Items where Author is "Intema, Huib T."
Number of items: 8.
Black hole jets on the scale of the cosmic web. (2024)
Martijn S. S. L. Oei,
Martin J. Hardcastle,
Roland Timmerman,
Aivin R. D. J. G. I. B. Gast,
Andrea Botteon,
Antonio C. Rodriguez,
Daniel Stern,
Gabriela Calistro Rivera,
Reinout J. van Weeren,
Huub J. A. Röttgering,
Huib T. Intema,
Francesco de Gasperin
S. G. Djorgovski
LOFAR MSSS: The Scaling Relation between AGN Cavity Power and Radio Luminosity at Low Radio Frequencies. (2017)
G. Kokotanekov,
Michael Wise,
G. H. Heald,
J. P. McKean,
L. Bîrzan,
D. A. Rafferty,
L. E H Godfrey,
M. de Vries,
Huib T. Intema,
J. W. Broderick,
M. J. Hardcastle,
A. Bonafede,
A. O. Clarke,
R. J. van Weeren,
H.~J.~A. Röttgering,
R. Pizzo,
M. Iacobelli,
E. Orrú,
Alexander Shulevski,
C. J. Riseley,
R. P. Breton,
B. Nikiel-Wroczyński,
S. S. Sridhar,
A. J. Stewart,
A. Rowlinson,
A. J. van der Horst,
J. J. Harwood,
G. Gürkan,
D. Carbone,
M. Pandey-Pommier,
C. Tasse,
A. M. M. Scaife,
L. Pratley,
Chiara Ferrari,
J. H. Croston,
V. N. Pandey,
W. Jurusik
D. D. Mulcahy
The LOFAR window on star-forming galaxies and AGN - curved radio SEDs and IR-radio correlation at 0 < z < 2.5. (2017)
G. Calistro Rivera,
W. L. Williams,
M. J. Hardcastle,
K. J. Duncan,
H.~J.~A. Röttgering,
Philip N. Best,
Marcus Brüggen,
K.T. Chyzy,
C. J. Conselice,
Francesco De Gasperin,
D. Engels,
G. Gürkan,
Huib T. Intema,
M. J. Jarvis,
E. K. Mahony,
G.K. Miley,
L. K. Morabito,
I. Prandoni,
J. Sabater,
D. J. B. Smith,
C. Tasse,
P. van der Werf
Glenn J. White
A high resolution foreground model for the MWA EoR1 field : model and implications for EoR power spectrum analysis. (2017)
P. Procopio,
R. B. Wayth,
J. Line,
C. M. Trott,
Huib T. Intema,
D. A. Mitchell,
B. Pindor,
J. Riding,
S. J. Tingay,
M. E. Bell,
J. R. Callingham,
K. S. Dwarakanath,
Bi-Qing For,
B. M. Gaensler,
P. J. Hancock,
L. Hindson,
N. Hurley-Walker,
M. Johnston-Hollitt,
A. D. Kapińnska,
E. Lenc,
B. McKinley,
J. Morgan,
A. Offringa,
L. Staveley-Smith,
Chen Wu
Q. Zheng
Radio spectra of bright compact sources at z>4.5. (2017)
Rocco Coppejans,
Sjoert van Velzen,
Huib T. Intema,
Cornelia Müller,
Sándor Frey,
Deanne L. Coppejans,
Dávid Cseh,
Wendy Williams,
Heino Falcke,
Elmar G. Körding,
Emanuela Orrú,
Zsolt Paragi
Krisztina É. Gabányi
What are the megahertz peaked-spectrum sources? (2016)
Rocco Coppejans,
David Cseh,
Sjoert van Velzen,
Heino Falcke,
Huib T. Intema,
Zsolt Paragi,
Cornelia Muller,
Wendy L. Williams,
Sandor Frey,
Leonid I. Gurvits
Elmar G. Kording
FR II radio galaxies at low frequencies I : morphology, magnetic field strength and energetics. (2016)
Jeremy J. Harwood,
Judith H. Croston,
Huib T. Intema,
Adam J. Stewart,
Judith Ineson,
Martin Hardcastle,
Leith Godfrey,
Philip Best,
Marisa Brienza,
Volker Heesen,
Elizabeth K. Mahony,
Raffaella Morganti,
Matteo Murgia,
Emanuela Orrú,
Huub Röttgering,
Aleksandar Shulevski
Michael W. Wise
Filaments in the southern giant lobe of Centaurus A : Constraints on nature and origin from modelling and GMRT observations. (2014)
Sarka Wykes,
Huib T. Intema,
M.J. Hardcastle,
Abraham Achterberg,
Thomas W. Jones,
Helmut Jerjen,
Emanuela Orrú,
Alex Lazarian,
Timothy W. Shimwell,
Michael W. Wise
Philipp P. Kronberg