Items where Author is "Payne, Helen"
Number of items: 82.
The Association for Dance Movement Therapy UK: Becoming a Profession. (2024)
Helen Payne
Staff Confidence in Supporting Student Mental Health: Outcomes from a Survey. (2024)
Ellice Whyte,
Helen Payne
Behrad Hajilou
Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy, editorial autumn 2024. (2024)
Helen Payne
Tom Warneke
Embodied leadership: A Perspective on Reciprocal Body Movement. (2023)
Helen Payne
Pauliina Jääskeläinen
Nature Connectedness and The Discipline of Authentic Movement. (2023)
Helen Payne
A student-staff partnership conducting research in higher education: An analysis of student and staff reflections. (2023)
Helen Payne,
James Cantwell
Richard Bristow
Nurturing Change: Processes and outcomes of workshops using collage and gesture to foster aesthetic qualities and capabilities for distributed leadership. (2023)
Philip Woods,
Suzanne Culshaw,
Karen Smith,
Joy Jarvis,
Helen Payne
Amanda Roberts
Teaching Staff and Student Perceptions of Staff Support for Student Mental Health: A University Case Study. (2022)
Helen Payne
Effectiveness of the BodyMind Approach® for women with depression and medically unexplained symptoms in Taiwan. (2021)
YuChi Lin
Helen Payne
The BodyMind Approach® to Support Students in Higher Education: The Relationship Between Student Stress, Medically Unexplained Physical Symptoms and Mental Health. (2021)
Helen Payne
A qualitative study of the views of patients with medically unexplained symptoms on The BodyMind Approach®: Employing embodied methods and arts practices for self-management. (2020)
Helen Payne
Susan Brooks
Creative dance as experiential learning in state primary education: The Potential Benefits for Children. (2020)
Helen Payne
Barry Costas
editorial winter 2020 international journal body, movement and dance in psychotherapy. (2020)
Helen Payne
tom warneke
Dance movement psychotherapy and group work. (2019)
Helen Payne
The BodyMind Approach® as Transformative Learning to Promote Self-Management for Patients With Medically Unexplained Symptoms. (2019)
Helen Payne,
Amanda Roberts
Joy Jarvis
Medically unexplained symptoms and attachment theory: The BodyMind Approach. (2019)
Helen Payne
The BodyMind Approach: Synchronous group movement to reduce chronic pain. (2019)
Helen Payne
Medically Unexplained Symptoms (1/4): The BodyMind Approach. (2019)
Helen Payne
Corrigendum : Different Strokes for Different Folks: The BodyMind Approach as a Learning Tool for Patients With Medically Unexplained Symptoms to Self-Manage. (2019)
Helen Payne
Susan Brooks
Hard to control unexplainable medical symptoms: Wellbeing for body and mind. (2019)
Helen Payne
Embodied Perspectives in Psychotherapy. (2019)
Helen Payne
Embodied Perspectives in Psychotherapy. (2019)
Helen Payne
Embodiment, learning and wellbeing. (2019)
Helen Payne
The BodyMind Approach: A self-management tool supporting people with medically unexplained symptoms. (2019)
Helen Payne
The BodyMind Approach and people affected by medically unexplained symptoms/somatic symptom disorder. (2019)
Helen Payne
The Routledge International Handbook of Embodied Perspectives in Psychotherapy : Approaches from Dance Movement and Body Psychotherapies. (2019)
Helen Payne
Thomas Fuchs
Personal constructs of mind-body identity in people who experience medically unexplained symptoms (MUS). (2018)
Thomas Sanders,
David Winter
Helen Payne
Movement speaks of culture: A study focusing on women with depression in Taiwan. (2018)
Helen Payne
Yu-Chi Lin
Different strokes for different folks : The bodymind approach as a learning tool for patients with medically unexplained symptoms to self-manage. (2018)
Helen Payne
Susan Brooks
The BodyMind Approach for supporting medically unexplained symptoms: Outcomes and Process. (2018)
Helen Payne
The BodyMind Approach to support people with medically unexplained symptoms to learn to self-manage
Moverse juntos: el enfoque TBMA (The BodyMind Approach) para ayudar a las personas a autogestionar sus sintomas sin explicacion medica. (2018)
Helen Payne
The BodyMind Approach™: Supporting the wellbeing of patients with chronic medically unexplained symptoms in primary health care in England. (2017)
Helen Payne
Moving on: the BodyMind ApproachTM for medically unexplained symptoms. (2017)
Helen Payne
Susan D.M. Brooks
Transferring research from a university to the United Kingdom National Health Service : The implications for impact. (2017)
Helen Payne
The Psycho-neurology of Embodiment with Examples from Authentic Movement and Laban Movement Analysis. (2017)
Helen Payne
Beyond Mind And Body: Person In (Inter)Action. (2017)
Helen Payne,
YuChi Lin,
Sabrina Cipolletta
David Winter
Introduction: Experiencing inter- corporeality and professional learning. (2017)
Helen Payne
Reliable change in outcomes from The BodyMind Approach™ with people who have medically unexplained symptoms/ somatic symptom disorder in primary healthcare. (2017)
Helen Payne
Through the Kinesthetic Lens : Observation of Social Attunement in Autism Spectrum Disorders. (2017)
Helen Payne
Rosemarie Samaritter
Being moved: Kinaesthetic reciprocities in psychotherapeutic interaction and the development of enactive intersubjectivity. (2016)
Rosemarie Samaritter
Helen Payne
Clinical outcomes from The BodyMind Approach™ in the treatment of patients with medically unexplained symptoms in primary health care in England: practice-based evidence. (2016)
Helen Payne
Susan D.M. Brooks
Editorial Payne and Warnecke. (2016)
Helen Payne
Editorial Payne and Westland. (2015)
Helen Payne
The body speaks its mind : the BodyMind Approach® for patients with medically unexplained symptoms in primary care in England. (2015)
Helen Payne
The role of embodiment and intersubjectivity in clinical reasoning. (2015)
Shaun Gallagher
Helen Payne
Patients with Medically Unexplained Symptoms in the changing UK National Health Service : Nurturing Resilience through The BodyMind Approach™. (2014)
Helen Payne
The BodyMind Approach™, medically unexplained symptoms and personal construct psychology. (2014)
YuChi Lin
Helen Payne
Editorial. (2014)
Helen Payne
Tom Warnecke
Editorial in International journal of body, movement and dance in psychotherapy. (2014)
Helen Payne
Patient experience : push past symptom mysteries. (2014)
Helen Payne
Reflections on Rohricht and Papadopoulos article : Reflections on ‘An investigation into the application and processes of manualised group body psychotherapy for depressive disorder in a clinical trial’ by Nina L.R. Papadopoulos and Frank Röhricht (Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy, Volume 9, No. 3, 2014): Opening the discussion between dance movement psychotherapy and body psychotherapy. (2014)
Helen Payne,
Gill Westland,
Vicky Karkou
Tom Warnecke
Editorial 2013 International journal of body, movement and dance in psychotherapy. (2013)
Helen Payne
Editorial. (2013)
Helen Payne
Vicky Karkou
Editorial, International journal of body, movement and dance in psychotherapy. (2013)
Helen Payne
Kinaesthetic Intersubjectivity: : A dance informed contribution to self-other relatedness and shared experience in nonverbal psychotherapy with an example from Autism. (2013)
Helen Payne
Rosemarie Samaritter
editorial payne and warnecke 2013 International journal of body, movement and dance in psychotherapy. (2013)
Helen Payne
Medically Unexplained Symptoms : The BodyMind Approach to the Promotion of Wellbeing in Primary Care. (2013)
Helen Payne
The embodied word. (2012)
Heidrun Panhofer,
Helen Payne,
Timothy Parke
Bonnie Meekums
The emergence of body memory in authentic movement. (2012)
Ilka Konopatsch
Helen Payne
payne and westland 2012 editorial International journal of body, movement and dance in psychotherapy. (2012)
Helen Payne
Languaging the embodied experience. (2011)
H. Panhofer
Helen Payne
The space between psyche and soma : The results and findings of a pilot study evaluating The BodyMind Approach with patients suffering medically unexplained symptoms in primary care. (2011)
Helen Payne
Change in the moving bodymind : quantitative results from a pilot study on the use of the bodymind approach (BMA) to psychotherapeutic group work with patients with medically unexplained symptoms (MUSs). (2010)
Helen Payne
D. Stott
Dancing, moving and writing in clinical supervision? Employing embodied practices in psychotherapy supervision. (2010)
H. Panhofer,
Helen Payne,
B. Meekums
T. Parke
Personal development groups in post graduate movement psychotherapy training : A study examining the contribution to practice. (2010)
Helen Payne
Psychosomatic conditions in primary care : change within the moving bodymind. (2010)
Helen Payne
editorial payne International journal of body, movement and dance in psychotherapy. (2009)
Helen Payne
The BodyMind Approach (BMA) to psychotherapeutic groupwork with patients with medically unexplained symptoms (MUS) : A review of the literature, description of approach and methodology for a pilot study. (2009)
Helen Payne
Pilot study to evaluate Dance Movement Psychotherapy (the BodyMind Approach) in patients with medically unexplained symptoms : Participant and facilitator perceptions and a summary discussion. (2009)
Helen Payne
Supervision in dance movement psychotherapy : an overview. (2008)
Helen Payne
The experience of working with refugees : counsellors in primary care. (2007)
G. Century,
G. Leavey
Helen Payne
Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy: Editorial. (2006)
Helen Payne
Tracking the web of interconnectivity. (2006)
Helen Payne
Health rhythms: A preliminary inquiry into group drumming as experienced by participants on a structured day services programme for substance misusers. (2005)
P. S. Blackett
Helen Payne
Becoming a Client, Becoming a Practitioner : Student Narratives from a Dance Movement Therapy Group. (2004)
Helen Payne
Authentic Movement, Groups and Psychotherapy. (2003)
Helen Payne
Authentic Movement, Groups and Psychotherapy. (2003)
Helen Payne
Arts Therapies And Psychotherapy Training: An International Survey. (2002)
Helen Payne
The Experience of Counselling for Female Clients with Anorexia Nervosa : A Person Centred Perspective. (2002)
L. Marchant
Helen Payne
Authentic movement and supervision. (2001)
Helen Payne
Students' experiences of a Dance Movement Therapy Group : The Question of Safety. (2001)
Helen Payne
Personal development groups in the training of counsellors and therapists : a review of the research. (1999)
Helen Payne