Number of items: 41.
Exploring Community Festivals and Events. (2015)
A Formative Decade : Ireland in the 1920s. (2015)
Fundamentals of Children's Anatomy and Physiology. A textbook for Nursing and Healthcare Students. (2015)
Molecular Modeling of Proteins. (2015)
Narrative, Identity and the Kierkegaardian Self. (2015)
Polarimetry of Stars and Planetary Systems. (2015)
Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on New Frontiers in Human-Robot Interaction. (2015)
White Cloud Worlds Volume 3 : An Anthology of Science Fiction and Fantasy Artwork From New Zealand. (2015)
From Here to Maternity : Motherhood in the Media. (2015)
Kim Akass
Marketing : An Introduction. (2015)
Gary Armstrong,
Philip Kotler,
Michael Harker
Ross Brennan
Sustainable development in international lawEssay on the legal implications of an evolutive norm. (2015)
Virginie Barral
The Superhero Costume : Identity and Disguise in Fact and Fiction. (2015)
Barbara Brownie
Daniel Graydon
Personal Styles in Neurosis : Implications for Small Group Psychotherapy and Behaviour Therapy. (2015)
T.M. Caine,
O.B.A. Wijesinghe
David Winter
Beginning Medical Law. (2015)
Claudia Carr
Unlocking Medical Law and Ethics. (2015)
Claudia Carr
Past Futures Manifested : Enclothed cognition: Reconsidering the power of clothes. (2015)
Ben Fletcher
Ismail Orakçıoğlu
Necessary Monsters. (2015)
Daniel Goodbrey
Sean Azzopardi
Conceptualizing Capitalism : Institutions, Evolution, Future. (2015)
Geoffrey Hodgson
Black and Deep Desires : William Shakespeare, Vampire Hunter. (2015)
Graham Holderness
A Practical Guide to Dealing with Difficult Stakeholders. (2015)
Jake Holloway,
David Bryde
Roger Joby
The Materiality of Magic: An artifactual investigation into ritual practices and popular beliefs. (2015)
Ceri Houlbrook
Natalie Armitage
Global Information Warfare : The New Digital Battlefield, Second Edition. (2015)
Andrew Jones
Jerry Kovacich
Grieve's Modern Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy (4th edition). (2015)
Gwen Jull,
Anne Moore,
Debora Falla,
Jeremy Lewis,
Christoher McCarthy
Michele Sterling
Enzyme Kinetics Lecture Notes. (2015)
A. Kukol
The Routledge Guidebook to Kierkegaard's Fear and Trembling. (2015)
John Lippitt
Violence and aggression: short-term management in mental health, health and community settings. (2015)
Brian Littlechild
Performance Coaching for Complex Projects : Influencing Behaviour and Enabling Change. (2015)
Tony Llewellyn
Rooting Memory, Rooting Place : Regionalism in the Twenty-First-Century American South. (2015)
Christopher Lloyd
Philosophy, Myth and Epic Cinema : Beyond Mere Illusions. (2015)
Sylvie Magerstadt
British Theatre and the Great War, 1914-1919 : New Perspectives. (2015)
Andrew Maunder
Managing in Uncertainty : Complexity and the paradoxes of everyday organizational life. (2015)
Christopher Mowles
Protest and the Politics of Space and Place, 1789-1848. (2015)
Katrina Navickas
Tourism Management. (2015)
Stephen J. Page
Food and Urbanism : The Convivial City and a Sustainable Future. (2015)
Susan Parham
Bedside Guide for Neonatal Care: : Learning tools to support practice. (2015)
Julia Petty
Molecular Biology & Biotechnology. (2015)
Ralph Rapley
David Whitehouse
David Hare : Writers and Their Work. (2015)
Jeremy Ridgman
Applied Nonparametric Statistical Methods. (2015)
Peter Sprent
N.C. Smeeton
Program Management. (2015)
Michel Thiry
Year 10. (2015)
Simon Vinnicombe
Rip It Up : Forget positive thinking, it's time for positive action. (2015)
Richard Wiseman