Items where Author is "<span class="person_name">Mortlock, A.</span>"
Number of items: 9.
  • The SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey: the nature of bright submm galaxies from 2 deg$^2$ of 850-$m imaging. (2017) M.~J. Michalowski, J.~S. Dunlop, M.~P. Koprowski, M. Cirasuolo, J.~E. Geach, R.~A.~A. Bowler, A. Mortlock, K.~I. Caputi, I. Aretxaga, V. Arumugam, C.-C. Chen, R.~J. McLure, M. Birkinshaw, N. Bourne, D. Farrah, E. Ibar, P. van der Werf and M. Zemcov
  • Evolution of cosmic star formation in the SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey. (2017) N. Bourne, J. S. Dunlop, E. Merlin, S. Parsa, C. Schreiber, M. Castellano, C. J. Conselice, K. E. K. Coppin, D. Farrah, A. Fontana, J. E. Geach, M. Halpern, K. K. Knudsen, M. J. Michalowski, A. Mortlock, P. Santini, D. Scott, X. W. Shu, C. Simpson, J. M. Simpson, D. J. B. Smith and P. van der Werf
  • Major mergers are not significant drivers of star formation or morphological transformation around the epoch of peak cosmic star formation. (2017) E. K. Lofthouse, S. Kaviraj, C. J. Conselice, A. Mortlock and W. Hartley
  • The SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey: the clustering of submillimetre galaxies in the UKIDSS UDS field. (2017) A. Wilkinson, O. Almaini, C.-C. Chen, I. Smail, V. Arumugam, A. Blain, E.~L. Chapin, S.~C. Chapman, C.~J. Conselice, W.~I. Cowley, J.~S. Dunlop, D. Farrah, J. Geach, W.~G. Hartley, R.~J. Ivison, D.~T. Maltby, M.~J. Michalowski, A. Mortlock, D. Scott, C. Simpson, J.~M. Simpson, P. van der Werf and V. Wild
  • The SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey: Multiwavelength Counterparts to 10$^3$ Submillimeter Galaxies in the UKIDSS-UDS Field. (2016) C.-C. Chen, I. Smail, R.~J. Ivison, V. Arumugam, O. Almaini, C.~J. Conselice, J.~E. Geach, W.~G. Hartley, C.-J. Ma, A. Mortlock, C. Simpson, J.~M. Simpson, A.~M. Swinbank, I. Aretxaga, A. Blain, S.~C. Chapman, J.~S. Dunlop, D. Farrah, M. Halpern, M.~J. Michalowski, P. van der Werf, A. Wilkinson and J.~A. Zavala
  • The SCUBA-2 cosmology legacy survey : ALMA resolves the rest-frame far-infrared emission of sub-millimeter galaxies. (2015) J. M. Simpson, Ian Smail, A.M. Swinbank, O. Almaini, A. W. Blain, M.N. Bremer, S.C. Chapman, Chian Chou Chen, C. Conselice, Kristen Coppin, A. L. R. Danielson, J. S. Dunlop, A. C. Edge, D. Farrah, James Geach, W. G. Hartley, R. J. Ivison, A. Karim, C. Lani, C. J. Ma, R. Meijerink, M. J. MichaƂowski, A. Mortlock, D. Scott, C. J. Simpson, M. Spaans, A. P. Thomson, E. van Kampen and P. P. Van Der Werf
  • The SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey : the submillimetre properties of Lyman-break galaxies at z = 3-5. (2015) Kristen Coppin, J.E. Geach, O. Almaini, V. Arumugam, James S. Dunlop, W.G. Hartley, Rob J. Ivison, C.J. Simpson, Daniel Smith, A.M. Swinbank, Andrew W. Blain, N. Bourne, M. Bremer, C. Conselice, C. M. Harrison, A. Mortlock, S.C. Chapman, L.J.M. Davies, D. Farrah, A. Gibb, T. Jenness, A. Karim, K. Knudsen, E. Ibar, M. J. Michalowski, J.A. Peacock, D. Rigopoulou, E.I. Robson, D. Scott, J. Stevens and P. van der Werf
  • Why z > 1 radio-loud galaxies are commonly located in protoclusters. (2014) N. A. Hatch, D. Wylezalek, J. D. Kurk, D. Stern, C. De Breuck, M.J. Jarvis, A. Galametz, A. H. Gonzalez, W. G. Hartley, A. Mortlock, N. Seymour and J. A. Stevens
  • The SCUBA-2 cosmology legacy survey : Ultraluminous star-forming galaxies in A z = 1.6 cluster. (2014) Ian Smail, J. E. Geach, A.M. Swinbank, K. Tadaki, V. Arumugam, W. Hartley, O. Almaini, M.N. Bremer, E. Chapin, S. C. Chapman, A. L. R. Danielson, A. C. Edge, D. Scott, C. J. Simpson, J. M. Simpson, C. J. Conselice, J. S. Dunlop, R. J. Ivison, A. Karim, T. Kodama, A. Mortlock, E.I. Robson, I. Roseboom, A. P. Thomson, P. P. Van Der Werf and T. M. A. Webb