Items where Author is "<span class="person_name">Petrie, Helen</span>"
Number of items: 14.
  • Providing interactive access to architectural floorplans for blind people. (2006) Helen Petrie, Neil King, Anne-Marie Burn and Pete Pavan
  • Developing a navigation aid for the frail and visually impaired. (2004) P. Engelbrektsson, Marianne Karlsson, Blaithin Gallagher, Heather Hunter, Helen Petrie and Anne-Marie O'Neill
  • Evaluation of guidelines for designing accessible Web content. (2001) Chetz Colwell and Helen Petrie
  • The tactile depiction of visual conventions : the advantage of explicit cues. (2000) Angus I. G. Ramsay and Helen Petrie
  • MoBIC: An Aid to Increase the Independent Mobility of Blind Travellers. (1997) Helen Petrie, Valerie Johnson, Thomas Strothotte, Andreas Raab, R. Michel, Lars Reichert and Axel Schalt
  • Other
  • Providing blind people with access to technical diagrams. (2003) Paul Blenkhorn, David Crombie, Sijo Dijkstra, Gareth Evans, Bláithín Gallagher, Cornelius Hagen, Mirko Horstmann, George Ioannidis, Alasdair King, Mark Magennis, Anne-Marie O'Neill, Helen Petrie, Christoph Schlieder and John Wood
  • Computer access by visually impaired people. (2002) Helen Petrie, Anne-Marie O'Neill and Chetz Colwell
  • Computer Access by Visually Impaired People. (2002) Helen Petrie, Anne-Marie O'Neill and Chetz Colwell
  • TeDUB: a system for presenting and exploring technical drawings for blind people. (2002) Helen Petrie, C. Schlieder, P. Blenkhorn, G. Evans, A. King, Anne-Marie O'Neill, G.T. Ioannidis, B. Gallagher, D. Crombie, R. Mager and M. Alafaci
  • Experiences of user-centred design of information and communication technologies with disabled and elderly people : the work of the Sensory Disabilities Research Unit. (2001) Valerie Johnson, Anne-Marie O'Neill and Helen Petrie
  • The use of non-speech sounds in a hypermedia interface for blind users. (1998) Sarah Morley, Helen Petrie, Anne-Marie O'Neill and Pete McNally
  • Inexpensive tactile interaction for blind computer users : two application domains. (1997) Helen Petrie, Valerie Johnson, Pete McNally, Anne-Marie O'Neill, Dennis Majoe and S. Morley
  • Initial design and evaluation of an interface to hypermedia systems for blind users. (1997) Helen Petrie, Sarah Morley, Pete McNally, Anne-Marie O'Neill and Dennis Majoe
  • Tactile-based direct manipulation in GUIs for blind users. (1995) Helen Petrie, Sarah Morley and G. T. Weber