Items where Author is "<span class="person_name">Bowes, David</span>"
Number of items: 22.
  • Authors' Reply to “Comments on 'Researcher Bias: : The Use of Machine Learning in Software Defect Prediction. (2018) Martin Shepperd, Tracy Hall and David Bowes
  • Reproducibility and Replicability of Software Defect Prediction Studies. (2018) Zaheed Mahmood, David Bowes, Tracy Hall, Peter Lane and Jean Petric
  • The Relationship between Evolutionary Coupling and Defects in Large Industrial Software. (2017) Serkan Kirbas, Bora Caglayan, Tracy Hall, Steve Counsell, David Bowes, Alper Sen and Ayse Bener
  • Software defect prediction: do different classifiers find the same defects? (2017) David Bowes, Tracy Hall and Jean petric
  • Building an Ensemble for Software Defect Prediction Based on Diversity Selection. (2016) Jean Petri, David Bowes, Tracy Hall, Bruce Christianson and Nathan Baddoo
  • Mutation-aware fault prediction. (2016) David Bowes, Tracy Hall, Mark Harman, Yue Jia, Federica Sarro and Fan Wu
  • Editorial. (2016) Federica Sarro, Tracy Hall, Nathan Baddoo, Jim Buckley, Michael English, Steve Counsell, John Noll, Austen Rainer, Klaas Jan-Stol, Dara O'Connor, Norah Power, David Bowes, Silvia Abrahao, Francesca Arcelli Fontana, Paris Avgeriou, Nour Ali, M. Ali Babar, Maria Teresa Baldassarre, Stefan Biffl, O. Pearl Brereton, David Budgen, Bora Çaglayan, James Cain, Danilo Caivano, Andrea Capiluppi, Jeffrey Carver, Stuart Charters, Marcus Ciolkowski, Tony Clear, Daniela S. Cruzes, Maya Daneva, Oscar Dieste, Tore Dybå, Davide Falessi, Filomena Ferrucci, Xavier Franch, Matthias Galster, Matt Gatrell, Marcela Genero, Daniel Graziotin, Rachel Harrison, Sebastian Herold, Martin Höst, Naveed Ikram, Jacky Keung, Jens Krinke, Marco Kuhrmann, Sherlock Licorish, Lech Madeyski, Emilia Mendes, Daniel Méndez Fernández, Tim Menzies, Sandro Morasca, Matthias Müller, Jürgen Münch, Nachiappan Nagappan, Mahmood Niazi, Birgit Penzenstadler, Dietmar Pfahl, Dietmar Pfahl, Lutz Prechelt, Lukasz Radlinski, Paul Ralph, Daniel Rodríguez, Giuseppe Scanniello, Helen Sharp, Martin Shepperd, Fabio Q B Da Silva, Dag I K Sjøberg, Martin Solari, Mark Staples, Klaas Jan Stol, Mikael Svahnberg, Marco Torchiano, Guilherme Travassos, Giuseppe Visaggio, Stefan Wagner, Dietmar Winkler, Krzysztof Wnuk, Krzysztof Wnuk, Murray Wood, Aiko Yamashita, He Zhang, Breno França, Silverio Martínez-Fernández, Fitsum Meshesha, Kai Mindermann, Rainer Niedermayr, Tosin Daniel Oyetoyan, Talita Ribeiro, Melanie Stade, Mansooreh Zahedi and Marco Zanoni
  • Different classifiers find different defects although with different level of consistency. (2015) David Bowes, Tracy Hall and Jean Petrić
  • Some code smells have a significant but small effect on faults. (2014) Tracy Hall, Min Zhang, David Bowes and Yi Sun
  • Researcher bias : The use of machine learning in software defect prediction. (2014) Martin Shepperd, David Bowes and Tracy Hall
  • DConfusion: A technique to allow cross study performance evaluation of fault prediction studies. (2014) David Bowes, Tracy Hall and David Gray
  • The inconsistent measurement of Message Chains. (2013) David Bowes, David Randall and Tracy Hall
  • Comparing the performance of fault prediction models which report multiple performance measures : recomputing the confusion matrix. (2012) David Bowes, Tracy Hall and David Gray
  • SLuRp: a tool to help large complex systematic literature reviews deliver valid and rigorous results. (2012) David Bowes, Tracy Hall and Sarah Beecham
  • The State of Machine Learning Methodology in Software Fault Prediction. (2012) Tracy Hall and David Bowes
  • A Systematic Literature Review on Fault Prediction Performance in Software Engineering. (2012) Tracy Hall, Sarah Beecham, David Bowes, D. Gray and S. Counsell
  • Developing Fault-Prediction Models : What the research can show industry. (2011) Tracy Hall, Sarah Beecham, David Bowes, David Gray and Steve Counsell
  • Further thoughts on precision. (2011) D. Gray, David Bowes, Neil Davey, Yi Sun and B. Christianson
  • Further thoughts on precision. (2011) D. Gray, David Bowes, N. Davey, Yi Sun and B. Christianson
  • The misuse of the NASA metrics data program data sets for automated software defect prediction. (2011) D. Gray, David Bowes, N. Davey, Yi Sun and B. Christianson
  • Evaluating Three Approaches to Extracting Fault Data from Software Change Repositories. (2010) Tracy Hall, David Bowes, Gernot Liebchen and Paul Wernick
  • Software defect prediction using static code metrics underestimates defect-proneness. (2010) David Gray, David Bowes, N. Davey, Yi Sun and B. Christianson