Items where Author is "<span class="person_name">Avison, A.</span>"
Number of items: 10.
  • ALMA Observations of Ly-alpha Blob 1: Halo Substructure Illuminated from Within. (2016) J.~E. Geach, D. Narayanan, Y. Matsuda, M. Hayes, L. Mas-Ribas, M. Dijkstra, C.~C. Steidel, S.~C. Chapman, R. Feldmann, A. Avison, O. Agertz, Y. Ao, M. Birkinshaw, M.~N. Bremer, D.~L. Clements, H. Dannerbauer, D. Farrah, C.~M. Harrison, M. Kubo, M.~J. Michalowski, D. Scott, M. Spaans, J.~M. Simpson, A.~M. Swinbank, Y. Taniguchi, P. van der Werf, A. Verma and T. Yamada
  • Excited-state hydroxyl maser catalogue from the methanol multibeam survey -- I. Positions and Variability. (2016) A. Avison, L. J. Quinn, G. A. Fuller, J. L. Caswell, J. A. Green, S. L. Breen, S. P. Ellingsen, M. D. Gray, M. Pestalozzi, M. A. Thompson and M. A. Voronkov
  • The 6-GHz methanol multibeam maser catalogue - V. Galactic longitudes 20deg-60deg. (2015) S.~L. Breen, G.~A. Fuller, J.~L. Caswell, J.~A. Green, A. Avison, S.~P. Ellingsen, M.~D. Gray, M. Pestalozzi, L.~J. Quinn, A.~M.~S. Richards, M.~A. Thompson and M.~A. Voronkov
  • The mid-infrared environments of 6.7 GHz methanol masers from the Methanol Multi-Beam Survey. (2013) M. Gallaway, M. A. Thompson, P.W. Lucas, G.A. Fuller, J.L. Caswell, J.A. Green, M. A. Voronkov, S.L. Breen, L. Quinn, S.P. Ellingsen, A. Avison, D. Ward-Thompson and J. Cox
  • The 6-GHz methanol multibeam maser catalogue IV. : Galactic longitudes 186deg-330deg including the Orion-Monoceros region. (2012) J.A. Green, J.L. Caswell, G.A. Fuller, A. Avison, S.L. Breen, S.P. Ellingsen, M.D. Gray, M. Pestalozzi, L. Quinn, Mark Thompson and M. A. Voronkov
  • The 6-GHz methanol multibeam maser catalogue - III. Galactic longitudes 330° to 345°. (2011) J.L. Caswell, J.A. Green, S.L. Breen, M.A. Voronkov, G.A. Fuller, A. Avison, M.D. Gray, L. Quinn, S.L. Breen, S.P. Ellingsen, M.R. Pestalozzi and Mark Thompson
  • Major structures of the inner galaxy delineated by 6.7 GHz methanol masers. (2011) J.A. Green, J.L. Caswell, N. McClure-Griffiths, A. Avison, S.L. Breen, M. Burton, S. Ellingsen, G.A. Fuller, M.D. Gray, M. Pestalozzi, M.A. Thompson and M. Voronkov
  • The 6-GHz methanol multibeam maser catalogue – I. Galactic Centre region, longitudes 345° to 6°. (2010) J.L. Caswell, G.A. Fuller, J.A. Green, A. Avison, S.L. Breen, K. Brooks, M.G. Burton, A. Chrysostomou, J. Cox, P.J. Diamond, S. Ellingsen, M.D. Gray, M.G. Hoare, M.R.W. Masheder, N. McClure-Griffiths, M. Pestalozzi, C. Phillips, L. Quinn, M.A. Thompson, M. Voronkov, A. Walsh, D. Ward-Thompson, D. Wong-McSweeney, J.A. Yates and R.J. Cohen
  • The 6-GHz methanol multibeam maser catalogue – II. Galactic longitudes 6° to 20°. (2010) J.A. Green, J.L. Caswell, G.A. Fuller, A. Avison, S.L. Breen, S. Ellingsen, M.D. Gray, M. Pestalozzi, L. Quinn, M.A. Thompson and M. Voronkov
  • The 6-GHz multibeam maser survey – I. Techniques. (2009) J.A. Green, J.L. Caswell, G.A. Fuller, A. Avison, S.L. Breen, K. Brooks, M. Burton, A. Chrysostomou, J. Cox, P.J. Diamond, S. Ellingsen, M.D. Gray, M.G. Hoare, M.R.W. Masheder, N. McClure-Griffiths, M. Pestalozzi, C. Phillips, L. Quinn, M.A. Thompson, M. Voronkov, A. Walsh, D. Ward-Thompson, D. Wong-McSweeney, J.A. Yates and R.J. Cohen