Items where Author is "<span class="person_name">Qi, Aiming</span>"
Number of items: 95.
  • Yield Responses to Total Water Input from Irrigation and Rainfall in Six Wheat Cultivars Under Different Climatic Zones in Egypt. (2024) Ahmed F. Elkot, Yasser Shabana, Maha L. Elsayed, Samir M. Saleh, Maha A. M. Gadallah, Bruce Fitt, Benjamin Richard and Aiming Qi
  • Co‐inoculation timing affects the interspecific interactions between phoma stem canker pathogens Leptosphaeria maculans and Leptosphaeria biglobosa : Co-inoculation timing affects interspecific interactions. (2024) Evren Bingol, Aiming Qi, Chinthani Karandeni‐Dewage, Faye Ritchie, Bruce D. L. Fitt and Yong‐Ju Huang
  • Transcriptomics of temperature-sensitive R gene-mediated resistance identifies a WAKL10 protein interaction network. (2024) Katherine Noel, Ivan Wolf, David Hughes, Guilherme Valente, Aiming Qi, Yongju Huang, Bruce Fitt and Henrik Stotz
  • Evaluation of adjuvants added to fungicides for controlling Cercospora leaf spot on sugar beet. (2024) M.Z.R Bhuiyan, Luis E del Rio Mendoza, Dilip K. Lakshman, Aiming Qi and Mohamed F.R. Khan
  • Efficacy of different inoculum forms of Rhizoctonia solani AG 2 2IIIB for resistance screening of sugar beet varieties. (2023) M.Z.R Bhuiyan, Luis E. del Rio Mendoza, Dilip K. Lakshman, Aiming Qi and Mohamed F. R. Khan
  • Resistance to QoI and DMI Fungicides Does Not Reduce Virulence of C. beticola Isolates in North Central United States. (2023) Yangxi Liu, Luis E. del Rio Mendoza, Aiming Qi, Dilip K Lakshman, M.Z.R Bhuiyan, Nathan Wyatt, Jonathan Neubauer, Melvin Bolton and Mohamed F.R. Khan
  • Can 100% Pasture-Based Livestock Farming Produce Enough Ruminant Meat to Meet the Current Consumption Demand in the UK? (2023) Aiming Qi, Louise Whatford, Sophie Payne-Gifford, Richard Cooke, Steven Van Winden, Barbara Hӓsler and David Barling
  • Sugar Beet Root Storage Properties Are Unaffected by Cercospora Leaf Spot. (2023) Karen K. Fugate, Mohamad F. R. Khan, John D. Eide, Peter C. Hakk, Abbas M. Lafta and Aiming Qi
  • Comparison of crown and root inoculation method for evaluating the reaction of sugar beet cultivars to Rhizoctonia solani AG 2-2 IIIB. (2023) Md Ziaur Rahman Bhuiyan, Dilip K Lakshman, Luis E. Del Río Mendoza, Aiming Qi and Mohamed F.R. Khan
  • Leptosphaeria biglobosa inhibits the production of sirodesmin PL by L. maculans. (2022) James Fortune, Evren Bingol, Aiming Qi, Daniel Baker, Faye Ritchie, Chinthani Shanika Karandeni Dewage, Bruce Fitt and Yongju Huang
  • Distribution and Biodiversity of Seed-Borne Pathogenic and Toxigenic Fungi of Maize in Egypt and Their Correlations with Weather Variables. (2022) Aiming Qi, Yasser M. Shabana, Khalid M. Ghoneem, Younes M. Rashad, Nehal S. Arafat, Bruce Fitt and Benjamin Richard
  • Influence of Elevated Temperatures on Resistance Against Phoma Stem Canker in Oilseed Rape. (2022) Katherine Noel, Aiming Qi, Lakshmi Gajula, Yongju Huang, Bruce Fitt and Henrik Stotz
  • Trends of pesticide residues in foods imported to the United Kingdom from 2000 to 2020. (2022) Arzu Mert, Aiming Qi, Aiden Bygrave and Henrik Stotz
  • Quantitative Trait Locus Mapping for Resistance Against Pyrenopeziza brassicae Derived From a Brassica napus Secondary Gene Pool. (2022) Chinthani Shanika Karandeni Dewage, Katherine Cools, Henrik Stotz, Aiming Qi, Yongju Huang, Rachel Wells and Bruce Fitt
  • Effects of cultivar resistance and fungicide application on stem canker of oilseed rape (Brassica napus) and potential interseasonal transmission of Leptosphaeria spp. inoculum. (2021) James A. Fortune, Aiming Qi, Faye Ritchie, Chinthani Shanika Karandeni Dewage, Bruce Fitt and Yongju Huang
  • Biodiversity of Pathogenic and Toxigenic Seed-Borne Mycoflora of Wheat in Egypt and Their Correlations with Weather Variables. (2021) Yasser M. Shabana, Younes M. Rashad, Khalid M. Ghoneem, Nehal S. Arafat, Dalia G. Aseel, Aiming Qi, Benjamin Richard and Bruce D. L. Fitt
  • Interactions in the Brassica napus-Pyrenopeziza brassicae pathosystem and sources of resistance to P. brassicae (light leaf spot). (2021) Chinthani Shanika Karandeni Dewage, Aiming Qi, Henrik U. Stotz, Yongju Huang and Bruce D. L. Fitt
  • The Virus Yellows Epidemic in Sugar Beet in the UK in 2020 and the Adverse Effect of the EU Ban on Neonicotinoids on Sugar Beet Production. (2021) Aiming Qi and Alan Dewar
  • Penicillium pinophilum has the potential to reduce damping-off caused by Rhizoctonia solani in sugar beet. (2021) Ehsanul Haque, Dilip K. Lakshman, Aiming Qi and Mohamed F. R. Khan
  • Combining Penthiopyrad with Azoxystrobin is an Effective Alternative to Control Seedling Damping-off Caused by Rhizoctonia solani on Sugar Beet. (2021) Aiming Qi, Yangxi Liu, Ehsanul Haque, M.Z.R Bhuiyan and Mohamed F.R. Khan
  • Novel integrated agricultural land management approach provides sustainable biomass feedstocks for bioplastics and supports the UK’s “net-zero” target. (2020) Yuanzhi Ni, Goetz Richter, Onesmus N. Mwabonje, Aiming Qi, Martin K. Patel and Jeremy Woods
  • Evaluating inoculation methods to infect sugar beet with Fusarium oxysporum f. Betae and F. Secorum. (2020) Aiming Qi, Xiao Lai, Yangxi Liu, Luis E. del Rio Mendoza, Zhaohui Liu, Zhulu Lin and Mohamed F. R. Khan
  • Assessing availability and greenhouse gas emissions of lignocellulosic biomass feedstock supply – case study for a catchment in England. (2019) Aiming Qi, Yuanzhi Ni, Onesmus N. Mwabonje, Goetz M. Richter, Kenny Yeung, Martin Pate and Jeremy Woods
  • Grassland futures in Great Britain – Productivity assessment and scenarios for land use change opportunities. (2018) Aiming Qi, Robert A. Holland, Gail Taylor and Goetz M. Richter
  • Effectiveness of Rlm7 resistance against Leptosphaeria maculans (phoma stem canker) in UK winter oilseed rape cultivars. (2018) Georgia Mitrousia, Yongju Huang, Aiming Qi, Siti Mohamed Sidique and Bruce Fitt
  • Evaluating Responses of Sugar Beet Cultivars to Fusarium Species in Greenhouse and Field Conditions. (2018) Aiming Qi, Pragyan Burlakoti, Mohamed Khan, Rivera V and Secor G A
  • Combining R gene and quantitative resistance increases effectiveness of cultivar resistance against Leptosphaeria maculans in Brassica napus in different environments : Combining R gene and quantitative resistance against Leptosphaeria maculans. (2018) Yongju Huang, Georgia Mitrousia, Siti Mohamed Sidique, Aiming Qi and Bruce Fitt
  • Modelling productivity and resource use efficiency for grassland ecosystems in the UK. (2017) Aiming Qi
  • Modelling impacts of climate change on arable crop diseases: progress, challenges and applications. (2016) F Newbery, Aiming Qi and Bruce Fitt
  • Assessing on-farm productivity of Miscanthus crops by combining soil mapping, yield modelling and remote sensing. (2016) Goetz M. Richter, Francesco Agostini, Alexandra Barler, Delphine Costomiris and Aiming Qi
  • Assessing quantitative resistance against Leptosphaeria maculans (phoma stem canker) in Brassica napus (oilseed rape) in young plants : Assessing quantitative resistance to Leptosphaeria maculans. (2014) Yongju Huang, Aiming Qi, Graham J. King and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Development of new quantitative physiological and molecular breeding parameters based on the sugar beet vernalization intensity model. (2013) Tinashe Chiurugwi, Helen F. Holmes, Aiming Qi, Tansy Y. P. Chia, Peter Hedden and Euphemia Mutasa-Gottgens
  • Comparative Pathogenicity and Virulence of Fusarium Species on Sugar Beet. (2012) Pragyan Burlakoti, V. Rivera, G. A. Secor, Aiming Qi, L. E. Del Rio-Mendoza and Mohamed F. R. Khan
  • The yield gap in some sugar beet producing countries. (2012) K. W. Jaggard, H-J Koch, J. M. Arroyo Sanz, A. Cattanach, R. Duval, H. Eigner, G. Legrand, R. Olsson, Aiming Qi, J. N. Thomsen, N. Van Swaaij and N. Minerva
  • Determining the optimal population density of sugarbeet crops in England. (2011) K. W. Jaggard, Aiming Qi, G. F. J. Milford, C. J. A. Clark, E. S. Ober, C. Walters and E. Burks
  • Bolting and flowering control in sugar beet : relationships and effects of gibberellin, the bolting gene B and vernalization. (2010) Euphemia Mutasa-Gottgens, Aiming Qi, Wenying Zhang, Gretel Schulze-Buxloh, Andrea Jennings, Uwe Hohmann, Andreas E Müller and Peter Hedden
  • Fluctuations in Number of Cercospora beticola Conidia in Relationship to Environment and Disease Severity in Sugar Beet. (2009) J. Khan, Aiming Qi and M. F. R. Khan
  • A meta-analysis of sugarbeet yield responses to nitrogen fertilizer measured in England since 1980. (2009) K. W. Jaggard, Aiming Qi and M. J. Armstrong
  • Capture and use of solar radiation, water, and nitrogen by sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.). (2009) K. W. Jaggard, Aiming Qi and E. S. Ober
  • Modification of gibberellin signalling (metabolism & signal transduction) in sugar beet: analysis of potential targets for crop improvement. (2009) Euphemia Mutasa-Gottgens, Aiming Qi, Ann Mathews, Stephen Thomas, Andrew Phillips and Peter Hedden
  • The action of three Beet yellows virus resistance QTLs depends on alleles at a novel genetic locus that controls symptom development. (2008) M. K. Grimmer, K. M. R. Bean, Aiming Qi, M. Stevens and M. J. C. Asher
  • Cost efficacy in measuring farmland biodiversity : lessons from the Farm Scale Evaluations of GMHT crops. (2008) Aiming Qi, J.N. Perry, J.D. Pidgeon, L. A. Haylock and D. R. Brooks
  • The impact of climate change on sugarbeet yield in the UK: 1976-2004. (2007) K. W. Jaggard, Aiming Qi and M. A. Semenov
  • The Broom’s Barn sugar beet growth model and its uses. (2007) K. W. Jaggard and Aiming Qi
  • Modelling the variability of UK sugar beet yields under climate change and husbandry adaptations. (2006) G.M. Richter, Aiming Qi, M.A. Semenov and K. W. Jaggard
  • Using multi-environment sugar beet variety trials to screen for drought tolerance. (2006) J.D. Pidgeon, E. S. Ober, Aiming Qi, C. J. A. Clark, A. Royal and K. W. Jaggard
  • The Broom's Barn sugar beet growth model and its adaptation to soils with varied available water content. (2005) Aiming Qi, C. Kenter, C. Hoffmann and K. W. Jaggard
  • Management of genetically modified herbicide tolerant sugar beet for spring and autumn environmental benefit. (2005) J. M. May, G. T. Champion, A. M. Dewar, Aiming Qi and J.D. Pidgeon
  • Decision making in controlling virus yellows of sugar beet in the UK. (2004) Aiming Qi, A. M. Dewar and R. Harrington
  • Uses of mathematical models in sugar beet agriculture. (2004) Aiming Qi and K. W. Jaggard
  • A novel approach to the use of genetically modified herbicide tolerant crops for environmental benefit. (2003) A. M. Dewar, M. J. May, I. P. Woiwod, L. A. Haylock, G. T. Champion, B. H. Garner, R. J. N. Sands, Aiming Qi and J. D. Pidgeon
  • A novel approach to the use of genetically modified herbicide tolerant crops for environmental benefit. (2003) A. M. Dewar, M. J. May, I. P. Woiwod, L. Haylock, G. T. Champion, B. H. Garner, Aiming Qi and J.D. Pidgeon
  • Novel weed management options in GM herbicide tolerant sugar beet production. (2003) M. J. May, G. T. Champion and Aiming Qi
  • Other
  • Sugar Beet Production Under Changing Climate: Opportunities and Challenges. (2022) Aiming Qi
  • Control of crop diseases through Integrated Crop Management to deliver climate-smart farming systems for low and high input crop production. (2022) Benjamin Richard, Aiming Qi and Bruce Fitt
  • Disease management in oilseed rape: insights into the Brassica napus-Pyrenopeziza brassicae pathosystem. (2021) Chinthani Shanika Karandeni Dewage, Aiming Qi, Henrik Stotz, Yongju Huang and Bruce Fitt
  • Can crop disease control cope with climate change? (2014) Aiming Qi and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Predicting timing of release of ascospores of Leptosphaeria spp. to improve control of phoma stem canker on oilseed rape in the UK. (2014) Aiming Qi, Yongju Huang, Martin Malcolm-Brown, Siti Mohamed Sidique and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Methods for investigating quantitative resistance against Leptosphaeria maculans (phoma stem canker) in Brassica napus (oilseed rape) in controlled conditions. (2014) Yongju Huang, Aiming Qi, G. J. King and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • How the sugar beet crop grew in 2012. (2013) Aiming Qi and M. J. May
  • Benchmarking sugar beet yields and the growers’ performance. (2012) Aiming Qi, E. S. Ober and Keith W. Jaggard
  • How the sugar beet crop grew in 2011. (2012) Keith W. Jaggard and Aiming Qi
  • Sugar beet yield in England under an extreme climate change scenario. (2012) Aiming Qi and K. W. Jaggard
  • The yield gap in some beet producing countries. (2012) K. W. Jaggard, H-J Koch, J. M. Arroyo Sanz, A. Cattanach, R. Duval, H. Eigner, G. Legrand, R. Olsson, Aiming Qi, J. N. Thomsen, N Van Swaaji and N. Minerva
  • Determining the optimal population density of sugar beet crops in England. (2011) Keith W. Jaggard, Aiming Qi, G. F. J. Milford, C. J. A. Clark, E. S. Ober, C. Walters and E. Burks
  • English beet crops in 2010. (2011) Keith W. Jaggard and Aiming Qi
  • Possible changes to arable crop yields by 2050. (2010) Keith W. Jaggard, Aiming Qi and Eric S. Ober
  • Assessing the cost-effectiveness of inputs. (2010) Aiming Qi, I. Pettitt and M. J. May
  • Optimum seed rates and plant populations of English sugar beet cultivation. (2010) K. W. Jaggard, G. F. J. Milford, Aiming Qi, C. J. A. Clark, E. S. Ober, C. Walters and E. Burks
  • Sugarbeet yield estimates based on a crop simulator – lessons learned in England. (2010) Aiming Qi and K. W. Jaggard
  • Why a bumper beet crop in 2009? (2010) K. W. Jaggard and Aiming Qi
  • Beet yield response to fertilizer Nitrogen supply and its optimal requirements in the sugar beet crop. (2009) Aiming Qi and K. W. Jaggard
  • Sugarbeet yield response to and its economic need for Nitrogen fertilizer in England. (2009) Aiming Qi and K. W. Jaggard
  • Why was 2008 such a good year for beet yields. (2009) K. W. Jaggard, Aiming Qi and P. Inskip
  • Assessing the impact of future climate changes on the UK sugar beet production. (2008) Aiming Qi and K. W. Jaggard
  • Soil mineral N and the response to N fertilizer in England. (2008) K. W. Jaggard, Aiming Qi and M. J. Armstrong
  • The effects of climate drought on the sugar beet yield in England-now and in the future. (2008) Aiming Qi and K. W. Jaggard
  • Beet growth in 2006. (2007) K. W. Jaggard, Aiming Qi and C. J. A. Clark
  • Why have beet yields been rising? (2007) K. W. Jaggard and Aiming Qi
  • Agronomy. (2006) K. W. Jaggard and Aiming Qi
  • Partitioning climatic drought into effects of water stress and hot temperarture in the UK. (2006) Aiming Qi and K. W. Jaggard
  • Using a growth model-based drought stress index for assessing drought tolerance in multi-environment sugar beet variety trials. (2006) J.D. Pidgeon, E. S. Ober, Aiming Qi and K. W. Jaggard
  • The impact of climate change on sugar beet yield in the UK since 1976. (2006) K. W. Jaggard and Aiming Qi
  • A model-based sugar yield forecasting system. (2006) Aiming Qi and K. W. Jaggard
  • Benchmarking growers’ performance using a crop growth model. (2005) Aiming Qi, K. W. Jaggard, P. J. Jarvis and J. W. F. Prince
  • Forecasting virus yellows incidence in sugar beet – the post-Gaucho era. (2005) Aiming Qi, A. M. Dewar and R. Harrington
  • Management of genetically modified herbicide-tolerant sugar beet for spring and autumn environmental benefit. (2005) M. J. May, G. T. Champion, A. M. Dewar, Aiming Qi and J. D. Pidgeon
  • Modelling sugar beet growth and yield in soils with different water holding capacities. (2004) Aiming Qi, C. Kenter, C. Hoffmann and K. W. Jaggard
  • The Broom’s Barn sugar beet growth model and its use to describe yield variability. (2003) Aiming Qi, C. Kenter, C. Hoffmann and K. W. Jaggard
  • Novel weed management options in GM herbicide tolerant sugar beet. (2003) M. J. May, G.T. Champion and Aiming Qi
  • Opportunities for weed manipulation using GMHT row crops. (2003) M. J. May, G. T. Champion, Aiming Qi and A. M. Dewar
  • Using a crop/soil model and GIS technique to forecast sugar yield in the UK. (2003) Aiming Qi, K. W. Jaggard, C. J. A. Clark and P. Jarvis
  • Changes and challenges in crop science research. (2001) Aiming Qi and Q. Zhang
  • Selecting cover crops to control soil erosion and to improve soil fertility. (1998) Aiming Qi and J. D. H. Keatinge
  • Adaptacion de leguminosas de cobertera al medio ambiente en laderas en Bolivia Adaptation of legume cover crops to environment on hillsides in Bolivia. (1997) T. R. Wheeler, J. D. H. Keatinge, Aiming Qi, R. H. Ellis and R. J. Summerfield