Items where Author is "Jepson, Allan"
Number of items: 32.
Social media, mental health, and equestrian events. (2024)
Sarah Snell,
Allan Jepson,
Raphaela Stadler,
Trudie Walters,
Kate Dashper
Neil Spencer
Food festivals and well-being: Extending the PERMA model. (2024)
Giulia Rossetti,
Allan Jepson
Valentina Albanese
Tourism and Neurodiversity: A Problematisation and Research Agenda. (2023)
Allan Jepson,
Raphaela Stadler
Brian Garrod
“Work it, work it, non-stop" – event industry employees’ unconscious application of the Five Ways to Wellbeing. (2023)
Raphaela Stadler,
Trudie Walters
Allan Jepson
Sustainable Humans: A framework for applying Sustainable HRM principles to the Events Industry. (2022)
Raphaela Stadler,
Trudie Walters
Allan Jepson
Doing and feeling together in older age: self-worth and belonging through social creative activities. (2021)
Emma Wood,
Allan Jepson
Raphaela Stadler
Positive power: Events as temporary sites of power which “empower” marginalised groups. (2021)
Trudie Walters,
Raphaela Stadler
Allan Jepson
Positive power: Events as temporary sites of power which “empower” marginalised groups. (2021)
Trudie Walters,
Raphaela Stadler
Allan Jepson
Making Positive Family Memories Together and Improving Quality-of-Life Through Thick Sociality and Bonding at Local Community Festivals and Events. (2019)
Allan Jepson,
Raphaela Stadler
Neil Spencer
De-marginalising, Marginalised Communities: The case of participatory arts events and the over 70s in rural Hertfordshire, United Kingdom. (2019)
Allan Jepson
Understanding the Well-Being Potential of Participatory Arts Events for the Over 70s: A Conceptual Framework and Research Agenda. (2018)
Emma Wood,
Allan Jepson
Raphaela Stadler
Electrodermal activity measurement within a qualitative methodology : Exploring emotion in leisure experiences. (2018)
Raphaela Stadler,
Allan Jepson
Emma Wood
Understanding Feelings, Barriers, and Conflicts in Festivals and Events; the Impact upon Family QOL. (2018)
Raphaela Stadler
Allan Jepson
Applying the Motivation, Opportunity, Ability (MOA) model, and Self-Efficacy (S-E) to better understand student engagement on Undergraduate Event Management Programs. (2018)
Allan Jepson
Gerard Ryan
Introducing Power, Meaning and Authenticity. (2017)
Allan Jepson
Alan Clarke
Understanding the value of events for families, and the impact upon their quality of life. (2017)
Raphaela Stadler
Allan Jepson
Conceptualising the Impact of Festival and Event Attendance upon Family Quality of Life (QOL). (2017)
Allan Jepson
Raphaela Stadler
Creating Critical Festival Discourse through flexible mixed Methodological research design. (2016)
Allan Jepson
Alan Clarke
Back to the Future. (2015)
Allan Jepson
Alan Clarke
Defining and exploring community festivals and events. (2015)
Allan Jepson
Alan Clarke
Integrating ‘self-efficacy’ theory to the Motivation-Opportunity-Ability (MOA) Model to reveal factors that influence inclusive engagement within local community festivals. (2014)
Allan Jepson,
Alan Clarke
Gillian Ragsdell
The Future Power of Decision Making in Community Festivals. (2014)
Allan Jepson
Alan Clarke
Investigating the application of the Motivation-Opportunity-Ability Model to reveal factors which facilitate or inhibit inclusive engagement within local community festivals. (2014)
Allan Jepson,
Alan Clarke
Gillian Ragsdell
Student motivations, opportunities, abilities and self-efficacy : making the case for engagement in event studies. (2014)
Allan Jepson
Alan Clarke
Knowledge Sharing : Insights from Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) Festival Volunteers. (2014)
Gillian Ragsdell
Allan Jepson
Applying ‘self-efficacy’ theory to the Motivation-Opportunity-Ability (MOA) Model to reveal factors that influence inclusive engagement within local community festivals. (2013)
Allan Jepson,
Alan Clarke
Gillian Ragsdell
Events and Community Development. (2013)
Allan Jepson
Alan Clarke
Applying the motivation-opportunity-ability (MOA) model to reveal factors that influence inclusive engagement within local community festivals : The case of UtcaZene 2012. (2013)
Allan Jepson,
Alan Clarke
Gillian Ragsdell
Investigating the use of the Motivation-Opportunity-Ability (MOA) Model to reveal the factors which facilitate or inhibit inclusive engagement within local community festivals. (2012)
Allan Jepson
Power, Hegemony, and relationships in the festival planning and construction process. (2011)
Alan Clarke
Allan Jepson
Community Festivals : Involvement and Inclusion. (2008)
Allan Jepson,
Peter Wiltshire
Alan Clarke
Involving the local Community : The Case of the Derby Jubilee Festival 2002. (2005)
Allan Jepson