Items where Author is "<span class="person_name">Hardy, Jane</span>"
Number of items: 52.
  • Workers' resistance in special economic zones in Poland. (2020) Maciej Bancarzewski and Jane Hardy
  • Regional resilience and Global Production Networks in China: an open political economy perspective. (2018) Jane Hardy, Yassaman Imani and Beini Zhuang
  • ‘Communities of resistance’ and the use of newspaper discussion boards Polish workers in Japanese foreign investments. (2017) Maciej Bancarzewski and Jane Hardy
  • China's place in global divisions of labour: a combined and uneven development perspective. (2017) Jane Hardy
  • (Re)conceptualizing precarity: structure, institutions and agency. (2017) Jane Hardy
  • Scaling the mobility of health workers in an enlarged Europe : An open political-economy perspective. (2016) Jane Hardy, Steven Shelley, Moira Calveley, Julia Kubisa and Rebecca Zahn
  • Labour strategies, cross-border solidarity and the mobility of health workers : Evidence from five New Member States. (2015) Jane Hardy, Moira Calveley, Julia Kubisa and Steven Shelley
  • Explaining 'varieties of solidarity': Labour mobility and trade unions in an enlarged Europe. (2015) Jane Hardy
  • The Institutional, Structural and Agential Embeddedness of Precarity: an Engagement with Guy Standing. (2015) Jane Hardy
  • Transformation and crisis in Central and Eastern Europe : a combined and uneven development perspective. (2014) Jane Hardy
  • Trade union responses to migrant workers from the 'new Europe' : a three sector comparison in Norway, Germany and the UK. (2012) Jane Hardy, Line Eldring and Thorsten Schulten
  • International sourcing and asymmetry : the tapping and decanting of Ukrainian engineering skills by western software engineers. (2012) Graham Hollinshead and Jane Hardy
  • The Internet, employment and Polish migrant workers : Communication, activism and competition in the new organisational spaces. (2012) Ian Fitzgerald, Jane Hardy and Miguel Martinez Lucio
  • China's capitalism and the crisis. (2012) Jane Hardy and Adrian Budd
  • Impacts of horizontal and vertical foreign investment in business services : The experience of Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic. (2011) Jane Hardy, Magdolna Sass and Martina Pollakova Fifekova
  • Upgrading local economies in central and eastern Europe? : The role of business service foreign direct investment in the knowledge economy. (2011) Jane Hardy, G. Micek and P. Capik
  • The embeddedness of software development in Ukraine : An offshoring country perspective. (2011) Jane Hardy and Graham Hollinshead
  • Changing workplace relations in foreign investment firms in Poland. (2011) Jane Hardy and Wiesia Kozek
  • Chiny po kryzysie China after the crisis. (2011) Jane Hardy
  • Miejsca transformacji : kryzys, recesja i powrót koniunkturalny Places of transformation, crisis, recession and recovery. (2011) Jane Hardy
  • Crisis and recession in Central and Eastern Europe. (2010) Jane Hardy
  • Negotiating ‘solidarity’ and internationalism : the response of Polish trade unions to migration. (2010) Jane Hardy and Ian Fitzgerald
  • The offshoring of financial services : a reassessment. (2010) Jane Hardy and Graham Hollinshead
  • Migration, migrant workers and capitalism. (2009) Jane Hardy
  • Outsourced and offshored services : the complex relationship with places. (2009) Pawel Capik, Jane Hardy and Grzegorz Micek
  • The offshoring of financial services : a reassessment. (2009) Graham Hollinshead and Jane Hardy
  • In the front line: women, work and new spaces of labour politics in Poland. (2008) Jane Hardy, Wieslawa Kozek and Alison Stenning
  • Finance, policy and industrial dynamics : The rise of co-productions in the film industry. (2007) N. Morawetz, Jane Hardy, K.R. Randle and Colin Haslam
  • 'Learning' or 'coercive' firms : Foreign investment, restructuring transforming economies, and the case of ABB in Poland. (2007) Jane Hardy
  • The new competition and the new economy: Poland in the international division of labour. (2007) Jane Hardy
  • Cultural and political embeddedness, foreign investment in transforming economies. (2005) Jane Hardy, Frank Currie and Zhen Ye
  • Poland and the New Europe. (2005) Jane Hardy and Andrzej Zebrowski
  • East-West integration, inequalities and value chains: rethinking the core-periphery. (2000) Jane Hardy
  • Cathedrals in the desert? : Transnationals, corporate strategy and locality in Wroclaw. (1998) Jane Hardy
  • Globalization, institutions, foreign investment and the reintegration of East and Central Europe and the former Soviet Union with the global economy. (1998) Adam Swain and Jane Hardy
  • Trade unions, foreign investment and the restructuring of Polish enterprises. (1997) A. Rainnie and Jane Hardy
  • Restructuring Huta T. Sendzimira - from the Lenin steelworks to lean production. (1996) Jane Hardy, Al Rainnie, Janusz Kot, Marek Dzuira and Ewa Piasecka
  • Desperately seeking capitalism : Solidarity and Polish industrial relations in the 1990s. (1995) Al Rainnie and Jane Hardy
  • Eastern promise? : Foreign investment in Poland. (1994) Jane Hardy
  • Poland's economic transformation : the role of foreign direct investment and small firms. (1994) Jane Hardy and Al Rainnie
  • Monograph
  • Opportunities and challenges related to cross border mobility and recruitment of the health sector workforce. (2012) Jane Hardy, Moira Calveley, Steven Shelley and Rebecca Zahn
  • Cutting across diversity : trade union learning initiatives and migrant workers in the Communication Workers' Union in the United Kingdom. (2012) Moira Calveley, Steven Shelley and Jane Hardy
  • Free movement in the EU : the case of Great Britain. (2011) Nick Clark and Jane Hardy
  • Migrant and Minority Learning Needs in the Communications Industry : Final report. (2009) Jane Hardy, Moira Calveley and Steven Shelley
  • Book
  • Nowy Polski Kapitalizm Poland's New Capitalism. (2010) Jane Hardy
  • Poland's New Capitalism. (2009) Jane Hardy
  • Restructuring Krakow : Desperately Seeking Capitalism. (1996) Jane Hardy and Al Rainnie
  • Other
  • Ungleiche und kombinierte Entwicklung als Grundlage der vergleichenden Kapitalismusforschung : Räumlichkeit, Arbeit und institutionelle Konfigurationen Transformation and crisis in Central and Eastern Europea combined and uneven development perspective. (2013) Jane Hardy
  • Poland. (2012) Jane Hardy
  • Conclusion: The 'Crash' in Central and Eastern Europe. (2011) Jane Hardy and Gareth Dale
  • The transformation of post-communist economies in a globalised economy : the case of Poland. (2007) Jane Hardy
  • The flexible firm goes East? (1994) Jane Hardy and Al Rainnie