Items where Author is "<span class="person_name">Loomes, M.J.</span>"
Number of items: 26.
  • Genetic local search for multicast routing with pre-processing by logarithmic simulated annealing. (2008) M.S. Zahrani, M.J. Loomes, J. Malcolm, A.Z.M. Dayem Ullah, K. Steinhofel and A. Albrecht
  • Word Segmentation of Handwritten Text Using Supervised Classification Techniques. (2007) Yi. Sun, T. Butler, A. Shafarenko, R.G. Adams, M.J. Loomes and N. Davey
  • Landscape analysis for multicast routing. (2006) M.S. Zahrani, M.J. Loomes, J. Malcolm and A. Albrecht
  • Reflections on academic leadership. (2006) M.J. Loomes and B. Christianson
  • The Role of Global and Feature Based Information in Gender Classification of Faces: A Comparison of Human Performance and Computational Models. (2005) S. Buchala, N. Davey, T.M. Gale, R. Frank and M.J. Loomes
  • The naming of systems and software evolvability. (2005) M.J. Loomes, C.L. Nehaniv and P. Wernick
  • Gender classification of face images: the role of global and feature-based information. (2004) S. Buchala, N. Davey, R. Frank, T.M. Gale, M.J. Loomes and W. Kanakard
  • Identifying word boundaries in handwritten text. (2004) Yi. Sun, T. Butler, A. Shafarenko, M.J. Loomes, R.G. Adams and N. Davey
  • Segmenting hand written text using supervised classification techniques. (2004) Yi. Sun, T. Butler, A. Shafarenko, M.J. Loomes, R.G. Adams and N. Davey
  • Self-Organising Map Representations Of Greyscale Images Reflect Human Similarity Judgements. (2004) T.M. Gale, N. Davey, K.R. Laws, M.J. Loomes and R. Frank
  • Physically inspired interactive music machines - making contemporary composition accessible. (2003) R. Polfreman, M.J. Loomes and R. Wright
  • Sub-Band Based Text-Dependent Speaker Verification. (2003) P. Sivakumaran, A. Ariyaeeinia and M.J. Loomes
  • Adaptive simulated annealing for CT image classification. (2002) A. Albrecht, M.J. Loomes, K. Steinhofel and C.K. Wong
  • Teaching mathematical explanation through audiographic technology. (2002) M.J. Loomes, A. Shafarenko and M. Loomes
  • Teaching mathematics with audiograph. (2002) M.C. Loomes, A. Shafarenko and M.J. Loomes
  • Cognitive Dimensions of Notations: Design Tools for Cognitive Technology. (2001) A.F. Blackwell, C. Britton, A. Cox, T. Green, C. Gurr, G. Kadoda, M. Kutar, M.J. Loomes, C.L. Nehaniv, M. Petre, C. Roast, C. Roe, A. Wong and R.M. Young
  • Fact and Artifact : Reification and Drift in the History and Growth of Interactive Software Systems. (2001) M.J. Loomes and C.L. Nehaniv
  • A local search method for pattern classification. (2001) A. Albrecht, M.J. Loomes, K. Steinhofel, M. Taupitz and C.K. Wong
  • Constructive biology and approaches to temporal grounding in post-reactive robotics. (1999) C.L. Nehaniv, K. Dautenhahn and M.J. Loomes
  • Applying software metrics to formal specifications : a cognitive approach. (1998) R.J. Vinter, M.J. Loomes and D. Kornbrot
  • Conditional reasoning in language and logic : transfer of non-logical heuristics? (1997) R.J. Vinter, M.J. Loomes and D. Kornbrot
  • Measuring human inferential complexity in formal specifications : a predictive model for the Z notation. (1997) R.J. Vinter, M.J. Loomes and D. Kornbrot
  • Quantified reasoning in formal specification : transfer of everyday errors and biases? (1997) R.J. Vinter, M.J. Loomes and D. Kornbrot
  • A study of disjunctive and conjunctive reasoning in formal logic. (1997) R.J. Vinter, M.J. Loomes and D. Kornbrot
  • Reasoning about formal software specifications : an initial investigation. (1996) R.J. Vinter, M.J. Loomes and D. Kornbrot
  • Seven lesser known myths of formal methods : uncovering the psychology of formal specification. (1996) R.J. Vinter, M.J. Loomes and D. Kornbrot