Items where Author is "<span class="person_name">Lintott, C.J.</span>"
Number of items: 11.
  • Misalignment between cold gas and stellar components in early-type galaxies. (2015) O.I. Wong, K. Schawinski, G.I. Jozsa, C.M. Urry, C.J. Lintott, B.D. Simmons, Sugata Kaviraj and K.L. Masters
  • Galaxy zoo 2 : Detailed morphological classifications for 304,122 galaxies from the sloan digital sky survey. (2013) K.W. Willett, C.J. Lintott, S.P. Bamford, K.L. Masters, B.D. Simmons, K.R.V. Casteels, E.M. Edmondson, L.F. Fortson, S. Kaviraj, W.C. Keel, T. Melvin, R.C. Nichol, M. Jordan Raddick, K. Schawinski, R.J. Simpson, R.A. Skibba, A.M. Smith and D. Thomas
  • A Herschel*-ATLAS study of dusty spheroids : Probing the minor-merger process in the local Universe. (2013) S. Kaviraj, K. Rowlands, M. Alpaslan, L. Dunne, Y. S. Ting, M. Bureau, S. Shabala, C.J. Lintott, Daniel Smith, N. Agius, R. Auld, M. Baes, N. Bourne, A. Cava, D. L. Clements, A. Cooray, A. Dariush, G. de Zotti, S. P. Driver, S. Eales, R. Hopwood, C. Hoyos, E. Ibar, S. Maddox, M. J. Michalowski, A. E. Sansom, M. Smith and E. Valiante
  • Chandra observations of Galaxy Zoo mergers : Frequency of binary active nuclei in massive mergers. (2012) S.H. Teng, K. Schawinski, C.M. Urry, E.W. Bonning, B.D. Simmons, D.W. Darg, S. Kaviraj, C.J. Lintott, K. Oh, C.N. Cardamone, W.C. Keel and E. Treister
  • Probing quasar shutdown timescales with Hanny's Voorwerp. (2012) D.A. Evans, K. Schawinski, S. Virani, C.M. Urry, W.C. Keel, P. Natarajan, C.J. Lintott, A. Manning, P. Coppi, S. Kaviraj, S.P. Bamford, G.I.G. Józsa, M. Garrett, H. Van Arkel, P. Gay and L. Fortson
  • Galaxy Zoo: Multimergers and the Millennium Simulation. (2011) D.W. Darg, S. Kaviraj, C.J. Lintott, J. Silk, S. Lynn, K. Schawinski, S. Bamford and R.C. Nichol
  • The sudden death of the nearest quasar. (2010) K. Schawinski, S. Virani, C.M. Urry, P. Natarajan, P. Coppi, D.A. Evans, W.C. Keel, A. Manning, C.J. Lintott, S. Kaviraj, S.P. Bamford, G.I.G. Józsa, M. Garrett, H. Van Arkel, P. Gay and L. Fortson
  • Galaxy zoo : The fundamentally different co-evolution of supermassive black holes and their early- and late-type host galaxies. (2010) K. Schawinski, C.M. Urry, S. Virani, P. Coppi, C.N. Cardamone, S.P. Bamford, E. Treister, C.J. Lintott, S. Kaviraj, M. Sarzi, W.C. Keel, K.L. Masters, R.C. Nichol, D. Thomas, N.P. Ross, D. Andreescu, P. Murray, M.J. Raddick, A.S. Szalay, J. Vandenberg and A. Slosar
  • Galaxy Zoo: The properties of merging galaxies in the nearby Universe - Local environments, colours, masses, star formation rates and AGN activity. (2010) D.W. Darg, S. Kaviraj, C.J. Lintott, J. Silk, K. Schawinski, M. Sarzi, S. Bamford, D. Andreescu, P. Murray, R.C. Nichol, D. Thomas, M.J. Raddick, A.S. Szalay, J. Vandenberg and A. Slosar
  • Galaxy Zoo: the fraction of merging galaxies in the SDSS and their morphologies. (2010) D.W. Darg, S. Kaviraj, C.J. Lintott, J. Silk, K. Schawinski, M. Sarzi, S. Bamford, R. Proctor, D. Andreescu, P. Murray, R.C. Nichol, D. Thomas, M.J. Raddick, A.S. Szalay, J. Vandenberg and A. Slosar
  • Destruction of molecular gas reservoirs in early-type galaxies by active galactic nucleus feedback. (2009) K. Schawinski, C.J. Lintott, S. Kaviraj, J. Silk, J. Zuntz, E. Bayet, D. Thomas, C. Maraston, S. Viti, M. Sarzi, S.K. Yi, S-J. Joo, E. Daddi and T. Bell