Items where Author is "Busby, Amanda"
Number of items: 33.
The Spanish and Catalan versions of the Kidney Patient Reported Experience Measure (PREM) for chronic kidney disease (CKD): cultural adaptation and face validity. (2024)
Montse Moharra,
Anna Llupia,
Beti Bayes,
Cari Almazan,
Amanda Busby
Michael Herdman
Patient-Reported Experience Measures to Evaluate and Improve the Quality of Care in Nephrology. (2024)
Helen Munro Wild,
Amanda Busby,
Lucy Mackintosh
David Wellsted
Paediatric Patient Reported Experience Measure (PPREM) Pilot 2023 Report. (2024)
Amanda Busby,
Rebecca-Leigh Flanagan,
Lucy Mackintosh,
David Wellsted
Ken Farrington
Patient Reported Experience of Kidney Care in the UK 2023. (2024)
Amanda Busby,
Lucy Mackintosh,
Rebecca-Leigh Flanagan,
David Wellsted,
Helen Munro Wild,
Emily Beadle,
Currie Moore
Ken Farrington
The Patient Voice : An analysis of free-text responses from the 2023 National Kidney Patient Experience Survey (Kidney PREM). (2024)
Lucy Mackintosh,
Amanda Busby,
Rebecca-Leigh Flanagan,
David Wellsted
Ken Farrington
Impact of Very Low Dose Rivaroxaban in Addition to Dual Antiplatelet Therapy on Endogenous Fibrinolysis in Acute Coronary Syndrome: The VaLiDate-R study. (2024)
Ying X. Gue,
Vassilios Memtsas,
Rahim Kanji,
David Wellsted,
Amanda Busby,
Megan Smith,
Enric Vilar,
Alisdair Ryding,
Deepa J. Arachchillage
Diana Gorog
Impact of COVID-19 on Patient Experience of Kidney Care: A Rapid Review. (2024)
Lucy Mackintosh,
Paula Ormandy,
Amanda Busby,
Janine Hawkins,
Ranjit Klare,
Christina Silver,
Maria Da Silva-Gane,
Shalini Santhakumaran,
Paul Bristow,
Shivani Sharma,
David Wellsted,
Joseph Chilcot,
Sivakumar Sridharan,
Retha Steinkamp,
Tess Harris,
Susan Muirhead,
Vicky Lush,
Sarah Afuwape
Kenneth Farrington
The identification and management of depression in UK Kidney Care: Results from the Mood Maps Study. (2024)
Joe Chilcot,
Christina Pearce,
Natalie Hall,
Amanda Busby,
Janine Hawkins,
Balvinder Vraitch,
Mandy Rathjen,
Alexander Hamilton,
Amanda Bevin,
Lucy Mackintosh,
Joanna Hudson,
David Wellsted,
Julia Jones,
Shivani Sharma,
Sam Norton,
Paula Ormandy,
Nick Palmer
Kenneth Farrington
Personalised care packages for people with rheumatoid arthritis: a mixed-methods study. (2024)
Mrinalini Dey,
Amanda Busby,
John Isaacs,
Arthur Pratt,
Mwidimi Ndosi,
Adam Young,
Heidi Lempp
Elena Nikiphorou
Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation in Obsessive Compulsive Symptoms: A Personalised Approach. (2023)
Luca Pellegrini,
David Wellsted,
Eduardo Cinosi,
Amanda Busby,
Megan Smith
Naomi Fineberg
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Services for Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease: Findings of a National Survey of UK Kidney Centres. (2023)
Lucy Mackintosh,
Amanda Busby,
Kenneth Farrington,
Janine Hawkins,
Sarah Afuwape,
Paul Bristow,
Maria Da Silva-Gane,
Natalie Hall,
Tess Harris,
Joanna Hudson,
Sam Norton,
Paula Ormandy,
Christina J. Pearce,
Shalini Santhakumaran,
Shivani Sharma,
Sivakumar Sridharan,
Retha Steenkamp,
Julie Slevin,
David Wellsted
Joseph Chilcot
A Comparison of the Epidemiological Characteristics Between Influenza and COVID-19 Patients: A Retrospective, Observational Cohort Study. (2023)
Omar Naji,
Iman Darwish,
Khaoula Bessame,
Tejal Vaghela,
Anja Hawkins,
Mohamed Elsakka,
Hema Merai,
Jeremy Lowe,
Miriam Schechter,
Samuel Moses,
Amanda Busby,
Keith Sullivan,
David Wellsted,
Muhammad Zamir
Hala Kandil
ASSIST Trauma Care: Guiding Young Minds : Feasibility and pilot study report. (2023)
Joanna R Adler,
Tim McSweeney,
Caroline Cresswell,
David Wellsted,
Natalie Hall,
Amanda Busby
Brian Littlechild
Kidney Patient Reported Experience Measure Comments Report 2022 : A qualitative analysis of patient free text comments in Kidney PREM 2022. (2023)
Lucy Mackintosh,
Amanda Busby,
David Wellsted,
Rebecca-Leigh Flanagan
Ken Farrington
Patient Reported Experience of Kidney Care in the UK 2022. (2023)
Amanda Busby,
Lucy Mackintosh,
Rebecca-Leigh Flanagan,
David Wellsted
Kenneth Farrington
Feasibility, acceptability and practicality of transcranial stimulation in obsessive compulsive symptoms (FEATSOCS): A randomised controlled crossover trial. (2023)
Naomi Fineberg,
Eduardo Cinosi,
Megan Smith,
Amanda Busby,
David Wellsted,
Nathan Huneke,
Kabir Garg,
Ibrahim Aslan,
Arun Enara,
Matthew Garner,
Robert Gordon,
Natalie Hall,
Daniel Meron,
Trevor Robbins,
Solange Wyatt,
Lucas Pellegrini
David S Baldwin
The role of comorbidities alongside patient and disease characteristics in long-term disease activity in RA using UK inception cohort data. (2022)
Amanda Busby,
James Wason,
Arthur Pratt,
Adam Young,
John Isaacs
Elena Nikiphorou
Measuring patients' experience with renal services in the UK: development and validation of the Kidney PREM. (2022)
Janine Hawkins,
David Wellsted,
Claire Corps,
Richard Fluck,
Rachel Gair,
Natalie Hall,
Amanda Busby,
Beth Rider,
Kenneth Farrington,
Shivani Sharma
Sabine Van Der Veer
Patient Reported Experience of Kidney Care in the UK 2021. (2022)
Amanda Busby,
Janine Hawkins,
Rebecca-Leigh Flanagan,
Lucy Mackintosh,
David Wellsted
Kenneth Farrington
Kidney Patient Report Experience Measure Comments Report 2021 : Is there any other aspect of your experience of kidney care that you would like to comment on? A qualitative analysis of patient free text comments in Kidney PREM 2021. (2022)
Lucy Mackintosh,
Amanda Busby,
Janine Hawkins,
David Wellsted,
Ken Farrington
Ranjit Klare
The association between social deprivation and disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis: A systematic literature review. (2022)
Mrinalini Dey,
Amanda Busby,
Helen Ewell,
Heidi Lempp,
Arthur Pratt,
Adam Young,
John Isaacs
Elena Nikiphorou
Improving patient experience of kidney care, one comment at a time: A mixed methods analysis of Kidney PREM 2020 patient comments. (2021)
Lucy Mackintosh,
Amanda Busby,
Janine Hawkins,
Christina Silver,
Catherine Stannard
Ken Farrington
Investigating the Acceptability and Tolerability of tDCS in Patients with OCD - A Feasibility Study. (2021)
Megan Smith,
Eduardo Cinosi,
Amanda Busby,
Natalie Hall,
David Baldwin,
David Wellsted,
Solange Wyatt
Naomi Fineberg
A multicenter feasibility randomized controlled trial to assess the impact of incremental versus conventional initiation of hemodialysis on residual kidney function. (2021)
Enric Vilar,
Raja M Kaja Kamal,
James Fotheringham,
Amanda Busby,
Jocelyn Berdeprado,
Ewa Kislowska,
David Wellsted,
Bassam Alchi,
James O Burton,
Andrew Davenport
Ken Farrington
Predictors of poor function in RA based on two prospective UK inception cohorts. Do comorbidities matter? (2021)
Amanda Busby,
James Wason,
Arthur Pratt,
Adam Young,
John Isaacs
Elena Nikiphorou
Patient Reported Experience of Kidney Care in the UK 2020. (2021)
Amanda Busby,
Janine Hawkins,
Lucy Mackintosh,
David Wellsted
Kenneth Farrington
The use and context of the term “multimorbidity” in rheumatoid arthritis: a systematic literature review. (2021)
Mrinalini Dey,
Amanda Busby,
Helen Ewell,
Arthur Pratt,
Adam Young,
John Isaacs
Elena Nikiphorou
Contributions of treatment centre and patient characteristics to patient-reported experience of haemodialysis: A national cross-sectional study. (2021)
Janine Hawkins,
Nigel Smeeton,
Amanda Busby,
David Wellsted,
Beth Rider,
Julia Jones,
Retha Steinkamp,
Catherine Stannard,
Rachel Gair,
Sabine Van Der Veer,
Claire Corps
Kenneth Farrington
Pharmacological principles guiding prolonged glucocorticoid treatment in ARDS. (2020)
Gianfranco Umberto Meduri,
Dijillali Annane,
Marco Confalonieri,
George P Chrousos,
Bram Rochwerg,
Amanda Busby,
Barbara Ruaro
Bernd Meibohm
Patient Reported Experience of Kidney Care in the UK 2019. (2020)
Janine Hawkins,
Amanda Busby,
David Wellsted
Kenneth Farrington
Are General Practice based pharmacists guardian angels for antibiotic prescribing in primary care? A quality improvement project using a point prevalence analysis of antimicrobial prescribing rates across 122 General Practice surgeries in England. (2019)
David Ladenheim
Amanda Busby
Is incident rheumatoid arthritis interstitial lung disease associated with methotrexate treatment? Results from a multivariate analysis in the ERAS and ERAN inception cohorts. (2019)
Patrick Kiely,
Amanda Busby,
Elena Nikiphorou,
Keith Sullivan,
David Walsh,
Paul Creamer,
Josh Dixey
Keith Young
Janine Hawkins,
David Wellsted,
Catherine Stannard,
Amanda Busby,
Rachel Gair
Sabine Van Der Veer