Items where Author is "<span class="person_name">Walter, F.</span>"
Number of items: 73.
  • Searching for HI around MHONGOOSE Galaxies via Spectral Stacking. (2025) S. Veronese, W. J. G. de Blok, J. Healy, D. Kleiner, A. Marasco, F. M. Maccagni, P. Kamphuis, E. Brinks, B. W. Holwerda, N. Zabel, L. Chemin, E. A. K. Adams, S. Kurapati, A. Sorgho, K. Spekkens, F. Combes, D. J. Pisano, F. Walter, P. Amram, F. Bigiel, O. I. Wong and E. Athanassoula
  • MHONGOOSE discovery of a gas-rich low-surface brightness galaxy in the Dorado Group. (2024) F. M. Maccagni, W. J. G. de Blok, P. E. Mancera Piña, R. Ragusa, E. Iodice, M. Spavone, S. McGaugh, K. A. Oman, T. A. Oosterloo, B. S. Koribalski, M. Kim, E. A. K. Adams, P. Amram, A. Bosma, F. Bigiel, E. Brinks, L. Chemin, F. Combes, B. Gibson, J. Healy, B. W. Holwerda, G. I. G. Józsa, P. Kamphuis, D. Kleiner, S. Kurapati, A. Marasco, K. Spekkens, S. Veronese, F. Walter, N. Zabel and A. Zijlstra
  • MHONGOOSE -- A MeerKAT Nearby Galaxy HI Survey. (2024) W. J. G. de Blok, J. Healy, F. M. Maccagni, D.J. Pisano, A. Bosma, J. English, T. Jarrett, A. Marasco, G.R. Meurer, S. Veronese, F. Bigiel, L. Chemin, F. Fraternali, B. Holwerda, P. Kamphuis, H.R. Klöckner, D. Kleiner, Adam K. Leroy, M. Mogotsi, K.A. Oman, E. Schinnerer, Lourdes Verdes-Montenegro, T. Westmeier, O.I. Wong, N. Zabel, P. Amram, C. Carignan, F. Combes, Elias Brinks, R-J. Dettmar, B.K. Gibson, G. I. G Józsa, B. S. Koribalski, S. S. McGaugh, T.A. Oosterloo, K. Spekkens, A.C. Schröder, E.A.K. Adams, E. Athanassoula, M.A. Bershady, R.J. Beswick, S. Blyth, E.C. Elson, B.S. Frank, G Heald, P.A. Henning, S. Kurapati, S. I. Loubser, D. Lucero, M. Meyer, B. Namumba, S.-H. Oh, A. Sardone, K. Sheth, M.W.L. Smith, A. Sorgho, F. Walter, T. Williams, P. A. Woudt and A. Zijlstra
  • ALMA 400 pc Imaging of a z = 6.5 Massive Warped Disk Galaxy. (2023) Marcel Neeleman, F. Walter, Roberto Decarli, Alyssa B. Drake, Anna-Christina Eilers, Romain A. Meyer and Bram P. Venemans
  • An ALMA survey of the S2CLS UDS field: optically invisible submillimetre galaxies. (2021) Ian Smail, U. Dudzevičiūtė, S. M. Stach, O. Almaini, J. E. Birkin, S. C. Chapman, Chian-Chou Chen, J. E. Geach, B. Gullberg, J. A. Hodge, S. Ikarashi, R. J. Ivison, D. Scott, Chris Simpson, A. M. Swinbank, A. P. Thomson, F. Walter, J. L. Wardlow and P. van der Werf
  • An ALMA survey of the SCUBA-2 CLS UDS field: physical properties of 707 sub-millimetre galaxies. (2020) U. Dudzevičiūtė, Ian Smail, A. M. Swinbank, S. M. Stach, O. Almaini, E. da Cunha, Fang Xia An, V. Arumugam, J. Birkin, A. W. Blain, S. C. Chapman, C. J. Conselice, K. E. K. Coppin, J. S. Dunlop, D. Farrah, J. E. Geach, B. Gullberg, W. G. Hartley, J. A. Hodge, R. J. Ivison, D. T. Maltby, D. Scott, C. J. Simpson, F. Walter, J. L. Wardlow, A. Weiss and P. van der Werf
  • Resolving the ISM at the peak of cosmic star formation with ALMA - The distribution of CO and dust continuum in z~2.5 sub-millimetre galaxies. (2018) Gabriela Calistro Rivera, J. A. Hodge, Ian Smail, A. M. Swinbank, A. Weiß, J. L. Wardlow, F. Walter, M. Rybak, Chian-Chou Chen, W. N. Brandt, K. Coppin, E. da Cunha, H. Dannerbauer, T. R. Greve, A. Karim, K. K. Knudsen, E. Schinnerer, B. Venemans and P. P. van der Werf
  • The dust and [CII] morphologies of redshift ~4.5 sub-millimeter galaxies at ~200pc resolution : The Absence of Large Clumps in the Interstellar Medium at High-redshift. (2018) B. Gullberg, A. M. Swinbank, I. Smail, A. D. Biggs, F. Bertoldi, C. De Breuck, S. C. Chapman, C. -C. Chen, E. A. Cooke, K. E. K. Coppin, P. Cox, H. Dannerbauer, J. S. Dunlop, A. C. Edge, D. Farrah, J. E. Geach, T. R. Greve, J. Hodge, E. Ibar, R. J. Ivison, A. Karim, E. Schinnerer, D. Scott, J. M. Simpson, S. M. Stach, A. P. Thomson, P. van der Werf, F. Walter, J. L. Wardlow and A. Weiss
  • An ALMA Survey of Submillimeter Galaxies in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South : Spectroscopic Redshifts. (2017) A. L. R. Danielson, A.~M. Swinbank, Ian Smail, J. M. Simpson, C. M. Casey, S.~C. Chapman, Elisabete da Cunha, J. A. Hodge, F. Walter, J. L. Wardlow, D. M. Alexander, W.N. Brandt, C. De Breuck, K. E.K. Coppin, H. Dannerbauer, M. Dickinson, A. C. Edge, E. Gawiser, R. J. Ivison, A. Karim, A. Kovacs, D. Lutz, K.~M. Menten, E. Schinnerer, A. Weiß and P. van der Werf
  • KILOPARSEC-SCALE DUST DISKS IN HIGH-REDSHIFT LUMINOUS SUBMILLIMETER GALAXIES. (2016) Jackie Hodge, Mark Swinbank, James Simpson, Ian Smail, F. Walter, D.M. Alexander, Frank Bertoldi, Andy Biggs, Niel Brandt, S.C. Chapman, Kristen Coppin, Chian Chou Chen, Pierre Cox, Helmut Dannerbauer, A. C. Edge, Thomas Greve, R. J. Ivison, A. Karim, K. Knudsen, Karl Menten, H-W. Rix, Eva Schinnerer, J. L. Wardlow, A. Weiss and P. van der Werf
  • An ALMA survey of submillimeter galaxies in the extended chandra deep field south : Near-infrared morphologies and stellar sizes. (2015) Chian Chou Chen, Ian Smail, A.M. Swinbank, J. M. Simpson, Cheng Jiun Ma, D.M. Alexander, A. D. Biggs, W.N. Brandt, S.C. Chapman, Kristen Coppin, A. L. R. Danielson, H. Dannerbauer, A. C. Edge, T.R. Greve, R. J. Ivison, A. Karim, Karl M. Menten, E. Schinnerer, F. Walter, J. L. Wardlow, A. Weiß and P. P. Van Der Werf
  • A low H I column density filament in NGC 2403 : signature of interaction or accretion. (2014) W.J.G. de Blok, K.M. Keating, D.J. Pisano, F. Fraternali, F. Walter, T. Oosterloo, E. Brinks, F. Bigiel and A. Leroy
  • An ALMA survey of sub-millimetre galaxies in the extended chandra deep field south : The far-infrared properties of SMGs. (2014) A. M. Swinbank, J. M. Simpson, Ian Smail, C. M. Harrison, J. A. Hodge, A. Karim, F. Walter, D. M. Alexander, W. N. Brandt, C. de Breuck, E. da Cunha, S. C. Chapman, Kristen Coppin, A. L. R. Danielson, H. Dannerbauer, R. Decarli, T.R. Greve, R. J. Ivison, K. K. Knudsen, Claudia del P. Lagos, E. Schinnerer, A. P. Thomson, J. L. Wardlow, A. Weiß and P. van der Werf
  • An alma survey of sub-millimeter galaxies in the extended Chandra deep field south : Sub-millimeter properties of color-selected galaxies. (2014) R. Decarli, I. Smail, F. Walter, A.M. Swinbank, S. Chapman, Kristen Coppin, P. Cox, H. Dannerbauer, T.R. Greve, J. A. Hodge, Rob J. Ivison, A. Karim, K.K. Knudsen, L. Lindroos, H-W. Rix, E. Schinnerer, J.M. Simpson, P. van der Werf and A. Weiss
  • Shock Excited Molecules in NGC 1266 : ULIRG Conditions at the Center of a Bulge-dominated Galaxy. (2013) E.W. Pellegrini, J.D. Smith, M.G. Wolfire, B.T. Draine, A.F. Crocker, K.V. Croxall, P. van der Werf, D.A. Dale, D. Rigopoulou, C.D. Wilson, E. Schinnerer, B.A. Groves, K. Kreckel, K.M. Sandstrom, L. Armus, D. Calzetti, E. J. Murphy, F. Walter, J. Koda, E. Bayet, P. Beirao, A. D. Bolatto, M. Bradford, E. Brinks, L. Hunt, R. Kennicutt, J.H. Knapen, A.K. Leroy, E. Rosolowsky, L. Vigroux and R.H.B. Hopwood
  • The CO-to-H2 Conversion Factor and Dust-to-gas Ratio on Kiloparsec Scales in Nearby Galaxies. (2013) K. M. Sandstrom, A. K. Leroy, F. Walter, A. D. Bolatto, K. V. Croxall, B. T. Draine, C. D. Wilson, M. Wolfire, D. Calzetti, R. C. Kennicutt, G. Aniano, J. Donovan Meyer, A. Usero, F. Bigiel, E. Brinks, W.J.G. de Blok, A. Crocker, D. Dale, C.W. Engelbracht, M. Galametz, B. Groves, L. K. Hunt, J. Koda, K. Kreckel, H. Linz, S. Meidt, E. Pellegrini, H-W. Rix, H. Roussel, E. Schinnerer, A. Schruba, K-F. Schuster, R. Skibba, T. van der Laan, P. Appleton, L. Armus, B. Brandl, K. Gordon, J. Hinz, O. Krause, E. Montiel, M. Sauvage, A. Schmiedeke, J.D.T. Smith and L. Vigroux
  • Molecular Gas and Star Formation in nearby Disk Galaxies. (2013) A. K. Leroy, F. Walter, K. Sandstrom, A. Schruba, J-C. Munoz-Mateos, F. Bigiel, A. Bolatto, E. Brinks, W.J.G. de Blok, S. Meidt, H-W. Rix, E. Rosolowsky, E. Schinnerer, K-F. Schuster and A. Usero
  • Physical Conditions of the Gas in an ALMA [CII]-identified Submillimetre Galaxy at z = 4.44. (2013) M. T. Huynh, R. P. Norris, Kristen Coppin, B. H. C. Emonts, R. J. Ivison, N. Seymour, Ian Smail, V. Smolcic, A. M. Swinbank, W. N. Brandt, S.C. Chapman, H. Dannerbauer, C. De Breuck, T. R. Greve, J. A. Hodge, A. Karim, K. K. Knudsen, K.M. Menten, P. van der Werf, F. Walter and A. Weiss
  • An ALMA survey of submillimeter galaxies in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South : Source catalog and multiplicity. (2013) J. A. Hodge, A. Karim, I. Smail, A. M. Swinbank, F. Walter, A. D. Biggs, Rob J. Ivison, A. Weiss, D. M. Alexander, F. Bertoldi, W. N. Brandt, S.C. Chapman, Kristen Coppin, P. Cox, A. L. R. Danielson, H. Dannerbauer, C. De Breuck, R. Decarli, A. C. Edge, T. R. Greve, K. K. Knudsen, K.M. Menten, H-W. Rix, E. Schinnerer, J.M. Simpson, J. L. Wardlow and P. van der Werf
  • An ALMA survey of submillimetre galaxies in the Extended Chandra Deep Field-South : Detection of [Cii] at z = 4.4. (2012) A.M. Swinbank, A. Karim, I. Smail, J. Hodge, F. Walter, F. Bertoldi, A.D. Biggs, C. De Breuck, S.C. Chapman, Kristen Coppin, P. Cox, A .L. R. Danielson, H. Dannerbauer, R.J. Ivison, T.R. Greve, K.K. Knudsen, K. M. Menten, J.M. Simpson, E. Schinnerer, J. L. Wardlow, A. Weiss and P. van der Werf
  • Little Things. (2012) D. A. Hunter, D. Ficut-Vicas, T. Ashley, E. Brinks, P. Cigan, B. G. Elmegreen, V. Heesen, K. A. Herrmann, M. Johnson, S.H. Oh, M. P. Rupen, A. Schruba, C.E. Simpson, F. Walter, D. J. Westpfahl, L. M. Young and H.-X. Zhang
  • Herschel-PACS observations of [O I]63 um towards submillimetre galaxies at z~1. (2012) Kristen Coppin, A. L. R. Danielson, J. E. Geach, J. A. Hodge, A.M. Swinbank, J. L. Wardlow, F. Bertoldi, A. Biggs, W.N. Brandt, P. Caselli, S. C. Chapman, H. Dannerbauer, James S. Dunlop, T.R. Greve, F. Hamann, R. J. Ivison, A. Karim, K. K. Knudsen, K. M. Menten, E. Schinnerer, Ian Smail, M. Spaans, F. Walter, T. M. A. Webb and P. P. van der Werf
  • The LABOCA survey of the Extended Chandra Deep Field-South : radio and mid-infrared counterparts to submillimetre galaxies. (2011) A.D. Biggs, R.J. Ivison, E. Ibar, J. L. Wardlow, H. Dannerbauer, I. Smail, F. Walter, A. Weiss, S.C. Chapman, Kristen Coppin, C. De Breuck, M. Dickinson, K.K. Knudsen, V. Mainieri, K. Menten and C. Papovich
  • A joint analysis of BLAST 250-500μm and LABOCA 870μm observations in the Extended Chandra Deep Field-South. (2011) E.L. Chapin, S.C. Chapman, Kristen Coppin, M.J. Devlin, J.S. Dunlop, T.R. Greve, M. Halpern, M.F. Hasselfield, D.H. Hughes, R.J. Ivison, G. Marsden, L. Moncelsi, Calvin B. Netterfield, E. Pascale, D. Scott, I. Smail, M. Viero, F. Walter, A. Weiss and P. van der Werf
  • Dark and luminous matter in THINGS dwarf galaxies. (2011) S.H. Oh, W.J.G. de Blok, E. Brinks, F. Walter and R.C. Kennicutt
  • The LABOCA survey of the Extended Chandra Deep Field South : a photometric redshift survey of submillimetre galaxies. (2011) J. L. Wardlow, Ian Smail, Kristen Coppin, D. M. Alexander, W. N. Brandt, A. L. R. Danielson, B. Luo, A. M. Swinbank, F. Walter, A. Weiss, Y. Q. Xue, S. Zibetti, F. Bertoldi, A. D. Biggs, S.C. Chapman, H. Dannerbauer, J. S. Dunlop, E. Gawiser, R. J. Ivison, K. K. Knudsen, A. Kovacs, C. G. Lacey, K. M. Menten, N. Padilla, H-W. Rix and P. P. van der Werf
  • The central slope of dark matter cores in dwarf galaxies : simulations versus THINGS. (2011) S.H. Oh, C. Brook, F. Governato, E. Brinks, L. Mayer, W.J.G. de Blok, A. Brooks and F. Walter
  • A constant molecular gas depletion time in nearby disk galaxies. (2011) F. Bigiel, A. Leroy, F. Walter, E. Brinks, W.J.G. de Blok, C. Kramer, H-W. Rix, A. Schruba, K-F. Schuster, A. Usero and H.W. Wiesemeyer
  • The fine-scale structure of the neutral interstellar medium in nearby galaxies. (2011) I. Bagetakos, E. Brinks, F. Walter, W.J.G. de Blok, A. Usero, A. Leroy, J.W. Rich and R.C. Kennicutt
  • A molecular star formation law in the atomic-gas-dominated regime in nearby galaxies. (2011) A. Schruba, A. Leroy, F. Walter, F. Bigiel, E. Brinks, W.J.G. de Blok, G. Dumas, C. Kramer, E. Rosolowsky, K. Sandstrom, K-F. Schuster, Antonio Usero, A. Weiss and H.W. Wiesemeyer
  • The BLAST 250 μm-selected galaxy population in GOODS-South. (2010) J.S. Dunlop, P.A.R. Ade, J.J. Bock, E.L. Chapin, M. Cirasuolo, Kristen Coppin, M.J. Devlin, M. Griffin, T.R. Greve, J.O. Gundersen, M. Halpern, P.C. Hargrave, D.H. Hughes, R.J. Ivison, J. Klein, A. Kovacs, G. Marsden, P. Mauskopf, Calvin B. Netterfield, L. Olmi, E. Pascale, G. Patanchon, M. Rex, D. Scott, C. Semisch, I. Smail, T.A. Targett, N. Thomas, M.D.P. Truch, C. Tucker, G.S. Tucker, M.P. Viero, F. Walter, J. L. Wardlow, A. Weiss and D.V. Wiebe
  • A LABOCA survey of the Extended Chandra Deep Field South-submillimeter properties of near-infrared selected galaxies. (2010) T.R. Greve, A. Weiss, F. Walter, I. Smail, X.Z. Zheng, K.K. Knudsen, Kristen Coppin, A. Kovacs, E.F. Bell, C. De Breuck, H. Dannerbauer, M. Dickinson, E. Gawiser, D. Lutz, H-W. Rix, E. Schinnerer, D. Alexander, F. Bertoldi, N. Brandt, S.C. Chapman, R.J. Ivison, A. M. Koekemoer, E. Kreysa, P. Kurczynski, K. Menten, G. Siringo, M. Swinbank and P. van der Werf
  • Extremely inefficient star formation in the outer disks of nearby galaxies. (2010) F. Bigiel, A. Leroy, F. Walter, L. Blitz, E. Brinks, W.J.G. de Blok and B. Madore
  • The LABOCA survey of the extended chandra deep field south : Two modes of star formation in active galactic nucleus hosts? (2010) D. Lutz, V. Mainieri, D. Rafferty, L. Shao, G. Hasinger, A. Wei, F. Walter, I. Smail, D.M. Alexander, W.N. Brandt, S. Chapman, Kristen Coppin, N.M. Förster Schreiber, E. Gawiser, R. Genzel, T.R. Greve, R.J. Ivison, A. M. Koekemoer, P. Kurczynski, K. M. Menten, R. Nordon, P. Popesso, E. Schinnerer, J.D. Silverman, J. Wardlow and Y. Q. Xue
  • The LABOCA Survey of the Extended Chandra Deep Field South. (2009) A. Weiss, A. Kovacs, Kristen Coppin, T. R. Greve, F. Walter, Ian Smail, J. S. Dunlop, K. K. Knudsen, D. M. Alexander, F. Bertoldi, W. N. Brandt, S.C. Chapman, P. Cox, H. Dannerbauer, C. De Breuck, E. Gawiser, R. J. Ivison, D. Lutz, K.M. Menten, A. M. Koekemoer, E. Kreysa, P. Kurczynski, H-W. Rix, E. Schinnerer and P. van der Werf
  • Heracles: The HERA CO Line Extragalactic Survey. (2009) A. Leroy, F. Walter, F. Bigiel, A. Usero, A. Weiss, E. Brinks, W.J.G. de Blok, R.C. Kennicutt, K-F. Schuster, C. Kramer, H.W. Wiesemeyer and H. Roussel
  • Triggered star formation and the creation of the supergiant HI shell in IC 2574. (2009) D.R. Weisz, E.D. Skillman, J. Cannon, F. Walter, E. Brinks, J. Ott and A.E. Dolphin
  • What is Driving the H I Velocity Dispersion? (2009) D. Tamburro, H-W. Rix, A. Leroy, M.M. Mac Low, F. Walter, R.C. Kennicutt, E. Brinks and W.J.G. de Blok
  • Are the kinematics of DLAs in agreement with their arising in the gas disks of galaxies? (2008) M. Zwaan, F. Walter, E. Ryan-Weber, E. Brinks, W.J.G. de Blok and R.C. Kennicutt
  • Dynamical centers and noncircular motions in THINGS galaxies: implications for dark matter halos. (2008) C. Trachternach, W.J.G. de Blok, F. Walter, E. Brinks and R.C. Kennicutt
  • The Gas Phase in a Low Metallicity ISM. (2008) E. Brinks, S.H. Oh, I. Bagetakos, F. Bigiel, A. Leroy, A. Usero, F. Walter, W.J.G. de Blok and R.C. Kennicutt
  • Geometrically derived timescales for star formation in spiral galaxies. (2008) D. Tamburro, H-W. Rix, F. Walter, E. Brinks, W.J.G. de Blok, R.C. Kennicutt and M.M. Mac Low
  • High-resolution dark matter density profiles of THINGS dwarf galaxies: correcting for non-circular motions. (2008) S.H. Oh, W.J.G. de Blok, F. Walter and E. Brinks
  • High-resolution rotation curves and galaxy mass models from THINGS. (2008) W.J.G. de Blok, F. Walter, E. Brinks, C. Trachternach, S.H. Oh and R.C. Kennicutt
  • Multi-scale clean : a comparison of its performance against classical clean on galaxies using THINGS. (2008) J.W. Rich, W.J.G. de Blok, T.J. Cornwell, E. Brinks, F. Walter, I. Bagetakos and R.C. Kennicutt
  • THINGS: The HI Nearby Galaxy Survey. (2008) F. Walter, E. Brinks, W.J.G. de Blok, F. Bigiel, R.C. Kennicutt, M.D. Thornley and A. Leroy
  • The star formation efficiency in nearby galaxies : measuring where gas forms stars effectively. (2008) A. Leroy, F. Walter, E. Brinks, F. Bigiel, W.J.G. de Blok, B. Madore and M.D. Thornley
  • The star formation law in nearby galaxies on sub-kpc scales. (2008) F. Bigiel, A. Leroy, F. Walter, E. Brinks, W.J.G. de Blok, B. Madore and M.D. Thornley
  • Missing Mass in Collisional Debris from Galaxies. (2007) F. Bournaud, P.-A. Duc, E. Brinks, M. Boquien, P. Amram, U. Lisenfeld, B. S. Koribalski, F. Walter and V. Charmandaris
  • Dust and atomic gas in dwarf irregular galaxies of the M81 group: the SINGS and THINGS view. (2007) F. Walter, J. Cannon, H. Roussel, G. Bendo, D. Calzetti, D. Dale, B. Draine, G. Helou, R.C. Kennicutt, J. Moustakas, G. Rieke, L. Armus, C. Engelbracht, K. Gordon, D. Hollenbach, J. Lee, A. Li, M. Meyer, E. Murphy, M. Regan, J.D. Smith, E. Brinks, W.J.G. de Blok, F. Bigiel and M.D. Thornley
  • Star formation in NGC 5194 (M51a) II: the spatially-resolved star formation law. (2007) R.C. Kennicutt, D. Calzetti, F. Walter, G. Helou, D. Hollenbach, L. Armus, G. Bendo, D. Dale, B. Draine, C. Engelbracht, K. Gordon, M. Prescott, M. Regan, M.D. Thornley, C. Bot, E. Brinks, W.J.G. de Blok, D. de Mello, M. Meyer, J. Moustakas, E. Murphy, K. Sheth and J.D. Smith
  • VLA Imaging of the Intriguing H I Cloud HIJASS J1021 6842 in the M81 Group. (2005) F. Walter, E.D. Skillman and E. Brinks
  • A Chandra X-ray survey of nearby dwarf starburst galaxies- I. data reduction and results. (2005) J. Ott, F. Walter and E. Brinks
  • A Chandra x-ray survey of nearby dwarf starburst galaxies - II. Starburst properties and outflows. (2005) J. Ott, F. Walter and E. Brinks
  • First Results from THINGS: The HI Nearby Galaxy Survey. (2005) F. Walter, E. Brinks, W.J.G. de Blok, M.D. Thornley and R.C. Kennicutt
  • H I, CO and Near Infrared Observations of the BCD Galaxy Haro 2. (2005) H. Bravo-Alfaro, R. Coziol, E. Brinks, A.J. Baker, F. Walter and D. Kunth
  • H I and CO in Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies: Haro 2 and Haro 4. (2004) H. Bravo-Alfaro, E. Brinks, A.J. Baker, F. Walter and D. Kunth
  • X-ray emission from dwarf galaxies: IC 2574 revisited. (2003) E. Brinks, F. Walter and J. Kerp
  • The Neutral Interstellar Medium of the Dwarf Irregular Galaxy DDO 47 and Its Companion. (2002) F. Walter and E. Brinks
  • Aperture Synthesis Spectral Line Imaging: Exploring the Third Dimension (Invited Talk). (2002) E. Brinks and F. Walter
  • Bloated Dwarfs: The Thickness of the HI Disks in Irregular Galaxies. (2002) E. Brinks, F. Walter and J. Ott
  • H I and CO Emission in Blue Compact Dwarfs: Haro 2 and Haro 4/26. (2002) H. Bravo-Alfaro, E. Brinks, A.J. Baker, F. Walter and D. Kunth
  • ROSAT X-Ray Observations of the Dwarf Galaxy Holmberg II. (2002) J. Kerp, F. Walter and E. Brinks
  • Evidence for BlowOut in the Low-Mass Dwarf Galaxy Holmberg I. (2001) J. Ott, F. Walter, E. Brinks, S.D. Van Dyk, B. Dirsch and U. Klein
  • The HI morphology of low-mass dwarf galaxies. (2001) J. Ott, F. Walter, E. Brinks and U. Klein
  • Small Galaxies Blowing Big Bubbles. (2000) J. Ott, F. Walter, E. Brinks and U. Klein
  • X-Ray Observations of Superbubbles in Dwarf Galaxies. (2000) E. Brinks, F. Walter and J. Kerp
  • Holes and shells in the interstellar medium of the nearby dwarf galaxy IC 2574. (1999) F. Walter and E. Brinks
  • Massive stars shaping the ISM:Hi holes and shells in nearby galaxies. (1999) E. Brinks and F. Walter
  • Massive stars shaping the ISM:Hi holes and shells in nearby galaxies. (1999) E. Brinks and F. Walter
  • VLA HI imaging of the Low Surface Brightness dwarf galaxy DDO47. (1999) F. Walter and E. Brinks
  • X-ray emission from an expanding supergiant shell in IC 2574. (1998) F. Walter, J. Kerp, N. Duric, E. Brinks and U. Klein
  • A dynamical analysis of the HII galaxy II Zwicky 33 and its low surface brightness companion. (1997) F. Walter, E. Brinks, N. Duric and U. Klein