Items where Author is "Hickox, Ryan C."
Number of items: 13.
Unveiling AGN outflows: [O iii] outflow detection rates and correlation with low-frequency radio emission. (2024)
Emmy L. Escott,
Leah K. Morabito,
Jan Scholtz,
Ryan C. Hickox,
Chris M. Harrison,
David M. Alexander,
Marina I. Arnaudova,
Daniel J. B. Smith,
Kenneth J. Duncan,
James Petley,
Rohit Kondapally,
Gabriela Calistro Rivera
Sthabile Kolwa
The Outflowing [O ii ] Nebulae of Compact Starburst Galaxies at z ∼ 0.5. (2024)
Serena Perrotta,
Alison L. Coil,
David S. N. Rupke,
Wenmeng Ning,
Brendan Duong,
Aleksandar M. Diamond-Stanic,
Drummond B. Fielding,
James E. Geach,
Ryan C. Hickox,
John Moustakas,
Gregory H. Rudnick,
Paul H. Sell,
Cameren N. Swiggum
Christy A. Tremonti
Ionized Gas Extended Over 40 kpc in an Odd Radio Circle Host Galaxy. (2024)
Alison L. Coil,
Serena Perrotta,
David S. N. Rupke,
Cassandra Lochhaas,
Christy A. Tremonti,
Aleks Diamond-Stanic,
Drummond Fielding,
Jim Geach,
Ryan C. Hickox,
John Moustakas,
Gregory H. Rudnick,
Paul Sell
Kelly E. Whalen
Extending the Dynamic Range of Galaxy Outflow Scaling Relations: Massive Compact Galaxies with Extreme Outflows. (2023)
Julie D. Davis,
Christy A. Tremonti,
Cameren N. Swiggum,
John Moustakas,
Aleksandar M. Diamond-Stanic,
Alison L. Coil,
James E. Geach,
Ryan C. Hickox,
Serena Perrotta,
Grayson C. Petter,
Gregory H. Rudnick,
David S. N. Rupke,
Paul H. Sell
Kelly E. Whalen
Kinematics, Structure, and Mass Outflow Rates of Extreme Starburst Galactic Outflows. (2023)
Serena Perrotta,
Alison L. Coil,
David S. N. Rupke,
Christy A. Tremonti,
Julie D. Davis,
Aleksandar M. Diamond-Stanic,
James E. Geach,
Ryan C. Hickox,
John Moustakas,
Gregory H. Rudnick,
Paul H. Sell,
Cameren N. Swiggum
Kelly E. Whalen
The Ionization and Dynamics of the Makani Galactic Wind. (2023)
David S. N. Rupke,
Alison L. Coil,
Serena Perrotta,
Julie D. Davis,
Aleksandar M. Diamond-Stanic,
James E. Geach,
Ryan C. Hickox,
John Moustakas,
Grayson C. Petter,
Gregory H. Rudnick,
Paul H. Sell,
Christy A. Tremonti
Kelly E. Whalen
Host Dark Matter Halos of Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer-selected Obscured and Unobscured Quasars: Evidence for Evolution. (2023)
Grayson C. Petter,
Ryan C. Hickox,
David M. Alexander,
Adam D. Myers,
James E. Geach,
Kelly E. Whalen
Carolina P. Andonie
The Space Density of Intermediate-redshift, Extremely Compact, Massive Starburst Galaxies. (2022)
Kelly E. Whalen,
Ryan C. Hickox,
Alison L. Coil,
Aleksandar M. Diamond-Stanic,
James E. Geach,
John Moustakas,
Gregory H. Rudnick,
David S. N. Rupke,
Paul H. Sell,
Christy A. Tremonti,
Julie D. Davis,
Serena Perrotta
Grayson C. Petter
Host Dark Matter Halos of SDSS Red and Blue Quasars: No Significant Difference in Large-scale Environment. (2022)
Grayson C. Petter,
Ryan C. Hickox,
David M. Alexander,
James E. Geach,
Adam D. Myers,
David J. Rosario,
Victoria A. Fawcett,
Lizelke Klindt
Kelly E. Whalen
Physical Properties of Massive Compact Starburst Galaxies with Extreme Outflows. (2021)
Serena Perrotta,
Erin R. George,
Alison L. Coil,
Christy A. Tremonti,
David S. N. Rupke,
Julie D. Davis,
Aleksandar M. Diamond-Stanic,
James E. Geach,
Ryan C. Hickox,
John Moustakas,
Grayson C. Petter,
Gregory H. Rudnick,
Paul H. Sell,
Cameren N. Swiggum
Kelly E. Whalen
A 100-kiloparsec wind feeding the circumgalactic medium of a massive compact galaxy. (2019)
David S.~N. Rupke,
Alison Coil,
James E. Geach,
Christy Tremonti,
Aleksandar M. Diamond-Stanic,
Erin R. George,
Ryan C. Hickox,
Amanda A. Kepley,
Gene Leung,
John Moustakas,
Gregory Rudnick
Paul H. Sell
A SCUBA-2 survey of FeLoBAL QSOs : Are FeLoBALs in a `transition phase' between ULIRGs and QSOs? (2016)
Giulio Violino,
Kristen Coppin,
Jason A. Stevens,
Duncan Farrah,
James Geach,
Dave M. Alexander,
Ryan C. Hickox,
Daniel Smith
Julie L. Wardlow
The LABOCA Survey of the Extended Chandra Deep Field South : Clustering of submillimetre galaxies. (2012)
Ryan C. Hickox,
J. L. Wardlow,
Ian Smail,
A. D. Myers,
D. M. Alexander,
A. M. Swinbank,
A. L. R. Danielson,
J. P. Stott,
S.C. Chapman,
Kristen Coppin,
J. S. Dunlop,
E. Gawiser,
D. Lutz,
P. van der Werf
A. Weiss