Items where Author is "<span class="person_name">Bunn, Frances</span>"
Number of items: 98.
  • A qualitative comparison of care home staff and palliative care specialists’ experiences of providing end of life care to people living and dying with dementia in care homes in two countries: A focus group study. (2022) Melanie Handley, Deborah Parker, Frances Bunn and Claire Goodman
  • Producing ‘Top Tips’ for care home staff during the COVID-19 pandemic in England: rapid reviews inform evidence-based practice but reveal major gaps. (2020) Ann-Marie Towers, Anne Killett, Melanie Handley, Kathryn Almack, Tamara Backhouse, Bunn Diane, Frances Bunn, Angela Dickinson, Elspeth Mathie, Andrea Mayrhofer, Rasa Mikelyte and Claire Goodman
  • Advance care planning for people living with dementia: An umbrella review of effectiveness and experiences. (2020) Annalien Wendrich-van Dael, Frances Bunn, Jennifer Lynch, Lara Pivodic, Lieve Van den Block and Claire Goodman
  • Components of palliative care interventions addressing the needs of people with dementia living in long term care: a systematic review. (2020) Slavica Kochovska, Frances Bunn and Claire Goodman
  • Setting priorities to inform assessment of care homes’ readiness to participate in healthcare innovation: a systematic mapping review and consensus process. (2020) Frances Bunn, Claire Goodman, Jennifer Lynch, Melanie Handley, Tom Dening and Adam Gordon
  • A group intervention to improve quality of life for people with advanced dementia living in care homes: the Namaste feasibility cluster RCT. (2020) Katherine Froggatt, A. Best, Frances Bunn, Girvan Burnside, Joanna Coast, Lesley Dunleavy, Claire Goodman, Ben Hardwick, Clare Jackson, Julie Kinley, Anne Davidson Lund, Jennifer Lynch, Paul Mitchell, Gareth Myring, Shakil Patel, Guillermo Perez Algorta, Nancy Preston, David Scott, Kate Silvera and Catherine Walshe
  • A four-stage process for intervention description and guide development of a practice based intervention: refining the Namaste Care intervention implementation specification for people with advanced dementia prior to a feasibility cluster randomised trial. (2019) Claire Goodman, Frances Bunn and Jennifer Lynch
  • Using non-participant observation to uncover mechanisms: insights from a realist evaluation. (2019) Melanie Handley, Frances Bunn, Jennifer Lynch and Claire Goodman
  • Supporting general hospital staff to provide dementia sensitive care: A realist evaluation. (2019) Melanie Handley, Frances Bunn and Claire Goodman
  • Case-finding for dementia during acute hospital admissions: a mixed methods study exploring the impacts on patient care after discharge and costs for the English National Health Service. (2019) Anne-Marie Burn, Frances Bunn, Jane Fleming, Carol Brayne, David Turner and Chris Fox
  • Improving living and dying for people with advanced dementia living in care homes: a realist review of Namaste Care and other multisensory interventions. (2018) Frances Bunn, Jennifer Lynch, Claire Goodman, Catherine Walshe, Nancy Preston, Katherine Froggatt and Rachel Sharpe
  • Namaste Care in nursing care homes with people with advanced dementia: protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled trial. (2018) Katherine Froggatt, Shakil Patel, Guillermo Perez Algorta, Frances Bunn, Girvan Burnside, Joanna Coast, Claire Goodman, Lesley Dunleavy, Ben Hardwick, Julie Kinley, Nancy Preston and Catherine Walshe
  • The impact of dementia on service use by individuals with a comorbid health condition: a comparison of two cross-sectional analyses conducted approximately ten-years apart. (2018) Holly Bennett, Sam Norton, Frances Bunn, Louise Robinson, Greta Rait, Claire Goodman, Carol Brayne and Fiona Matthews
  • Supporting shared decision making for older people with multiple health and social care needs: a realist synthesis. (2018) Frances Bunn, Claire Goodman, Bridget Russell, Patricia Wilson, Jill Manthorpe, Greta Rait, Isabel Hodkinson and Marie-Anne Durand
  • Shared decision-making for people living with dementia in extended care settings: a systematic review. (2018) Rachel Daly, Frances Bunn and Claire Goodman
  • Dementia case-finding in hospitals: a qualitative study exploring the views of healthcare professionals in English primary care and secondary care. (2018) Anne-Marie Burn, Jane Fleming, Carol Brayne, Chris Fox and Frances Bunn
  • The conceptualization of school and teacher connectedness in adolescent research: A scoping review of literature. (2018) Irene Garcia-Moya, Frances Bunn, Antonia Jimenez-Iglesias, Carmen Paniagua and Fiona Brooks
  • Managing diabetes in people with dementia: a realist review. (2017) Frances Bunn, Claire Goodman, Peter Reece Jones, Bridget Russell, Daksha Trivedi, Alan Sinclair, Antony Bayer, Greta Rait, Jo Rycroft-Malone and Chris Burton
  • Management of Fecal Incontinence in Older People With Dementia Resident in Care Homes: : A Realist Synthesis-The FINCH Study. (2017) Brenda Roe, Claire Goodman, Bridget Russell, Marina Buswell, Christine Norton, Danielle Harari, Rowan Harwood, Jo Rycroft Malone, Vari M Drennan, Mandy Fader, Michelle Maden and Frances Bunn
  • What works to improve and manage fecal incontinence in care home residents living with dementia? A realist synthesis of the evidence. (2017) Marina Buswell, Claire Goodman, Brenda Roe, Bridget Russell, Christine Norton, Rowan Harwood, Mandy Fader, Danielle Harari, Vari M Drennan, Jo Rycroft Malone, Michelle Madden and Frances Bunn
  • What works for whom in the management of diabetes in people living with dementia: a realist review. (2017) Frances Bunn, Claire Goodman, Bridget Russell and Daksha Trivedi
  • Dementia-friendly interventions to improve the care of people living with dementia admitted to hospitals: a realist review. (2017) Melanie Handley, Frances Bunn and Claire Goodman
  • Core Outcome Measures for interventions to prevent or slow the progress of dementia for people living with mild to moderate dementia: systematic review and consensus recommendations. (2017) Frances Bunn, Claire Goodman and Gill Livingston
  • Age-appropriate services for people diagnosed with young onset dementia (YOD): a systematic review. (2017) Andrea Mayrhofer, Elspeth Mathie, Jane McKeown, Frances Bunn and Claire Goodman
  • Supporting shared decision-making for older people with multiple health and social care needs: a protocol for a realist synthesis to inform integrated care models. (2017) Frances Bunn, Claire Goodman, Bridget Russell and Susan Davies
  • Health care organisation and delivery for people with dementia and comorbidity: a qualitative study exploring the views of patients, carers and professionals. (2017) Frances Bunn, Anne-Marie Burn and Claire Goodman
  • Shared decision-making for people living with dementia in extended care settings: protocol for a systematic review. (2016) Rachel Daly, Frances Bunn and Claire Goodman
  • Have Radiographic Progression Rates in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis Changed? : A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Long-term Cohorts. (2016) Lewis Carpenter, Elena Nikiphorou, Rachel Sharpe, Sam Norton, Kirsten Rennie, Frances Bunn, David Scott, Josh Dixey and Adam Young
  • Comorbidity and dementia : a mixed method study on improving healthcare for people with dementia (CoDem). (2016) Frances Bunn, Anne-Marie Burn, Claire Goodman, Louise Robinson, Greta Rait, Sam Norton, Holly Bennett, Marie Poole, Johan Schoeman and Carol Brayne
  • Managing diabetes in people with dementia : protocol for a realist review. (2016) Frances Bunn, Claire Goodman, Jo Rycroft Malone, Peter Reece Jones, Chris Burton, Greta Rait, Daksha Trivedi, Antony Bayer and Alan Sinclair
  • Interventions that support the creation of dementia friendly environments in health care : protocol for a realist review. (2015) Melanie Handley, Frances Bunn and Claire Goodman
  • Contextualizing the findings of a systematic review on patient and carer experiences of dementia diagnosis and treatment : a qualitative study. (2015) Frances Bunn, Katie Sworn, Carol Brayne, Steve Iliffe, Louise Robinson and Claire Goodman
  • Multimorbidity and frailty in people with dementia. (2015) Frances Bunn, Claire Goodman and Anne-Marie Burn
  • Reducing and managing faecal incontinence in people with advanced dementia who are resident in care homes : protocol for a realist synthesis. (2015) Claire Goodman, Jo Rycroft Malone, Christine Norton, Danielle Harari, Rowan Harwood, Brenda Roe, Bridget Russell, Mandy Fader, Marina Buswell, Vari Drennan and Frances Bunn
  • The impact of Cochrane Systematic Reviews : a mixed method evaluation of outputs from Cochrane review groups supported by the UK National Institute for Health Research. (2015) Frances Bunn, Daksha Trivedi, Phil Alderson, Laura Hamilton, Alice Martin, Emma Pinkney and Steve Iliffe
  • Specialist nursing and community support for the carers of people with dementia living at home : an evidence synthesis. (2015) Frances Bunn, Claire Goodman, Emma Pinkney and Vari Drennan
  • Comorbidity and dementia: a scoping review of the literature. (2014) Frances Bunn, Anne-Marie Burn, Claire Goodman, Greta Rait, Sam Norton, Louise Robinson, Johan Schoeman and Carol Brayne
  • The impact of Cochrane Systematic Reviews : a mixed method evaluation of outputs from Cochrane Review Groups supported by the UK National Institute for Health Research. (2014) Frances Bunn, Daksha Trivedi, Phil Alderson, Laura Hamilton, Alice Martin and Steve Iliffe
  • Do Interventions Designed to Support Shared Decision-Making Reduce Health Inequalities? : A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. (2014) Marie-Anne Durand, Lewis Carpenter, Hayley Dolan, Paulina Bravo, Mala Mann, Frances Bunn and Glyn Elwyn
  • Preventing falls among older people with mental health problems : a systematic review. (2014) Frances Bunn, Angela Dickinson, Charles Melvyn Simpson, Venkat Narayanan, Deborah Humphrey, Caroline Griffiths, Wendy Martin and Christina Victor
  • A systematic review of the literature on counselling and psychotherapy for the prevention of suicide 2 : Qualitative studies. (2014) David Winter, Siobhan Bradshaw, Frances Bunn and D. Wellsted
  • The effectiveness of inter-professional working for older people living in the community : A systematic review. (2013) Daksha Trivedi, Claire Goodman, Heather Gage, Natasha Baron, Fiona Scheibl, Steve Iliffe, Jill Manthorpe, Frances Bunn and Vari Drennan
  • A systematic review of the literature on counselling and psychotherapy for the prevention of suicide 1 : Quantitative outcome and process studies. (2013) David Winter, S. Bradshaw, Frances Bunn and D. Wellsted
  • Psychosocial Factors That Shape Patient and Carer Experiences of Dementia Diagnosis and Treatment : A Systematic Review of Qualitative Studies. (2012) Frances Bunn, Claire Goodman, Katie Sworn, G. Rait and C. Brayne
  • Colloid solutions for fluid resuscitation. (2012) Frances Bunn and Daksha Trivedi
  • The role of health professionals in promoting the uptake of fall prevention interventions : A qualitative study of older people's views. (2011) Angela Dickinson, Khim Horton, Ina Machen, Frances Bunn, Jenny Cove, Deepak Jain and Ted Maddex
  • Does nursing research impact on policy? a case study of health visiting research and UK health policy. (2011) Frances Bunn and S. Kendall
  • Nutritional education for community dwelling older people : a systematic review of randomised controlled trials. (2011) Kathryn Rose Young, Frances Bunn, Daksha Trivedi and Angela Dickinson
  • Strategies to promote the impact of systematic reviews on healthcare policy: a systematic review of the literature. (2011) Frances Bunn and Katie Sworn
  • A systematic review of integrated working between care homes and health care services. (2011) Susan Davies, Claire Goodman, Frances Bunn, Christina Victor, Angela Dickinson, Steve Iliffe and Heather Gage
  • The Cochrane Injuries Group celebrates the publication of its 100th review: time to reflect on impact. (2010) Frances Bunn
  • Parental perceptions regarding healthy behaviours for preventing overweight and obesity in young children : a systematic review of qualitative studies. (2010) M. Pocock, Daksha Trivedi, Wendy Wills, Frances Bunn and J. Magnusson
  • Early fatherhood : a mapping of the evidence base relating to pregnancy prevention and parenting support. (2009) Daksha Trivedi, F. Brooks, Frances Bunn and M. Graham
  • Human albumin solution for resuscitation and volume expansion in critically ill patients. (2009) P. Alderson, Frances Bunn, C. Lefebvre, L. Li, I. Roberts and G. Schierhout
  • A mapping of the evidence on integrated long term condition services. (2009) Patricia Wilson, Frances Bunn and Janice Morgan
  • Unassisted pelvic floor exercises for postnatal women : a systematic review. (2007) Ann Wagg and Frances Bunn
  • Parenting Programmes for preventing tobacco, alcohol or drugs misuse in children under 18 : a systematic review. (2007) J. Petrie, Frances Bunn and G. Byrne
  • The school nurse as navigator of the school health journey: developing the theory and evidence for policy. (2007) F. Brooks, S. Kendall, Frances Bunn, R. Bindler and M. Bruya
  • Prophylactic antibiotics to prevent surgical site infection after breast cancer surgey. (2006) M. Cunningham, Frances Bunn and K. Handscomb
  • Effects of prehospital spinal immobilization : a systematic review of randomized trials on healthy subjects. (2005) Frances Bunn and I. Kwan
  • Post-licence driver education for the prevention of road traffic crashes : a systematic review of randomised controlled trials. (2005) K. Ker, I. Roberts, T. Collier, F. Beyer, Frances Bunn and C. Frost
  • Telephone Consultations and Triage Systems : effects on health care use and patient satisfaction. (2005) Frances Bunn, G. Byrne and S. Kendall
  • Colloids versus crystalloids for fluid resuscitation in critically ill patients. (2004) I. Roberts, P. Alderson, Frances Bunn, P. Chinnock, K. Ker and G. Schierhout
  • Hypertonic versus near isotonic crystalloid for fluid resuscitation in critically ill patients. (2004) Frances Bunn, I. Roberts and R. Tasker
  • Nutritional support for head-injured patients. (2004) P. Perel, T. Yanagawa, Frances Bunn, I. Roberts, R. Wentz and A. Pierro
  • Post-licence driver education for the prevention of road traffic crashes. (2004) K. Ker, I. Roberts, T. Collier, F. Beyer and Frances Bunn
  • Telephone consultation and triage : effects on health care use and patient satisfaction. (2004) Frances Bunn, G. Byrne and S. Kendall
  • Area-wide traffic calming for preventing traffic related injuries. (2003) Frances Bunn, T. Collier, C. Frost, K. Ker, I. Roberts and R. Wentz
  • Colloid solutions for fluid resuscitation. (2003) Frances Bunn, P. Alderson and V. Hawkins
  • Timing and volume of fluid administration for patients with bleeding. (2003) I. Kwan, Frances Bunn and I. Roberts
  • Traffic calming for the prevention of road traffic injuries: systematic review and meta-analysis. (2003) Frances Bunn, T. Collier, C. Frost, K. Ker, I. Roberts and R. Wentz
  • Egg on their faces : The story of human albumin solution. (2002) I. Roberts and Frances Bunn
  • Safety education of pedestrians for injury prevention. (2002) O. Duperrex, I. Roberts and Frances Bunn
  • Safety education of pedestrians for injury prevention: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials. (2002) Frances Bunn, O. Duperrex and I. Roberts
  • The development of a register of randomized controlled trials in prehospital trauma care. (2002) I. Kwan, Frances Bunn, I. Roberts and R. Wentz
  • Advanced trauma life support training for ambulance crews. (2001) D. Sethi, I. Kwan, A.M. Kelly, I. Roberts and Frances Bunn
  • Size and quality of randomised controlled trials in head injury: a review of published studies. (2000) K. Dickinson, Frances Bunn, I. Roberts, P. Edwards and R. Wentz
  • Monograph
  • Care home readiness: a rapid review and consensus workshops on how organisational context affects care home engagement with health care innovation. (2017) Claire Goodman, Rachel Sharpe, Charlotte Russell, Julienne Meyer, Adam Gordon, Tom Dening, Kirsten Corazzini, Jennifer Lynch and Frances Bunn
  • Community Engagement Evidence Synthesis : A final report for Alzheimer’s Society. (2017) Marina Buswell, Claire Goodman, Bridget Russell, Frances Bunn, Andrea Mayrhofer and Ellen Goodman
  • An evaluation of the role of the Admiral Nurse : a systematic evidence synthesis to inform service delivery and research. (2013) Frances Bunn, Emma Pinkney, Vari Drennan and Claire Goodman
  • Evaluating the nursing, midwifery and health visiting contribution to chronic disease management : An integration of three reviews. (2009) Daksha Trivedi, Frances Bunn, Angus Forbes and Cherill Scott
  • Update on review of reviews on teenage pregnancy and parenthood : Submitted as an Addendum to the first evidence briefing 2003. (2008) Daksha Trivedi, Frances Bunn, Moira Graham and Reinhard Wentz
  • Contraception advice and provision for the prevention of under 18 conceptions and STIs : A rapid review. (2006) Frances Bunn, F. Brooks, Jane Appleton, Marianne Mead, Josefine Magnusson, Sam Norton, Daksha Trivedi, Reinhard Wentz and Wendy Wills
  • Book
  • Supporting shared decision making for older people with multiple health and social care needs: a realist synthesis. (2018) Frances Bunn, Claire Goodman, Bridget Russell, Patricia Wilson, Jill Manthorpe, Marie-Anne Durand and Greta Rait
  • Counselling and Psychotherapy for the Prevention of Suicide : a Systematic Review of the Evidence. (2009) David Winter, Siobhan Bradshaw, Frances Bunn and D. Wellsted
  • Thesis
  • The impact of systematic reviews on health care policy in England. (2010) Frances Bunn
  • Dataset
  • Using video consultation technology between care homes and health and social care professionals: interview study during COVID-19 pandemic. (2021) Krystal Warmoth, Jennifer Lynch, Nicole Darlington, Frances Bunn and Claire Goodman
  • Other
  • Using video consultation technology between care homes and health and social care professionals: a scoping review and interview study during COVID-19 pandemic. (2022) Krystal Warmoth, Jennifer Lynch, Nicole Darlington, Frances Bunn and Claire Goodman
  • Palliative care for people with dementia living at home: a systematic review of interventions. (2019) Rose Miranda, Frances Bunn, Jennifer Lynch, Lieve Van den Block and Claire Goodman
  • Non-adherence to immunosuppressants following renal transplantation: a protocol for a systematic review. (2017) Abigail Hucker, Frances Bunn, Lewis Carpenter, Christopher Lawrence, Kenneth Farrington and Shivani Sharma
  • Supporting people living with dementia and faecal incontinence in care homes. (2017) Bridget Russell, Claire Goodman, Marina Buswell, Frances Bunn, Christine Norton, Jo Rycroft-Malone, Danielle Harari, Rowan Harwood, Brenda Roe, Mandy Fader and Vari M Drennan
  • Dementia case-finding in acute hospitals: qualitative study of hospital clinicians’ and GPs’ perspectives. (2016) Anne-Marie Burn, Frances Bunn and Jane Fleming
  • Is there a link between overactive bladder and the metabolic syndrome in women? : A systematic review of observational studies. (2015) Frances Bunn, Michael Kirby, Emma Pinkney, L. Cardozo, C. Chapple, Kayleigh Chester, F. Cruz, F. Haab, C. Kelleher, I. Milsom, K.D. Sievart, A. Tubaro and A. Wagg
  • Preventing and managing falls among people with mental health problems. (2012) Frances Bunn, Charles Melvyn Simpson, Christina Victor, Venkat Narayanan, Deborah Humphrey, Caroline Griffiths and Angela Dickinson
  • Preventing and managing falls among older people with mental health problems : a systematic review. (2011) Charles Melvyn Simpson, Angela Dickinson, Frances Bunn, Venkat Narayanan, Christina Victor, Deborah Humphrey, Wendy Martin and Caroline Griffiths
  • A systematic review of older people's perceptions of facilitators and barriers to participation in fall prevention interventions. (2008) Frances Bunn, Angela Dickinson, Elaine Barnett-Page, Elizabeth Mcinnes and Khim Horton
  • Evidence from the systematic reviews. (2007) Daksha Trivedi, Frances Bunn, Moira Graham and Reinhard Wentz
  • Preventing teenage pregnancy : Evidence from systematic reviews. (2007) Daksha Trivedi, Frances Bunn, Moira Graham and Reinhard Wentz