Items where Author is "<span class="person_name">Boote, Jonathan</span>"
Number of items: 32.
  • ‘We’re passengers sailing in the same ship, but we have our own berths to sleep in’: Evaluating patient and public involvement within a regional research programme: An action research project informed by Normalisation Process Theory. (2019) Julia Keenan, Fiona Poland, Jonathan Boote, Amanda Howe, Helena Wythe, Anna Varley, Penelope Vicary, Lisa Irvine and Amander Wellings
  • Physiotherapy for Patients with Sciatica Awaiting Lumbar Micro-Discectomy Surgery: a Nested, Qualitative Study of Patients’ Views and Experiences. (2017) Jonathan Boote, Ruth Newsome, Michael Reddington, Ashley Cole and Munya Dimairo
  • Cross-sector surveys assessing perceptions of key stakeholders towards barriers, concerns and facilitators to the appropriate use of adaptive designs in confirmatory trials. (2015) Munyaradzi Dimairo, Steven Julious, Susan Todd, Jonathan Nicholl and Jonathan Boote
  • Supporting public involvement in research design and grant development : A case study of a public involvement award scheme managed by a National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Research Design Service (RDS). (2015) Jonathan Boote, Maureen Twiddy, Wendy Baird, Yvonne Birks, Clare Clarke and Daniel Beever
  • Missing steps in a staircase : a qualitative study of the perspectives of key stakeholders on the use of adaptive designs in confirmatory trials. (2015) Munya Dimairo, Jonathan Boote, Steven A. Julious, Jon Nicholl and Susan Todd
  • 'Talking the talk or walking the walk?' : A bibliometric review of the literature on public involvement in health research published between 1995 and 2009. (2015) Jonathan Boote, Ruth Wong and Andrew Booth
  • Stroke survivor and carer involvement in, and engagement with, studies adopted onto the NIHR Stroke Research Network portfolio : Questionnaire survey. (2015) Jonathan Boote, Z. Jones, C. J. Mckevitt, C. Wallace-Watson and H. Rodgers
  • Improving management of type 1 diabetes in the UK: the Dose Adjustment for Normal Eating (DAFNE) programme as a research test-bed. A mixed-method analysis of the barriers to and facilitators of successful diabetes self-management, a health economic analysis, a cluster randomised controlled trial of different models of delivery of an educational intervention and the potential of insulin pumps and additional educator input to improve outcomes. (2014) Simon Heller, Julia Lawton, Stephanie Amiel, Debbie Cooke, Peter Mansell, Alan Brennan, Jackie Elliot and Jonathan Boote
  • 'But is it a question worth asking?' : A reflective case study describing how public involvement can lead to researchers' ideas being abandoned. (2014) Jonathan Boote, Mary Dalgleish, Janet Freeman, Zena Jones, Marianne Miles and Helen Rodgers
  • Dyadic art psychotherapy : Key principles, practices and competences. (2014) Elizabeth Taylor Buck, Kim Dent-Brown, Glenys Parry and Jonathan Boote
  • Preventing and lessening exacerbations of asthma in school-age children associated with a new term (PLEASANT) : Study protocol for a cluster randomised control trial. (2013) Michelle J. Horspool, Steven A. Julious, Jonathan Boote, Mike J. Bradburn, Cindy L. Cooper, Sarah Davis, Heather Elphick, Paul Norman, W. H. Smithson and Tjeerd vanStaa
  • Can the impact of public involvement on research be evaluated? : A mixed methods study. (2012) Rosemary Barber, Jonathan Boote, Glenys D. Parry, Cindy L. Cooper, Philippa Yeeles and Sarah Cook
  • Involving the public in systematic reviews : A narrative review of organizational approaches and eight case examples. (2012) Jonathan Boote, Wendy Baird and Anthea Sutton
  • Evaluating the impact of service user involvement on research : A prospective case study. (2011) Rosemary Barber, Peter Beresford, Jonathan Boote, Cindy Cooper and Alison Faulkner
  • Public involvement in the systematic review process in health and social care : A narrative review of case examples. (2011) Jonathan Boote, Wendy Baird and Anthea Sutton
  • Public involvement in the design and conduct of clinical trials : A review. (2011) Jonathan Boote, Wendy Baird and Anthea Sutton
  • Public involvement at the design stage of primary health research : A narrative review of case examples. (2010) Jonathan Boote, Wendy Baird and Claire Beecroft
  • Critical perspectives on 'consumer involvement' in health research : Epistemological dissonance and the know-do gap. (2010) Paul R. Ward, Jill Thompson, Rosemary Barber, Christopher J. Armitage, Jonathan Boote, Cindy L. Cooper and Georgina L. Jones
  • Health researchers' attitudes towards public involvement in health research. (2009) Jill Thompson, Rosemary Barber, Paul R. Ward, Jonathan Boote, Cindy L. Cooper, Christopher J. Armitage and Georgina Jones
  • Involving consumers successfully in NHS research : A national survey. (2007) Rosemary Barber, Jonathan Boote and Cindy L. Cooper
  • Psychosocial interventions for people with moderate to severe dementia : A systematic review. (2006) Jonathan Boote, Vincent Lewin, Catherine Beverley and Jane Bates
  • What is it like to use hip protectors? : A qualitative study of the views and experiences of nurses and patients. (2006) Robert Ledsham, Jonathan Boote, Audrey Kirkland and Susan Davies
  • Principles and indicators of successful consumer involvement in NHS research : Results of a Delphi study and subgroup analysis. (2006) Jonathan Boote, Rosemary Barber and Cindy Cooper
  • What does it mean to involve consumers successfully in NHS research? : A consensus study. (2004) Rosemary Telford, Jonathan Boote and Cindy L. Cooper
  • Psychosocial interventions for people with a milder dementing illness : A systematic review. (2004) Jane Bates, Jonathan Boote and Catherine Beverley
  • A theoretical exploration and model on consumer expectations, post-purchase affective states and affective behaviours. (2003) Jessica Santos and Jonathan Boote
  • Consumer involvement in health research : A review and research agenda. (2002) Jonathan Boote, Rosemary Telford and Cindy Cooper
  • Consumer involvement in health research : Fact or fiction? (2002) R. Telford, C. A. Beverley, C. L. Cooper and Jonathan Boote
  • "Saying is one thing: doing is another" : the role of observation in marketing research. (1999) Jonathan Boote and Ann Mathews
  • Towards a comprehensive taxonomy and model of consumer complaining behaviour. (1998) Jonathan Boote
  • Other
  • RESEARCH DESIGN BOUNDARIES FOR QUALITATIVE RESEARCH, STAKEHOLDER AND PATIENT AND PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT, AND WHY THEY MATTER. (2017) Julia Keenan, Fiona Poland, Patricia Wilson, Elspeth Mathie, Jonathan Boote, Anna Varley, Helena Wythe, Penny Vicary, Marion Cowe, Diane Munday and Amanda Howe
  • Evaluating the impact of public involvement on research. (2012) Rosemary Barber, Jonathan Boote, Glenys Parry, Cindy Cooper and Philippa Yeeles