Items where Author is "<span class="person_name">Iliffe, Steve</span>"
Number of items: 46.
  • Managing loneliness: a qualitative study of older people’s views. (2020) Kalpa Kharicha, Jill Manthorpe, Steve Iliffe, Carolyn Chew Graham, Mima Cattan, Claire Goodman, Maggie Kirby-Barr, Janet Whitehouse and Kate Walters
  • Health promotion for mild frailty based on behaviour change: perceptions of older people and service providers. (2019) Christina Avgerinou, Benjamin Gardner, Kalpa Kharicha, Ann Liljas, Rekha Elaswarapu, Jill Manthorpe, Vari Drennan, Steve Iliffe, Claire Goodman and Kate Walters
  • Engaging ‘hard to reach’ groups in health promotion: the views of older people and professionals from a qualitative study in England. (2019) Ann E. M. Liljas, Kate Walters, Ana Jovicic, Steve Iliffe, Jill Manthorpe, Claire Goodman and Kalpa Kharicha
  • Moving upstream in health promoting policies for older people with early frailty in England? A policy analysis. (2018) Vari Drennan, Kate Walters, Christina Avgerinou, Benjamin Gardner, Claire Goodman, Rachael Frost, Kalpa Kharicha, Steve Iliffe and Jill Manthorpe
  • Optimal healthcare delivery to care homes in the UK: a realist evaluation of what supports effective working to improve healthcare outcomes. (2018) Adam Gordon, Claire Goodman, Sue L Davies, Tom Dening, Heather Gage, Julienne Meyer, Justine Schneider, Brian Bell, Jake Jordan, Finbarr Martin, Steve Iliffe, Clive Bowman, John Gladman, Christina Victor, Andrea Mayrhofer, Melanie Handley and Maria Zubair
  • Managing behavioural and psychological symptoms in community dwelling older people with dementia: 2. A systematic review of qualitative studies : 2. A systematic review of qualitative studies. (2018) Andreas Braun, Daksha Trivedi, Angela Dickinson, Laura Hamilton, Claire Goodman, Heather Gage, Kunle Ashaye, Steve Iliffe and Jill Manthorpe
  • Managing behavioural and psychological symptoms in community dwelling older people with dementia:1. A systematic review of the effectiveness of interventions. (2018) Daksha Trivedi, Andreas Braun, Angela Dickinson, Heather Gage, Laura Hamilton, Claire Goodman, Kunle Ashaye, Steve Iliffe and Jill Manthorpe
  • Identifying acceptable components for home-based health promotion services for older people with mild frailty: A qualitative study. (2017) Rachel Frost, Kalpa Kharicha, Ana Jovicic, Ann E. M. Liljas, Steve Iliffe, Jill Manthorpe, Benjamin Gardner, Cristina Avgerinou, Claire Goodman, Vari M. Drennan and Kate Walters
  • Home-based health promotion for older people with mild frailty (HomeHealth): intervention development and feasibility Randomised Controlled Trial. (2017) Kate Walters, Rachael Frost, Kalpa Kharicha, Christina Avgerinou, Benjamin Gardner, Federico Ricciardi, Rachael Hunter, Ann Liljas, Vari Drennan, John Wood, Claire Goodman, Ana Jovicic and Steve Iliffe
  • Health and wellbeing promotion strategies for ‘hard to reach’ older people in England: a mapping exercise. (2017) Steve Iliffe, Claire Goodman, Jill Manthorpe and Kate Walters
  • Optimal NHS service delivery to care homes: a realist evaluation of the features and mechanisms that support effective working for the continuing care of older people in residential settings. (2017) Claire Goodman, Sue L Davies, Adam Gordon, Tom Dening, Heather Gage, Julienne Meyer, Brian Bell, Jake Jordon, Finbarr Martin, Steve Iliffe, John Gladman, Christina Victor, Andrea Mayrhofer, Melanie Handley and Maria Zubair
  • Health promotion interventions for community-dwelling older people with mild or pre-frailty: A systematic review and meta-analysis. (2017) Claire Goodman, Rachael Frost, Celia Belk, Ana Jovicic, Federico Ricciardi, Benhamin Gardner, Steve Iliffe, Jill Manthorpe, Vari Drennan and Kate Walters
  • Exploring the relationship between frequent internet use and health and social care resource use in a community-based cohort of older adults: An observational study in primary care. (2017) Caroline S Clarke, Jeff Round, Stephen Morris, Kalpa Kharicha, John Ford, Jill Manthorpe, Steve Iliffe, Claire Goodman and Kate Walters
  • Strategies to improve engagement of 'hard to reach' older people in research on health promotion: : a systematic review. (2017) Ann Liljas, Kate Walters, Ana Jovicic, Steve Iliffe, Jill Manthorpe, Claire Goodman and Kalpa Kharicha
  • Promoting independence, health and well-being for older people: : a feasibility study of computer-aided health and social risk appraisal system in primary care. (2017) Kate Walters, Kalpa Kharicha, Claire Goodman, Melanie Handley, Jill Manthorpe, Mima Cattan, Jill Manthorpe, Steve Morris, Caroline S Clarke, Jeff Round and Steve Iliffe
  • Service use of older people who participate in primary care health promotion: a latent class analysis. (2017) John Ford, Kalpa Kharicha, Caroline S Clarke, Allan Clark, Steve Iliffe, Claire Goodman, Jill Manthorpe, Nick Steel and Kate Walters
  • Provision of NHS generalist and specialist services to care homes in England : review of surveys. (2016) Steve Iliffe, Susan Davies, Adam L Gordon, Justine Schneider, Tom Dening, Clive Bowman, Heather Gage, Finbarr Martin, John Gladman, Christina Victor, Julienne Meyer and Claire Goodman
  • Managing behavioural and psychological symptoms in people with dementia and their carers living at home/community- A mixed methods evidence synthesis for non-pharmacological interventions. (2015) Daksha Trivedi, Andreas Braun, Angela Dickinson, Heather Gage, Laura Hamilton, Claire Goodman, Kunle Ashaye, Steve Iliffe and Jill Manthorpe
  • Identifying the content of home-based health behaviour change interventions for frail older people : A systematic review protocol. (2015) Ana Jovicic, Benjamin Gardner, Celia Belk, Kalpa Kharicha, Steve Iliffe, Jill Manthorpe, Claire Goodman, Vari Drennan and Kate Walters
  • Contextualizing the findings of a systematic review on patient and carer experiences of dementia diagnosis and treatment : a qualitative study. (2015) Frances Bunn, Katie Sworn, Carol Brayne, Steve Iliffe, Louise Robinson and Claire Goodman
  • Changing practice in dementia care in the community : developing and testing evidence-based interventions, from timely diagnosis to end of life (EVIDEM). (2015) Steve Iliffe, Jane Wilcock, Vari Drennan, Claire Goodman, Mark Griffin, Martin Knapp, David Lowery, Jill Manthorpe, Greta Rait and James Warner
  • Relationships, Expertise, Incentives, and Governance: Supporting Care Home Residents' Access to Health Care : An interview study from England. (2015) Claire Goodman, Susan Davies, Adam L. Gordon, Julienne Meyer, Tom Dening, John Gladman, Steve Iliffe, Maria Zubair, Clive Bowman, Christina Victor and Finbarr Martin
  • The impact of Cochrane Systematic Reviews : a mixed method evaluation of outputs from Cochrane review groups supported by the UK National Institute for Health Research. (2015) Frances Bunn, Daksha Trivedi, Phil Alderson, Laura Hamilton, Alice Martin, Emma Pinkney and Steve Iliffe
  • The impact of Cochrane Systematic Reviews : a mixed method evaluation of outputs from Cochrane Review Groups supported by the UK National Institute for Health Research. (2014) Frances Bunn, Daksha Trivedi, Phil Alderson, Laura Hamilton, Alice Martin and Steve Iliffe
  • Living in Uncertain Times: trajectories to death in residential care homes. (2014) Stephen Barclay, Katherine Froggatt, Claire Crang, Elspeth Mathie, Melanie Handley, Steve Iliffe, Jill Manthorpe, Heather Gage and Claire Goodman
  • Emergency ambulance service involvement with residential care homes in the support of older people with dementia : an observational study. (2014) Sarah Amador, Claire Goodman, Derek King, Ina Machen, Natasha Elmore, Elspeth Mathie and Steve Iliffe
  • Effective health care for older people resident in care homes : The Optimal study protocol for realist review. (2014) Claire Goodman, Adam L Gordon, Finbarr Martin, Susan Davies, Steve Iliffe, Clive Bowman, Justine Schneider, Julienne Meyer, Christina Victor, Heather Gage, John Gladman and Tom Dening
  • Enabling research in care homes : an evaluation of a national network of research ready care homes. (2014) Susan Davies, Claire Goodman, Jill Manthorpe, Adam Smith, Natasha Carrick and Steve Iliffe
  • Living and dying : Responsibility for end of life care in care homes without on-site nursing provision - a prospective study. (2013) Melanie Jane Handley, Claire Goodman, Katherine Froggatt, Elspeth Mathie, Heather Gage, Jill Manthorpe, Stephen Barclay, Clare Crang and Steve Iliffe
  • Can networks of research active care homes for older people be created and sustained? (2013) Susan Davies, Claire Goodman, Steve Iliffe, Jill Manthorpe, Natasha Carrick and Adam Smith
  • The effectiveness of inter-professional working for older people living in the community : A systematic review. (2013) Daksha Trivedi, Claire Goodman, Heather Gage, Natasha Baron, Fiona Scheibl, Steve Iliffe, Jill Manthorpe, Frances Bunn and Vari Drennan
  • A protocol for a systematic review of research on managing behavioural and psychological symptoms in dementia for community-dwelling older people. (2013) Daksha Trivedi, Claire Goodman, Angela Dickinson, Heather Gage, Jennifer McLaughlin, Jill Manthorpe, Olakunle Ashaye and Steve Iliffe
  • A study of the effectiveness of inter-professional working for community dwelling older people : Final report - NIHR Service Delivery & Organisation Programme, 2011. (2012) Claire Goodman, Vari Drennan, Jill Manthorpe, Heather Gage, Daksha Trivedi, Dhrushita Shah, Fiona Scheibl, Leon Poltawski, Melanie Jane Handley, Avril Nash and Steve Iliffe
  • Integrated working between residential care homes and primary care : a survey of care homes in England. (2012) Heather Gage, Angela Dickinson, Christina Victor, Peter Williams, Jerome Cheynel, Susan Davies, Steve Iliffe, Katherine Froggatt, Wendy Martin and Claire Goodman
  • An uncertain future : The unchanging views of care home residents about living and dying. (2012) Elspeth Mathie, Claire Goodman, Clare Crang, Katherine Froggatt, Steve Iliffe, Jill Manthorpe and Stephen Barclay
  • Feasibility of repeated use of the health risk appraisal for older people system as a health promotion tool in community-dwelling older people : retrospective cohort study 2001-05. (2012) Kalpa Kharicha, Steve Iliffe, Danielle Harari, Cameron G. Swift, Claire Goodman, Jill Manthorpe, Gerhard Gillmann and Andreas E. Stuck
  • Nurse-led case management in the National Health Service : bridging clinical and social worlds. (2012) Jill Manthorpe, Claire Goodman, Vari Drennan, Susan Davies, Helen Masey, Heather Gage, Cheryll Scott, Sally Brearley and Steve Iliffe
  • Nurse case management and general practice : implications for GP consortia. (2011) Steve Iliffe, Vari Drennan, Jill Manthorpe, Heather Gage, Susan Davies, Helen Massey, Cherill Sott, Sally Brearley and Claire Goodman
  • Frailty scales - their potential in interprofessional working with older people: a discussion paper. (2011) Leon Poltawski, Claire Goodman, Steve Iliffe, Jill Manthorpe, Heather Gage, Dhrushita Shah and Vari Drennan
  • Culture, consent, costs and care homes: Enabling older people with dementia to participate in research. (2011) Claire Goodman, Natasha L. Baron, Ina Machen, Elizabeth Stevenson, Catherine Evans, Sue L. Davies and Steve Iliffe
  • Models of Inter Professional Working for older people living at home : a survey and review of the local strategies of English health and social care statutory organisations. (2011) Claire Goodman, Vari Drennan, Fiona Scheibl, Dhrushita Shah, Jill Manthorpe, Heather Gage and Steve Iliffe
  • Talking about living and dying with the oldest old : public involvement in a study on end of life care in care homes. (2011) Claire Goodman, Elspeth Mathie, Marion Cowe, Alex Mendoza, Daphne Westwood, Diane Munday, Patricia Wilson, Clare Crang, Katherine Froggatt, Steve Iliffe, Jill Manthorpe, Heather Gage and Stephen Barclay
  • A systematic review of integrated working between care homes and health care services. (2011) Susan Davies, Claire Goodman, Frances Bunn, Christina Victor, Angela Dickinson, Steve Iliffe and Heather Gage
  • Smarter working in social and health care : Professional perspectives on a new technology for risk appraisal with older people. (2010) Jill Manthorpe, Kalpa Kharicha, Claire Goodman, Danielle Harari, Cameron Swift and Steve Iliffe
  • Dementia, dignity and quality of life : nursing practice and its dilemmas. (2010) Jill Manthorpe, Steve Iliffe, Kritika Samsi, Laura Cole, Claire Goodman, Vari Drennan and James Warner
  • Views and Experiences of End of Life Care of Older People Living in Care Homes. (2010) Elspeth Mathie, Claire Goodman, Melanie Jane Handley, Diane Thompson, Alex Mendoza, Daphne Westwood, Marion Cowe, Diane Munday, Katherine Froggatt, Stephen Barclay, Clare Crang, Steve Iliffe, Jill Manthorpe, Heather Gage, Pam Fenner and Richard Garlick