Items where Author is "Chen, Yong"
Number of items: 43.
Optimising flywheel energy storage systems for enhanced windage loss reduction and heat transfer: A computational fluid dynamics and ANOVA-based approach. (2025)
Mahmoud Eltaweel,
Noha A. Mostafa,
Christos Kalyvas,
Yong Chen
Mohammad Reza Herfatmanesh
One-step hydrothermal synthesis of fluorescence carbon quantum dots with high product yield and quantum yield. (2019)
Yanting Yanting Xie,
Jingxia Zheng,
Yaling Wang,
Junli Wang,
Yongzhen Yang,
Xuguang Liu
Yong Chen
Preparation of N-doped carbon dots based on starch and their application in white LED. (2018)
Xinghua Liu,
Jingxia Zheng,
Yongzhen Yang,
Yong Chen
Xuguang Liu
Fluorescent carbon quantum dots synthesized by chemical vapor deposition: : An alternative candidate for electron acceptor in polymer solar cells. (2018)
Bo Cui,
Lingpeng Yan,
Huimin Gu,
Yongzhen Yang,
Xuguang Liu,
Chang-Qi Ma,
Yong Chen
Husheng Jia
A review on prognostics and health monitoring of proton exchange membrane fuel cell. (2017)
Thamo Sutharssan,
Diogo Montalvao,
Yong Chen,
Wen Chung Wang,
Claudia Pisac
Hakim Elemara
Surface Morphology Evolution Mechanisms of InGaN/GaN Multiple Quantum Wells with Mixture N2/H2-Grown GaN Barrier. (2017)
Xiaorun Zhou,
Taiping Lu,
Yadan Zhu,
Guangzhou Zhao,
Hailiang Dong,
Zhigang Jia,
Yongzhen Yang,
Yong Chen
Bingshe Xu
An analytical model for the identification of the threshold of stress intensity factor range for crack growth. (2017)
Marzio Grasso,
Antonio De Iorio,
Yigeng Xu,
George Haritos,
Muhodin Mohin
Yong Chen
A Review of Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations on PEFC Performance. (2016)
Yong Chen,
Louise Enearu,
Diogo Montalvao
Thamo Sutharssan
Thermal analysis of Phase Change Material Board (PCMB) under weather conditions in the summer. (2016)
D. Zhou,
Yuan Tian,
Y. Qu
Yong Chen
Temperature and magnetism bi-responsive molecularly imprinted polymers: Preparation, adsorption mechanism and properties as drug delivery system for sustained release of 5-fluorouracil. (2016)
Longfei Li,
Lin Chen,
Huan Zhang,
Yongzhen Yang,
Xuguang Liu
Yong Chen
Economic Analysis of Domestic Combined Heat and Power System in the UK. (2016)
Thamo Sutharssan,
Diogo Montalvao,
Yong Chen,
Wen-Chung Wang
Claudia Pisac
Energy regeneration from suspension dynamic modes and self-powered actuation. (2015)
Farbod Khoshnoud,
Yuchi Yuchi Zhang,
Ray Ray Shimura,
Amir Amir Shahba,
Guangming Guangming Jin,
Georgios Pissanidis,
Yong Chen
Clarence W. De Silva
The surface modifications of multi-walled carbon nanotubes for multi-walled carbon nanotube/poly (ether ether ketone) composites. (2015)
Zongshuang Cao,
Li Qiu,
Yongzhen Yang,
Yong Chen
Xuguang Liu
Synthesis and optical properties of composite films from P3HT and sandwich-like Ag-C-Ag nanoparticles. (2015)
Lingpeng Yan,
Yamin Hao,
Xiaoting Xiaoting Feng,
Yongzhen Yang,
Xuguang Liu,
Yong Chen
Bingshe Xu
Computational and Experimental Investigations of an Omni-Flow Wind Turbine. (2015)
Pei Ying,
Yong Chen,
Yigeng Xu
Yuan Tian
Experimental investigation into a novel Modular PEMFC fuel cell stack. (2015)
Paul Scott,
Yong Chen,
Rajnish Calay
F. Bhinder
An aerodynamic analysis of a novel small wind turbine based on impulse turbine principles. (2015)
Pei Ying,
Yong Chen
Yigeng Xu
The effects of surface modifications of multiwalled carbon nanotubes on their dispersibility in different solvents and poly(ether ether ketone). (2014)
Zongshuang Cao,
Li Qiu,
Yongzhen Yang,
Yong Chen
Xuguang Liu
The preparation and tribological properties of surface modified zinc borate ultrafine powder as a lubricant additive in liquid paraffin. (2014)
Chuanli Zhao,
Yong Chen,
Yang Jiao,
Adil Loya
Guogang Ren
The wear of PEEK in rolling–sliding contact : Simulation of polymer gear applications. (2014)
Tom Hoskins,
Karl Dearn,
Yong Chen
Steve Kukureka
The tribological properties of zinc borate ultrafine powder as a lubricant additive in sunflower oil. (2014)
Chuanli Zhao,
Yang Jiao,
Yong Chen
Guogang Ren
A study of surface modifications of carbon nanotubes on the properties of polyamide 66/multiwalled carbon nanotube composites. (2013)
Li Qiu,
Yong Chen,
Yongzhen Yang,
Lihua Xu
Xuguang Liu
Computational Study of a Small Scale Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT) : Comparative Performance of Various Turbulence Models. (2013)
Lazaros Aresti,
Mustafa Tutar,
Yong Chen
Rajnish Calay
Numerical simulation of combined mixing and separating flow in channel filled with porous media. (2013)
Rahim Khokhar,
Yong Chen,
Yigeng Xu
Rajnish Calay
A Study of Tribological Properties of Water-Based Ceria Nanofluids. (2013)
Chuanli Zhao,
Yong Chen
Guogang Ren
Delamination threshold load of composite laminate under low-velocity impact. (2013)
Yigeng Xu,
Zeng Shen,
William Tiu,
Yizhong Xu,
Yong Chen
George Haritos
Energy harvesting from suspension system using regenerative force actuators. (2013)
Farbod Khoshnoud,
D. B. Sundar,
Mohamed Badi,
Yong Chen,
Rajnish Calay
C.W. De Silva
Modelling and analysis of a novel wind turbine structure. (2013)
Xu Zhang,
Yong Chen
Rajnish Calay
Numerical scheme to simulate combined mixing and separating Newtonian fluid flow in a channel. (2013)
Rahim Khokhar,
Yong Chen,
Rajnish Calay
Yigeng Xu
On Power and Control Systems of the Multibody Advanced Airship for Transport. (2013)
Farbod Khoshnoud,
Yong Chen
Rajnish Calay
On the Measurement of Roller Skew of Tapered Roller Bearings. (2012)
A. Falodi,
Yong Chen,
Martin Caspall,
Brian Earthrowl
David Dell
Load sequence effect on fatigue damage. (2012)
Y.G. Xu,
L. Wang,
Yong Chen
W. Tiu
The Use of Pseudo-Inverse Methods in Reconstructing Loads on a Missile Structure. (2012)
R. Vishwakarma,
Denis Turner,
Andrew Lewis,
Yong Chen
Yigeng Xu
On the turbulent flow models in modelling of omni-flow wind turbine. (2014)
Yong Chen,
Pei Ying,
Yigeng Xu
Yuan Tian
Aerodynamic characteristics study and possible improvements of MAAT feeder airships. (2013)
Vitaly Voloshin,
Yong Chen,
Rudolf Neydorf
Anna Boldyreva
Stability analysis of the MAAT feeder airship during ascent and descent with wind disturbances. (2013)
Rudolf Neydorf,
Youriy Sigida,
Vitaly Voloshin
Yong Chen
Aeroelastic vibration control of hybrid airships using Regenerative Actuators. (2013)
Vatsalkumar Patel,
Farbod Khoshnoud,
Georgios Pissanidis,
Diogo MontalvĂŁo
Yong Chen
Self-Powered Dynamic Systems. (2013)
Farbod Khoshnoud,
David Dell,
Clarence W. de Silva,
Yong Chen,
Houman Owhadi
Rajnish Calay
Computational Modelling of Blades for a Novel Wind Turbine. (2012)
Pei Ying,
Yong Chen
Yigeng Xu
An integrated Solar-Fuel Cell Powered System for Airships. (2012)
Farbod Khoshnoud,
Yong Chen
Rajnish Calay
Experimental evaluation into novel, low cost, modular PEMFC stack. (2012)
Paul Scott,
Rajnish Calay
Yong Chen
Frictional properties of cerium oxide nanoparticles in water. (2011)
Chuanli Zhao,
Guogang Ren
Yong Chen
Investigation on surface drying and energy savings of the hybrid dryer. (2010)
Wen Chung Wang,
Rajnish Calay
Yong Chen