Items where Author is "<span class="person_name">Schulz, J.</span>"
Number of items: 15.
  • Handwriting difficulties and their assessment in young adults with DCD : Extension of the DASH for 17-to 25-Year-Olds. (2011) A.L. Barnett, S.E. Henderson, B. Scheib and J. Schulz
  • Differential effects of age on involuntary and voluntary autobiographical memory. (2009) S. Schlagman, M. Kliegel, J. Schulz and L. Kvavilashvili
  • Attention and executive function in people with schizophrenia: Relationship with social skills and quality of life. (2008) P. J. Tyson, K.R. Laws, K.A. Flowers, A.M. Mortimer and J. Schulz
  • Cognitive approach to assessing pragmatic language comprehension in children with specific language impairment. (2008) N. Ryder, E. Leinonen and J. Schulz
  • The impact of dementia, age and sex on category fluency: Greater deficits in women with Alzheimer's disease. (2008) F.J. Moreno-Martinez, K.R. Laws and J. Schulz
  • Foreign Accent Syndrome: in the ear of the beholder? (2006) C. Di Dio, J. Schulz and J.M. Gurd
  • Hand preference and performance in 20 pairs of monozygotic twins with discordant handedness. (2006) J.M. Gurd, J. Schulz, L. Cherkas and G.C. Ebers
  • A content analysis of involuntary autobiographical memories : examining the positivity effect in old age. (2006) S. Schlagman, J. Schulz and L. Kvavilashvili
  • Can robots be used as a vehicle for the projection of socially sensitive issues Exploring children's attitudes towards robots through stories--. (2005) S. Woods, M. Davis, K. Dautenhahn and J. Schulz
  • Child and Adults Perspectives on Robot Appearance. (2005) S. Woods, K. Dautenhahn and J. Schulz
  • The design space of robots: investigating children's views. (2004) S. Woods, K. Dautenhahn and J. Schulz
  • Wavelength and redshift dependence of bulge/total light ratios in galaxies. (2003) J. Schulz, U. Fritze and K.J. Fricke
  • Do Children with autism who pass false-belief tasks understand the mind as active interpreter. (2002) T. Luckett, S.D. Powell, D.J. Messer, M.E. Thornton and J. Schulz
  • Longterm developmental outcome of very prematurely born infants. (2001) D. Wolke, J. Schulz and R. Meyer
  • Is there a rationale for rationing chronic dialysis? : A hospital based cohort study of factors affecting survival and morbidity. (1999) S.M. Chandna, J. Schulz, C. Lawrence, R.N. Greenwood and Ken Farrington