Items where Author is "<span class="person_name">Wirth, Martin</span>"
Number of items: 5.
  • Microphysical and optical properties of dust and tropical biomass burning aerosol layers in the Cape Verde region-an overview of the airborne in situ and lidar measurements during SAMUM-2. (2011) Bernadett Weinzierl, Daniel Sauer, Michael Esselborn, Andreas Petzold, Andreas Veira, Maximilian Rose, Susanne Mund, Martin Wirth, Albert Ansmann, Matthias Tesche, Silke Gross and Volker Freudenthaler
  • Spatial distribution and optical properties of Saharan dust observed by airborne high spectral resolution lidar during SAMUM 2006. (2009) Michael Esselborn, Martin Wirth, Andreas Fix, Bernadett Weinzierl, Katharina Rasp, Matthias Tesche and Andreas Petzold
  • Depolarization ratio profiling at several wavelengths in pure Saharan dust during SAMUM 2006. (2009) Volker Freudenthaler, Michael Esselborn, Matthias Wiegner, Birgit Heese, Matthias Tesche, Albert Ansmann, D. Mueller, Dietrich Althausen, Martin Wirth, Andreas Fix, Gerhard Ehret, Peter Knippertz, Carlos Toledano, Josef Gasteiger, Markus Garhammer and Andmeinhard Seefeldner
  • Airborne high spectral resolution lidar for measuring aerosol extinction and backscatter coefficients. (2008) Michael Esselborn, Martin Wirth, Andreas Fix, Matthias Tesche and Gerhard Ehret
  • Other
  • Water vapour intercomparison effort in the frame of the Convective and Orographically-induced Precipitation Study. (2009) Rohini Bhawar, Paolo Di Girolamo, Donato Summa, Cyrille Flamant, D. Althausen, Andreis Behrendt, Alan Blyth, Olivier Bock, Pierre Bosser, Barbara J. Brooks, Marco Cacciani, Suzanne Crewell, Cedric Champollion, Fay Davies, Tatiana Di Iorio, Gerhard Ehret, R. Engelmann, Christoph Kiemle, Christian Herold, Stephen Mobbs, D. Mueller, Sandip Pal, Marcus Radlach, Andrea Riede, Patric Seifert, Max Shiler, Martin Wirth and Volker Wulfmeyer