Items where Author is "<span class="person_name">Ulanowski, Zbigniew</span>"
Number of items: 38.
  • Linear polarization signatures of atmospheric dust with the SolPol direct-sun polarimeter. (2023) Vasiliki Daskalopoulou, Panagiotis I. Raptis, Alexandra Tsekeri, Vassilis Amiridis, Stelios Kazadzis, Zbigniew Ulanowski, Vassilis Charmandaris, Konstantinos Tassis and William Martin
  • Monitoring dust particle orientation with measurements of sunlight dichroic extinction. (2021) V. Daskalopoulou, I.P Raptis, Alexandra Tsekeri, Vassilis Amiridis, S. Kazadzis, Zbigniew Ulanowski, S. Metallinos, K. Tassis and Bill Martin
  • Measurement report: Balloon-borne in-situ profiling of Saharan dust over Cyprus with the UCASS optical particle counter. (2021) Maria Kezoudi, Matthias Tesche, Helen Smith, Zbigniew Ulanowski, Vassilis Amiridis, Detlef Mueller, Bernadett Weinzierl, Alexandra Tsekeri, Holger Baars, Maximilian Dollner, Víctor Estellés and Johannes Bühl
  • Halo ratio from ground based all-sky imaging. (2019) Paolo Dandini, Zbigniew Ulanowski, David Campbell and Richard Kaye
  • Discussion of a physical optics method and its application to absorbing smooth and slightly rough hexagonal prisms. (2018) Evelyn Hesse, Laurence Taylor, Christopher T. Collier, Antti Penttila, Timo Nousiainen and Zbigniew Ulanowski
  • Surface roughness during depositional growth and sublimation of ice crystals. (2018) Cedric Chou, Jens Voigtländer, Zbigniew Ulanowski, Paul Herenz, Henner Bieligk, Tina Clauss, Dennis Niedermeier, Susan Hartmann, Georg Ritter and F. Stratmann
  • Studies on mineral dust using airborne lidar, ground-based remote sensing, and in situ instrumentation. (2018) Franco Marenco, Claire Ryder, Victor Estelles, Sara Segura, Vassilis Amiridis, Emmanouil Proestakis, Eleni Marinou, Alexandra Tsekeri, Helen R. Smith, Zbigniew Ulanowski, Debbie O'Sullivan, Jennifer Brooke, Yaswant Pradhan and Joelle Buxmann
  • Characterizing ice particles using two-dimensional reflections of a lidar beam. (2017) Marissa Goerke, Zbigniew Ulanowski, Georg Ritter, Evelyn Hesse, Ryan Neely, Laurence Taylor, Robert Stillwell and Paul Kaye
  • Cloud Ice Properties: In Situ Measurement Challenges. (2017) Darrel Baumgardner, Steve Abel, Duncan Axisa, Richard Cotton, Jonathan Crosier, P.R. Field, Colin Gurganus, Andrew J. Heymsfield, Alexei Korolev, Martina Kraemer, Paul Lawson, Greg McFarquhar, Zbigniew Ulanowski and Junshik Um
  • Cirrus clouds. (2017) Andrew J. Heymsfield, Martina Kraemer, Philip Brown, Dan Cziczo, Charmaine Franklin, Paul Lawson, Ulrike Lohmann, Anna Luebke, Greg McFarquhar, Zbigniew Ulanowski and Kristof Van Tricht
  • Effects of Surface Roughness with Two Scales on Light Scattering by Hexagonal Ice Crystals Large Compared to the Wavelength: DDA Results. (2016) Christopher T. Collier, Evelyn Hesse, Laurence Taylor, Zbigniew Ulanowski, Antti Penttila and Timo Nousiainen
  • Cloud chamber experiments on the origin of ice crystal complexity in cirrus clouds. (2016) Martin Schnaiter, Emma Järvinen, Paul Vochezer, Ahmed Abdelmonem, Robert Wagner, Olivier Jourdan, Guillaume Mioche, Valery N. Shcherbakov, Carl G. Schmitt, Ugo Tricoli, Zbigniew Ulanowski and Andrew J. Heymsfield
  • A Universal Cloud and Aerosol Sounding System (UCASS) based on wide angle light scattering. (2016) Helen Smith, Zbigniew Ulanowski, Warren Stanley, Paul Kaye and Edwin Hirst
  • Improved understanding of the vertical distribution of simulated dust distribution in the Saharan Air Layer during the ICE-D field campaign with the WRF-CHEM model. (2016) Sen Chiao, Gregory Jenkins, Zbigniew Ulanowski and Helen Smith
  • Cloud characterization using a particle-counter dropsonde. (2015) Zbigniew Ulanowski, Paul Kaye, Edwin Hirst, Andreas Wieser and Warren Stanley
  • Observations of small ice in mixed phase clouds using and airborne SID2 Small Ice Detector. (2015) Paul Barrett, Alan Blyth, Phil Brown and Zbigniew Ulanowski
  • Real-time detection of airborne asbestos by light scattering from magnetically re-aligned fibers. (2013) Chris Stopford, Paul H. Kaye, Richard Greenaway, Edwin Hirst, Zbigniew Ulanowski and Warren Stanley
  • Incidence of rough and irregular atmospheric ice particles from Small Ice Detector 3 measurements. (2013) Zbigniew Ulanowski, Paul H. Kaye, Edwin Hirst, Richard Greenaway, Richard J. Cotton, Evelyn Hesse and Christopher T. Collier
  • Retrieving the size of particles with rough and complex surfaces from two-dimensional scattering patterns. (2012) Zbigniew Ulanowski, Edwin Hirst, Paul H. Kaye and Richard Greenaway
  • Rough and irregular ice crystals in mid-latitude clouds. (2012) Zbigniew Ulanowski, Paul H. Kaye, Edwin Hirst, Richard S. Greenaway and Richard Cotton
  • Modelling diffraction by facetted particles. (2012) Evelyn Hesse, Andreas Macke, Stephan Havemann, Anthony Baran, Zbigniew Ulanowski and Paul H. Kaye
  • In-situ observations of volcanic ash clouds from the FAAM aircraft during the eruption of Eyjafjallajökull in 2010. (2012) Ben Johnson, Kate Turnbull, Phil Brown, Rachel Burgess, James Dorsey, Anthony J. Baran, Helen Webster, Jim Haywood, Richard Cotton, Zbigniew Ulanowski, Evelyn Hesse, Alan Wolley and Philip Rosenberg
  • A Miniature Airborne Particle Classifier (APC). (2011) Chris Stopford, Paul H. Kaye, Edwin Hirst and Zbigniew Ulanowski
  • Particle habit imaging using incoherent light : a first step toward a novel instrument for cloud microphysics. (2011) Roland Schoen, Martin Schnaiter, Zbigniew Ulanowski, Carl Schmitt, Stefan Benz, Ottmar Moehler, Steffen Vogt, Robert Wagner and Ulrich Schurath
  • Exploring the surface roughness of small ice crystals by measuring high resolution angular scattering patterns. (2011) M. Schnaiter, Paul H. Kaye, Edwin Hirst, Zbigniew Ulanowski and Robert Wagner
  • Retrieving the size of particles with rough surfaces from 2D scattering patterns. (2011) Zbigniew Ulanowski, Paul H. Kaye, Edwin Hirst and Richard Greenaway
  • Light scattering by ice particles in the Earth's atmosphere and related laboratory measurements. (2010) Zbigniew Ulanowski, Paul H. Kaye, Edwin Hirst and Richard Greenaway
  • Classifying atmospheric ice crystals by spatial light scattering. (2008) Paul H. Kaye, Edwin Hirst, Richard Greenaway, Zbigniew Ulanowski, Evelyn Hesse, P. DeMott, C. Saunders and P. Connolly
  • Measurement and modeling of light scattering by small particles. (2008) Evelyn Hesse, Zbigniew Ulanowski, D. McCall, Chris Stopford and Paul H. Kaye
  • Alignment of atmospheric dust observed by high-sensitivity optical polarimetry. (2007) Zbigniew Ulanowski
  • Characterization of small ice crystals using frequency analysis of azimuthal scattering patterns. (2007) Zbigniew Ulanowski, Chris Stopford, Evelyn Hesse, Paul H. Kaye, Edwin Hirst and M. Schnaiter
  • Light scattering by complex ice-analogue crystals. (2006) Zbigniew Ulanowski, Evelyn Hesse, Paul H. Kaye and A.J. Baran
  • Introducing phase tracing into a computational method which combines ray-tracing with diffraction on facets. (2005) Evelyn Hesse, Zbigniew Ulanowski, A.J.M. Clarke, S. Havemann and Paul H. Kaye
  • Laser diffractometer for single particle scattering measurements. (2002) Zbigniew Ulanowski, Richard Greenaway, Paul H. Kaye and Ian Ludlow
  • Stability characteristics of cylindrical fibres in an electrodynamic balance designed for single particle investigation. (2002) Evelyn Hesse, Zbigniew Ulanowski and Paul H. Kaye
  • Magnetic anisotropy of asbestos fibres. (1999) Zbigniew Ulanowski and Paul H. Kaye
  • Application of global optimisation to particle identification using light scattering. (1998) S. Zakovic, Zbigniew Ulanowski and Michael Bartholomew-Biggs
  • Application of neural networks to the inverse light scattering problem for spheres. (1998) Zbigniew Ulanowski, Z. Wang, Paul H. Kaye and Ian Ludlow