Items where Author is "<span class="person_name">Britton, C.</span>"
Number of items: 54.
  • Using an expert panel to validate a requirements software process improvement model. (2005) S. Beecham, T. Hall, C. Britton, M. Cottee and A. Rainer
  • The development and evaluation of a software prototype for computer adaptive testing. (2004) Mariana Lilley, T. Barker and C. Britton
  • Investigating the Influence of Structure on User Performance with UML Interaction Diagrams. (2003) M. Kutar, C. Britton, T. Barker and J. Swan
  • Validating a requirements process improvement model. (2003) S. Beecham, T. Hall, C. Britton, M. Cottee and A. Rainer
  • The use of a co-operative student model of learner characteristics to configure a multimedia application. (2002) T. Barker, S. Jones, C. Britton and D.J. Messer
  • Cognitive Dimensions of Notations: Design Tools for Cognitive Technology. (2001) A.F. Blackwell, C. Britton, A. Cox, T. Green, C. Gurr, G. Kadoda, M. Kutar, M.J. Loomes, C.L. Nehaniv, M. Petre, C. Roast, C. Roe, A. Wong and R.M. Young
  • The Cognitive Dimensions of an Artifact vis-a-vis Individual Human Users : Studies with Notations for the Temporal. (2001) M. Kutar, C.L. Nehaniv, C. Britton and S. Jones
  • Models for effective analysis of systems: an industrial case study. (2001) R.M. Myers, A. Kaposi, C. Britton and J. Kaposi
  • Specifying Multiple Time Granularities in Interactive Systems. (2001) M. Kutar, C. Britton and C.L. Nehaniv
  • Conference or Workshop Item
  • Automated Feedback for a Computer-Adaptive Test: A Case Study. (2005) M. Lilley, T. Barker and C. Britton
  • Other
  • Computer adaptive assessment and its use in the development of a student model for blended learning. (2006) T. Barker, Mariana Lilley and C. Britton
  • An empirical study of factors that affect user performance when using UML interaction diagrams. (2005) J. Swan, T. Barker, C. Britton and M. Kutar
  • User Preference and Performance with UML Interaction Diagrams. (2004) J. Swan, M. Kutar, T. Barker and C. Britton
  • Making chalk and talk accessible. (2003) S. Bennett, J. Hewitt, D. Kraithman and C. Britton
  • A Comparison of Empirical Study and Cognitive Dimensions Analysis in the Evaluation of UML Diagrams. (2002) M. Kutar, C. Britton and T. Barker
  • An Empirical Study of User Preference and Performance with UML Diagrams. (2002) C. Britton, M. Kutar, S. Anthony, T. Barker, S. Beecham and V. Wilkinson
  • Individual cognitive style and performance in a multimedia learning application. (1999) T. Barker, S. Jones, C. Britton and D.J. Messer
  • Investigation into the effect of language on performance in a multimedia food studies application. (1999) T. Barker, S. Jones and C. Britton
  • On the representation of time in interaction. (1999) M. Kutar, C. Britton and S. Jones
  • Report of a pilot study of individually configurable multimedia learning prototypes in the development of a co-operative student model of learner characteristics. (1999) T. Barker, S. Jones, C. Britton and D.J. Messer
  • Speedy services : time, usability and E-Commerce. (1999) M. Kutar, C. Britton and S. Jones
  • Temporal requirements and the human computer interface : not just an afterthought. (1999) M. Kutar, C. Britton and S. Jones
  • Time in specifications : what exactly are we trying to specify? (1999) M. Kutar, C. Britton and S. Jones
  • A first programming language for information systems students. (1998) A. Jefferies and C. Britton
  • The untrained eye : how languages for software specification support understanding in untrained users. (1998) C. Britton and S. Jones
  • Creating multimedia learning applications in a further education environment. (1997) T. Barker, S. Jones, C. Britton and D.J. Messer
  • Towards a framework for selecting notations for modelling requirements. (1997) S. Jones, C. Britton and W. Lam
  • Use of case-based reasoning in the context-specific selection of notations for requirements specification. (1997) S. Jones, V. Shankararaman and C. Britton
  • Using multimedia case study material for teaching requirements engineering. (1997) S. Jones and C. Britton
  • Which properties make a modelling notation easy for untrained users to understand? (1997) C. Britton and S. Jones
  • The creation of task-based differentiated learning materials for students with learning difficulties and/or disabilities. (1997) T. Barker, S. Jones and C. Britton
  • The development and application of multimedia in learning: a survey of literature. (1997) T. Barker, S. Jones, C. Britton and D.J. Messer
  • A graphical representation for communicating sequential processes. (1997) M. Kutar, C. Britton and S. Jones
  • The untrained eye : what makes a representation easy for novice readers to understand? (1997) C. Britton and S. Jones
  • Notations for modelling multimedia systems. (1996) C. Britton, S. Jones, M. Myers and M. Sharif
  • An investigation into the measurement of notations used in software modelling. (1996) C. Britton, S. Jones, M. Myers and M. Sharif
  • A new notation for modelling multimedia systems with three case studies. (1996) C. Britton, S. Jones, M. Myers and M. Sharif
  • The special requirements of multimedia systems: how to choose the most effective modelling notations. (1996) C. Britton, S. Jones, M. Myers and M. Sharif
  • A survey of tools for modelling multimedia systems. (1996) C. Britton, S. Jones, M. Myers and M. Sharif
  • Early elicitation and definition of requirements for an interactive multimedia information system. (1995) S. Jones and C. Britton
  • Implementing associations between objects. (1994) A. Mayes, B. Dickerson and C. Britton
  • Increasing the usability of formal specification techniques through a combination of complementary formal languages and automated verification tools. (1994) P.N. Taylor and C. Britton
  • Applying techniques from foreign language teaching to computer science. (1993) A. Derrick, C. Britton and J. Sapsford-Francis
  • Coding or comprehension? The essence of software system design. (1993) M. Loomes, C. Britton and P.N. Taylor
  • Computer science and problem solving: encouraging self-directed learning with large classes. (1993) J. Sapsford-Francis, C. Britton and J. Brown
  • Education for flexibility: transferable skills, problem solving and information management. (1993) J. Sapsford-Francis and C. Britton
  • The object modeling technique. (1993) D. Levine and C. Britton
  • Are there any parallels between object-oriented system development and other branches of engineering? (1992) A. Mayes and C. Britton
  • Do we still need the system life cycle? (1992) C. Britton
  • Security system case study. (1992) M. Loomes and C. Britton
  • Formal specification and object-oriented design. (1991) M. Buchanan and C. Britton
  • Modelling techniques for object-oriented design. (1991) C. Britton and M. Buchanan
  • Vertical Z. (1991) M. Loomes and C. Britton
  • The odd couple or formal notations and the development of information systems. (1990) C. Britton and K. Omer