synaptic plasticity regimes. (2012)
A. Metaxas,
Reinoud Maex,
R.G. Adams,
Volker Steuber
N. Davey
Does CamKII decode ca2+ oscillations? (2012)
T.M. Pinto,
M. Schilstra
Volker Steuber
Evolving dendritic morphology and parameters in biologically realistic model neurons for pattern recognition. (2012)
G. De Sousa,
R. Maex,
R. Adams,
N. Davey
Volker Steuber
NeuroML. (2012)
Padraig Gleeson,
Volker Steuber,
Angus Silver
Sharon Crook
The Open Source Brain Initiative : enabling collaborative modelling in computational neuroscience. (2012)
Padraig Gleeson,
Eugenio Piasini,
Sharon Crook,
Robert Cannon,
Volker Steuber,
Dieter Jaeger,
Sergio Solinas,
Egidio D'Angelo
R. Angus Silver
The effect of different types of synaptic plasticity on the performance of associative memory networks with excitatory and inhibitory sub-populations. (2012)
A. Metaxas,
R. Maex,
Volker Steuber,
R. Adams
N. Davey
The effective calcium/calmodulin concentration determines the sensitivity of CaMKII to the frequency of calcium oscillations. (2012)
T.M. Pinto,
M. Schilstra
Volker Steuber
The Beneficial Effects of Non-specific Synaptic Plasticity for Pattern Recognition in Auto-associative Memory. (2011)
L. Calcraft,
Reinoud Maex,
N. Davey
Volker Steuber
Non-specific LTD at parallel fibre - Purkinje cell synapses in cerebellar cortex provides robustness against local spatial noise during pattern recognition. (2011)
Karen Safaryan,
Reinoud Maex,
R.G. Adams,
N. Davey
Volker Steuber
The effect of dendritic morphology on pattern recognition in the presence of active conductances. (2011)
Giseli De Sousa,
Reinoud Maex,
R.G. Adams,
N. Davey
Volker Steuber
Computer Simulation Environments. (2010)
Padraig Gleeson,
Angus Silver
Volker Steuber
Evolution of bistable dynamics in spiking neural controllers for agents performing olfactory attraction and aversion. (2010)
Nicolas Oros,
Volker Steuber,
N. Davey,
Lola Cañamero
R.G. Adams
Optimization of neuronal morphologies for pattern recognition. (2010)
Giseli De Sousa,
Reinoud Maex,
R.G. Adams,
N. Davey
Volker Steuber
The effect of non-specific LTD on pattern recognition in cerebellar Purkinje cells. (2010)
Karen Safaryan,
Reinoud Maex,
R.G. Adams,
N. Davey
Volker Steuber
Decoding of Purkinje cell pauses by deep cerebellar nucleus neurons. (2009)
Johannes Luthman,
Roderick Adams,
N. Davey,
Reinoud Maex
Volker Steuber
Evolution of bilateral symmetry in agents controlled by spiking neural networks. (2009)
N. Oros,
Volker Steuber,
N. Davey,
Lola Cañamero
R.G. Adams
The role of lateral inhibition in the sensory processing in a simulated spiking neural controller for a robot. (2009)
D. Bowes,
R.G. Adams,
Lola Cañamero,
Volker Steuber
N. Davey
Computational Intelligence in Electrophysiology: Trends and Open Problems. (2008)
C. Gunay,
T.G. Smolinski,
W.W. Lytton,
T.M. Morse,
P. Gleeson,
S. Crook,
Volker Steuber,
R.A. Silver,
H. Voicu,
P. Andrews,
H. Bokil,
H. Maniar,
C. Loader,
S. Mehta,
D. Kleinfeld,
D. Thomson,
P.P. Mitra,
G. Aaron
J-M. Fellous
Connectivity graphs and the performance of sparse associative memory models. (2008)
W. Chen,
R.G. Adams,
L. Calcraft,
Volker Steuber
N. Davey
Determinants of pattern recognition by cerebellar Purkinje cells. (2008)
Giseli De Sousa,
R.G. Adams,
N. Davey
Volker Steuber
Encoding sensory information in spiking neural network for the control of autonomous agents. (2008)
N. Oros,
R.G. Adams,
N. Davey,
Lola Cañamero
Volker Steuber
A European collaboration on cerebellar LTD and pattern recognition. (2008)
E. De Schutter
Volker Steuber
Optimal noise in spiking neural networks for the detection of chemicals by simulated agents. (2008)
N. Oros,
Volker Steuber,
N. Davey,
Lola Cañamero
R.G. Adams
Receptor response and soma leakiness in a simulated spiking neural controller for a robot. (2008)
D. Bowes,
R.G. Adams,
L. Canamero,
Volker Steuber
N. Davey
Using neuroConstruct to develop and modify biologically detailed 3D neuronal network models in health and disease. (2008)
P. Gleeson,
Volker Steuber
R.A. Silver
Using NeuroML and neuroConstruct to build neuronal network models for multiple simulators. (2007)
Padraig Gleeson,
Sharon Crook,
Volker Steuber
R. Angus Silver
Modeling of neurons with active dendrites. (2001)
Erik De Schutter
Volker Steuber
A computational study of parallel fibre LTD as a learning mechanism in cerebellar Purkinje cells. (2000)
Volker Steuber
E. De Schutter
Computational models of synaptic delay adaptation by phosphorylation of metabotropic glutamate receptors. (1998)
Volker Steuber,
A. van Ooyen
D. J. Willshaw
Modelling the control of calcium oscillations by phosphorylation of metabotropic glutamate receptors. (1998)
Volker Steuber
D J Willshaw
How a single Purkinje cell could learn the adaptive timing of the classically conditioned eye-blink response. (1997)
Volker Steuber
David Willshaw
The dual role of calcium in synaptic plasticity at the motor endplate. (1997)
S. R. H. Joseph,
Volker Steuber
D. J. Willshaw