Items where Author is "<span class="person_name">Durand, Marie-Anne</span>"
Number of items: 33.
  • Supporting shared decision making for older people with multiple health and social care needs: a realist synthesis. (2018) Frances Bunn, Claire Goodman, Bridget Russell, Patricia Wilson, Jill Manthorpe, Greta Rait, Isabel Hodkinson and Marie-Anne Durand
  • “...their opinions mean something”: care staff’s attitudes to health research involving people with intellectual disabilities. (2017) Natalie Hall, Marie-Anne Durand and Silvana Mengoni
  • Wordless intervention for people with epilepsy and learning disabilities (WIELD): A randomised controlled feasibility trial. (2016) Silvana Mengoni, Robert Gates, Georgina Parkes, David Wellsted, Garry Barton, Howard Ring, Mary Ellen Khoo, Deela Monji-Patel, Karin Friedli, Asif Zia and Marie-Anne Durand
  • "Sometimes, it just stops me from doing anything”: A qualitative exploration of epilepsy management in people with intellectual disabilities and their carers. (2016) Silvana Mengoni, Robert Gates, Georgina Parkes, David Wellsted, Garry Barton, Howard Ring, Mary Ellen Khoo, Deela Monji-Patel, Karin Friedli, Asif Zia and Marie-Anne Durand
  • Self-management interventions for epilepsy in people with intellectual disabilities: A Scoping Review. (2016) Michelle Dannenberg, Silvana Mengoni, Robert Gates and Marie-Anne Durand
  • Can shared decision making reduce medical malpractice litigation? : A systematic review. (2015) Marie-Anne Durand, Benjamin Moulton, Elisabeth Cockle, Mala Mann and Glyn Elwyn
  • Minimum standards for the certification of patient decision support interventions : Feasibility and application. (2015) Marie-Anne Durand, Jana Witt, Natalie Joseph-Williams, Robert G. Newcombe, Mary C. Politi, Stephanie Sivell and Glyn Elwyn
  • An intervention for people with learning disabilities and epilepsy. (2015) Silvana Mengoni, Bob Gates and Marie-Anne Durand
  • Measuring organisational readiness for patient engagement (MORE) : an international online Delphi consensus study. (2015) Linda Oostendorp, Marie-Anne Durand, Amy Lloyd and Glyn Elwyn
  • Epilepsy in people with learning disabilities : Evaluating a novel intervention. (2015) Robert Gates, Silvana Mengoni and Marie-Anne Durand
  • Wordless intervention for epilepsy in learning disabilities (WIELD) : study protocol for a randomized controlled feasibility trial. (2014) Marie-Anne Durand, Robert Gates, Georgina Parkes, Asif Zia, Karin Friedli, Garry Barton, Howard Ring, Linda Oostendorp and D. Wellsted
  • Toward Minimum Standards for Certifying Patient Decision Aids : A Modified Delphi Consensus Process. (2014) N. Joseph-Williams, R. Newcombe, M. Politi, Marie-Anne Durand, S. Sivell, D. Stacey, A. O'Connor, R.J. Volk, A. Edwards, C. Bennett, M. Pignone, R. Thomson and Glyn Elwyn
  • Do Interventions Designed to Support Shared Decision-Making Reduce Health Inequalities? : A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. (2014) Marie-Anne Durand, Lewis Carpenter, Hayley Dolan, Paulina Bravo, Mala Mann, Frances Bunn and Glyn Elwyn
  • Physicians as part of the solution? : Community-based participatory research as a way to get shared decision making into practice. (2014) S.W. Grande, Marie-Anne Durand, E.S. Fisher and Glyn Elwyn
  • Coaching and guidance with patient decision aids : A review of theoretical and empirical evidence. (2013) Dawn Stacey, J. Kryworuchko, J. Belkora, B.J. Davison, Marie-Anne Durand, K. Eden, A.S. Hoffman, M. Koerner, F. Legare, M.C. Loiselle and R.L. Street
  • Option Grids : Shared decision making made easier. (2013) Glyn Elwyn, Amy Lloyd, Natalie Joseph-Williams, Emma Cording, Richard Thomson, Marie-Anne Durand and Adrian Edwards
  • Design and usability of heuristic-based deliberation tools for women facing amniocentesis. (2012) Marie-Anne Durand, Odette Wegwarth, Jacky Boivin and Glyn Elwyn
  • Stakeholder field-testing of amnioDex, a person-centred decision support intervention for amniocentesis. (2012) Marie-Anne Durand, Jacky Boivin and Glyn Elwyn
  • Salzburg statement on shared decision making. (2011) Salzburg Global Seminar and Marie-Anne Durand
  • Dyadic OPTION : Measuring perceptions of shared decision-making in practice. (2011) Emma Melbourne, Stephen Roberts, Marie-Anne Durand, Robert Newcombe, France Légaré and Glyn Elwyn
  • How to develop web-based decision support interventions for patients : a process map. (2011) Glyn Elwyn, Ilse Kreuwel, Marie-Anne Durand, Stephanie Sivell, Natalie Joseph-Williams, Rhodri Evans and Adrian Edwards
  • The design of patient decision support interventions : addressing the theory-practice gap. (2011) Glyn Elwyn, Mareike Stiel, Marie-Anne Durand and Jacky Boivin
  • Information and decision support needs of parents considering amniocentesis : interviews with pregnant women and health professionals. (2010) Marie-Anne Durand, Mareike Stiel, Jacky Boivin and Glyn Elwyn
  • Developing a dyadic OPTION scale to measure perceptions of shared decision making. (2010) Emma Melbourne, Kate Sinclair, Marie-Anne Durand, France Légaré and Glyn Elwyn
  • Assessing the quality of decision support technologies using the International Patient Decision Aid Standards instrument (IPDASi). (2009) Glyn Elwyn, Annette M O'Connor, Carol Bennett, Robert G Newcombe, Mary Politi, Marie-Anne Durand, Elizabeth Drake, Natalie Joseph-Williams, Sara Khangura, Anton Saarimaki, Stephanie Sivell, Mareike Stiel, Steven J Bernstein, Nananda Col, Angela Coulter, Karen Eden, Martin Härter, Margaret Holmes Rovner, Nora Moumjid, Dawn Stacey, Richard Thomson, Tim Whelan, Trudy van der Weijden and Adrian Edwards
  • Where is the theory? : Evaluating the theoretical frameworks described in decision support technologies. (2008) Marie-Anne Durand, Mareike Stiel, Jacky Boivin and Glyn Elwyn
  • A review of decision support technologies for amniocentesis. (2008) Marie-Anne Durand, J Boivin and G Elwyn
  • Book
  • Supporting shared decision making for older people with multiple health and social care needs: a realist synthesis. (2018) Frances Bunn, Claire Goodman, Bridget Russell, Patricia Wilson, Jill Manthorpe, Marie-Anne Durand and Greta Rait
  • Other
  • What are the challenges and facilitators to conducting research with people with intellectual disabilities? The perspectives of care staff. (2016) Silvana Mengoni, Natalie Hall and Marie-Anne Durand
  • A wordless intervention for people with epilepsy and intellectual disabilities (WIELD): A randomized controlled feasibility trial. (2016) Silvana Mengoni, Marie-Anne Durand, Georgina Parkes, Garry Barton, Karin Friedli, Howard Ring, David Wellsted, Asif Zia and Robert Gates
  • Helping parents decide about Down syndrome screening : using an Option Grid as a facilitation tool. (2013) B. Beattie, G.M. Thomas, Marie-Anne Durand, Glyn Elwyn, J. Fisher and A. Delbarre
  • Shared decision making in health care : achieving evidence based patient choice. (2011) Glyn Elwyn and Marie-Anne Durand
  • Examining the theoretical foundation of decision support technologies. (2009) Marie-Anne Durand and Glyn Elwyn