
Number of items: 133.
  • Detection of Hazardous Airborne Fibres. (2003)
  • Detection of Hazardous Airborne Fibres. (2003)
  • PoCom-UK-001. (2003)
  • Ythan project: Farm nutrient budgeting and support package. (2003)
  • artist+teacher residency series of exhibitions : The Parfitt Gallery, Croydon. (2003)
  • Bayesian Learning Networks Approach to Cybercrime Detection. (2003) Nasser Abouzakhar, Abdullah Gani, Gordon Manson, Mustafa Abuitbel and D. King
  • Evolving computational neural systems using synthetic developmental mechanisms. (2003) R.G. Adams, A.G. Rust, M. Schilstra and H. Bolouri
  • Synchrony and perception in robotic imitation across embodiments. (2003) A. Alissandrakis, C.L. Nehaniv and K. Dautenhahn
  • Vertical profiles of atmospheric particle parameters measured with a scanning 6-wavelength 11-channel aerosol lidar. (2003) D. Althausen, D. Mueller, Albert Ansmann, U. Wandinger, K. Franke and F. Wagner
  • Analysing Multi-Color Observations of Young Star Clusters in Mergers. (2003) P. Anders, U. Fritze and R. de Grijs
  • Biomonitoring Methods to Assess the Impact of Metals on Mosses. (2003) H. T. Anja, Agneta Burton and David Edward Barry Higgs
  • Co-ordinated vertical profiling of Saharan dust over western and central Europe with a continental lidar network : The 11-16 October 2001 outbreak. (2003) Albert Ansmann, J. Bosenberg, Anatoly Chaikovsky, R. Eixmann, Volker Freudenthaler, D. Garcia-Vizcaino, L. Komguem, Holger Linne, M. Matthias, I. Mattis, Valentin Mitev, D. Mueller, C. Munoz, S. Nickovic, J. Pelon, L. Sauvage, P. Sobolewsky, M.K. Srivastava, G. Vaughan, U. Wandinger and M. Wiegner
  • Round-the-clock temperature profiling in the troposphere with Raman lidar. (2003) Y. Arshinov, D. Althausen, S. Ansmann, S. Bobrovnikov, I. Mattis, D. Mueller, I. Serikov and U. Wandinger
  • Agricultural Biodiversity. (2003) David Barling
  • Impact of international policies (CAP) and agreements (WTO) on the development of organic farming. (2003) David Barling
  • Assessing Requirements Process Strengths and Weaknesses: A first step to prioritising requirements process implementation. (2003) S. Beecham, T. Hall and A. Rainer
  • Building a requirements process improvement model. (2003) S. Beecham, T. Hall and A. Rainer
  • Making chalk and talk accessible. (2003) S. Bennett, J. Hewitt, D. Kraithman and C. Britton
  • The rôle of ‘the work’ in research. (2003) M. Biggs
  • Interactions between bacteria and plant-parasitic nematodes : now and then. (2003) D. M. Bird, Charles H. Opperman and Keith Davies
  • Providing blind people with access to technical diagrams. (2003) Paul Blenkhorn, David Crombie, Sijo Dijkstra, Gareth Evans, Bláithín Gallagher, Cornelius Hagen, Mirko Horstmann, George Ioannidis, Alasdair King, Mark Magennis, Anne-Marie O'Neill, Helen Petrie, Christoph Schlieder and John Wood
  • Development of eyespot on winter wheat in the UK. II : Infection and lesion development on stems in relation to thermal time. (2003) C. H. Bock, A. Wan, Bruce D.L. Fitt, J. F. Jenkyn, J. L. Harvey and A. Goulds
  • Improvement of Single and Multimachine Power System Stabiliser Using Fuzzy State Feedback. (2003) Mohamed Bouhamida and Mouloud Denai
  • Robust System Stabiliser Design Based on mu-Synthesis. (2003) Mohamed Bouhamida and Mouloud Denai
  • 'Grounds for A Plot/Plotted Grounds: English Landscapes In Two Visual Narratives'. (2003) Mark Broughton
  • ‘Intermedial Extensions: Brideshead Revisited and its Distribution History'. (2003) Mark Broughton
  • Plants and the Environment : Plants as Pollution Monitors. (2003) Agneta Burton
  • Good top-down design methodologies tend to produce fully normalised designs anyway. (2003) Bernadette Byrne
  • Three-dimensional numerical model for open-channels with free-surface variations. (2003) Z.X. Cao, R. Day and S. Liriano
  • Dynamic systems development : Towards continuity, growth and evolution. (2003) Darren Dalcher
  • Trust, systems and accidents : Designing complex systems. (2003) Darren Dalcher
  • Together we stand : Group projects for integrating software engineering in the curriculum. (2003) Darren Dalcher and M. Woodman
  • Playing and Learning with Robots. (2003) K. Dautenhahn
  • Stories of Lemurs and Robots-The Social Origin of Story-Telling. (2003) K. Dautenhahn
  • Learning by Experience from Others : Social Learning and Imitation in Animals and Robots. (2003) K. Dautenhahn, C.L. Nehaniv and A. Alissandrakis
  • Evaluation of Logarithmic integrals in two dimensional boundary element computation. (2003) A. Davies, D. Crann and B. Christianson
  • Zones of inhibition : interactions between art and science. (2003) Keith Davies
  • Children’s Attitudes to Sustainable Transport. Research Findings No.174/2003. (2003) Paul Davison, Philippa Davison, Nick Reed, Derek Halden and Justin Dillon
  • Insecticide Resistance. (2003) G Devine and Ian Denholm
  • Accessiblity Through Usability. (2003) C. Egan, J. Johal and A. Jefferies
  • Toxicological and molecular characterisation of pyrethroid knockdown resistance (kdr) in the peach-potato aphids, Myzus persicae (sulzer). (2003) Ioannis Eleftherianos, S. Foster, M Williamson and Ian Denholm
  • The Person in Communication. (2003) Roger B. Ellis and Bob Gates
  • An Argument From Silence? The Implications of Xu Xiake's Description of the Miju River in 1639. (2003) Mark Elvin and Darren Crook
  • Stem canker of oilseed rape : molecular tools and mathematical modelling to deploy durable resistance. (2003) Neal Evans, Bruce D.L. Fitt, Frank van den Bosch, M. R. Eckert, Yongju Huang, S. Pietravalle, Z. Karolewski, Thierry Rouxel, Marie-Helene Balesdent, S. Ross, L. Gout, Hortense Brun, Didier Andrivon, L. Bousset, P. Gladders, X. Pinochet, A. Penaud, M. Jedryczka, P. Kachlicki, A. Stachowiak, J. Olechnowicz, A. Podlesna, I. Happstadius, J. Meyer and Michel Renard
  • Preliminary evaluation of root disease of winter oilseed rape in the UK. (2003) Neal Evans, J. M. Steed, Bruce D.L. Fitt, K. Norman, R. Bryson, J. Alford and P. Cavell
  • Interactive forecasting of light leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza brassicae) risk for winter oilseed rape on the internet. (2003) Neal Evans, J. M. Steed, S.J. Welham, J.F. Antoniw, A. Baierl, J.A. Turner, P. Gladders and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Intelligent editor for writing worst-case-execution-time-oriented programs. (2003) J. Fauster, Raimund Kirner and P. Puschner
  • Spatio-temporal distributions of Meligethes aeneus and its parasitoids in an oilseed rape crop and their significance for crop protection. (2003) Andrew Ferguson, J.M. Campbell, Douglas Warner, N.P. Watts, J.E.U. Schmidt and Ingrid Williams
  • Relation between light leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza brassicae), pod canopy size and winter oilseed rape yield in England. (2003) Bruce D.L. Fitt, G. D. Lunn, J. M. Steed, A. Baierl, Neal Evans and P. Gladders
  • Development of phoma canker (Leptosphaeria maculans) on stems of winter oilseed rape in England in relation to thermal time. (2003) Bruce D.L. Fitt, P. Sun, J. M. Steed, C. Toscano-Underwood and Jon S. West
  • A FIT approach to work stress and health. (2003) Ben Fletcher
  • Was the Nazi-regime uniquely criminal? (2003) Pieter Francois
  • Globular Cluster Populations: Signatures and Implications. (2003) U. Fritze and R. de Grijs
  • Learning Disabilities : Self Injurious Behaviour. (2003) Bob Gates
  • Use of fungicides to control early and late epidemics of stem canker (Leptosphaeria maculans) in winter oilseed rape in England. (2003) P. Gladders, S. McDonough, Bruce D.L. Fitt, J. M. Steed and Jon S. West
  • Toon Test Tubes. (2003) Daniel Goodbrey
  • Characterisation of neonicotinoid resistance in Bemisia tabaci from Spain. (2003) K Gorman, J Wren, G Devine and Ian Denholm
  • Biological Evaluation of spiromesifen against Bemisia tabaci and an assessment of resistance risks. (2003) F Guthrie, Ian Denholm, GJ Devine and R Nauen
  • Se(p,gamma) cross section measurements for p-process studies. (2003) Gy. Gyurky, Zs. Fulop, E. Somorjai, M. Kokkoris, S. Galanopulos, P. Demetriou, S. Harissopulos, S. Goriely and T. Rauscher
  • How the constraints on English compound production might be learnt from the linguistic input : evidence from 4 connectionist models. (2003) J. Hayes, V. Murphy, N. Davey and Pamela Smith
  • Input driven constraints on plurals in English noun-noun compounds. (2003) J. Hayes, V. Murphy, N. Davey and Pamela Smith
  • Class-based neural network method for fault location of large-scale analogue circuits. (2003) Y. He, Y. Tan and Y. Sun
  • Stellar Wind Signatures in sdB Stars. (2003) U. Heber, P.F.L. Maxted, T.R. Marsh, C. Knigge and J.E. Drew
  • Real-time digital video multiplexer synchronisation implementation with CPLD. (2003) A. Herbland and R. Sotudeh
  • Pass Phrase Based Speaker Recognition for Authentication. (2003) Heinz Hertlein, Robert Frischolz and Elmar Noth
  • Scattering from long prisms : a comparison between ray tracing combined with diffraction on facets and SVM. (2003) E. Hesse, Z. Ulanowski and S. Havemann
  • Epidemiology and global distribution of A-group and B-group Leptosphaeria maculans on oilseed rape. (2003) Yongju Huang, Bruce D.L. Fitt, X. J. Hu and Avice Hall
  • Maturation of Leptosphaeria maculans pseudothecia in relation to forecasting phoma leaf spots (stem canker) on oilseed rape. (2003) Yongju Huang, Bruce D.L. Fitt, J. M. Steed and Avice Hall
  • Inclusion in mainstream classrooms : experiences of deaf pupils. (2003) J. Jarvis, A. Iantaffi and I. Sinka
  • Supporting deaf students in higher education. (2003) J. Jarvis and P. Knight
  • Bar-Driven Disk Evolution: Grand Design Nuclear Spirals. (2003) S. Jogee, I. Shlosman, S. Laine, P. Englmaier, J. Knapen, N.Z. Scoville and C.D. Wilson
  • Polymyxa graminis and the cereal viruses it transmits : a research challenge. (2003) K. Kanyuka, Elaine Ward and M. J. Adams
  • Development of Pyrenopeziza brassicae on oilseed rape leaves at different temperatures and wetness durations. (2003) Z. Karolewski, Neal Evans and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • The Development of a quantitative ELISA for the detection of Polymyxa betae. (2003) Crawford S. Kingsnorth, Euphemia Mutasa-Gottgens and M. J. C. Asher
  • Isolation and characterization of genes induced during non-host resistance to Polymyxa spp. (2003) Crawford S. Kingsnorth, Euphemia Mutasa-Gottgens, D. M. Chwarszczynska and M. J. C. Asher
  • Timing analysis of optimised code. (2003) Raimund Kirner and P. Puschner
  • Timing analysis of optimized code. (2003) Raimund Kirner and P. Puschner
  • Transformation of meta-information by abstract Co- interpretation. (2003) Raimund Kirner and P. Puschner
  • Bars and Seyferts. (2003) J. Knapen, S. Laine, I. Shlosman and R.F. Peletier
  • Chemodynamical evolution of the Milky Way. (2003) C. Kobayashi, N. Nakasato and K. Nomoto
  • Type Ia supernova progenitors, lifetime, and cosmic supernova rate. (2003) C. Kobayashi and K. I. Nomoto
  • Combining low-level perception with expectations in CHREST. (2003) P.C.R. Lane, A.K. Sykes and F. Gobet
  • Domestic Design Advice. (2003) Grace Lees-Maffei
  • Molecular Gas in the Intergalactic Medium of Stephan's Quintet. (2003) U. Lisenfeld, S. Leon, J. Braine, P.A. Duc, V. Charmandaris and E. Brinks
  • Agents in their own Concerns? Charity and the economy of makeshifts in eighteenth-century Britain. (2003) S. Lloyd
  • Experiments in Electronic Plagiarism Detection. (2003) C. Lyon, R. Barrett and J. Malcolm
  • Gallbladder. (2003) Angela Madden
  • Refugees. (2003) Angela Madden
  • Opportunities for weed manipulation using GMHT row crops. (2003) M. J. May, G. T. Champion, Aiming Qi and A. M. Dewar
  • Novel weed management options in GM herbicide tolerant sugar beet. (2003) M. J. May, G.T. Champion and Aiming Qi
  • Recent Discoveries from the Anglo-Australian Planet Search. (2003) C. McCarthy, H.R.A. Jones, R.P. Butler, B.D. Carter, G.W. Marcy, A.J. Penny, J. Blundell and J. Bond
  • Molecular diagnostics for fungal plant pathogens. (2003) H. A. McCartney, S. J. Foster, B. A. Fraaije and Elaine Ward
  • The importance of parity-dependence of the nuclear level density in the prediction of astrophysical reaction rates. (2003) D. Mocelj, T. Rauscher, Gabriel Martinez-Pinedo and Y. Alhassid
  • Type Ia supernovae : Progenitors and diversities. (2003) K. Nomoto, T. Uenishi, C. Kobayashi, H. Umeda, T. Ohkubo, I. Hachisu and M. Kato
  • Submillimetre evidence for the coeval growth of X-ray absorbed QSOs and galaxy bulges. (2003) M. J. Page, Jason Stevens and F. J. Carrera
  • Preface. (2003) S.J. Page and L. Lumsdon
  • Methanol Masers and Massive Star Formation. (2003) M. Pestalozzi, R. Booth, E.M.L. Humphreys, J. Conway and V. Minier
  • The benefit of doing things slowly : employing dissipation for the robust creation of entanglement between ions in spatially separate cavities. (2003) M.B. Plenio, D.E. Browne and S.F. Huelga
  • Ballet. (2003) Kerry William Purcell
  • Photographie. (2003) Kerry William Purcell
  • Avoiding timing problems in real-time software. (2003) P. Puschner and Raimund Kirner
  • Using a crop/soil model and GIS technique to forecast sugar yield in the UK. (2003) Aiming Qi, K. W. Jaggard, C. J. A. Clark and P. Jarvis
  • The Broom’s Barn sugar beet growth model and its use to describe yield variability. (2003) Aiming Qi, C. Kenter, C. Hoffmann and K. W. Jaggard
  • Understanding the impact of industrial context on software engineering research: some initial insights. (2003) A. Rainer
  • Waiting in software projects: an exploratory study. (2003) A. Rainer
  • A secondary analyses of Bradac et al. s prototype process-monitoring experiment. (2003) A. Rainer
  • Persuading developers to buy into software process improvement: a local opinion and empirical evidence. (2003) A. Rainer, T. Hall and N. Baddoo
  • NLTE Spectral Analysis of Iron Group Elements in the Hot Subluminous O-star BD+28 4211. (2003) M. Ramspeck, S. Haas, R. Napiwotzki, U. Heber, J. Deetjen and S. Dreizler
  • Reaction rates and nuclear properties relevant for nucleosynthesis in massive stars and far from stability. (2003) T. Rauscher, Carla Froehlich and K. H. Guber
  • Threat and chaos. (2003) Nicole Rossotti and David Winter
  • Carbon-rich, Extremely Metal-Poor Population II stars. (2003) Sean G. Ryan
  • ‘Alexander Brener: Creative Vandalism as a mode of Hybrid Thought’. (2003) Patricia Simpson
  • Conflicting Theologies : Artistic Authenticity and the Case of Aleksandr Brener. (2003) Patricia Simpson
  • Introduction: Contemporary Polish Art and the BWA Gallery Lublin. (2003) Patricia Simpson
  • Leptosphaeria maculans (stem canker) on winter oilseed rape in England : some relationships between plant and pathogen development. (2003) J. M. Steed and Bruce D.L. Fitt
  • Novel approaches for the analysis of immune reactions in Tunicate and Cnidarian model organisms. (2003) Henrik Stotz, R. Augustin, K. Khalturin, S. Kuznetsov, B. Rinkevich, J. Schröder and T. C. G. Bosch
  • Active filters using single current conveyor. (2003) Y. Sun and Y. He
  • CanariCam: a multimode mid-infrared camera for the Gran Telescopio CANARIAS. (2003) C.M. Telesco, D. Ciardi, J. French, C. Ftaclas, K.T. Hanna, J. Hough, J. Julian, M. Kidger, C. Packham, R.K. Pina, F. Varosi and R.G. Sellar
  • Nuclear physics issues of the r-process. (2003) Friedrich-Karl Thielemann, E. Kolbe, G. Martinez-Pinedo, I. Panov, T. Rauscher, K.L. Kratz, B. Pfeiffer and S. Rosswog
  • Abundances and Kinematics of Extremely Metal-Deficient, Carbon-Rich Halo Stars. (2003) S. Tsangarides, Sean G. Ryan and T.C. Beers
  • Scattering of non-uniform incident fields by long cylinders. (2003) Z. Ulanowski, E. Hesse, A.J. Baran, Paul H. Kaye and I. Tongue
  • Retrieval of bimodal aerosol size distribution with multiwavelength Mie-Raman lidar. (2003) Igor Veselovskii, A. Kolgotin and D. Mueller
  • Development of eyespot on wnter wheat in the UK I Penetration and infection of leaf sheaths in relation to thermal time. (2003) A. Wan, C. H. Bock, Bruce D.L. Fitt, J. F. Jenkyn, J. L. Harvey and A. Goulds
  • Environmental impact assessment of the UK strawberry crop. (2003) Douglas Warner, John Tzilivakis, Kathleen Lewis, Neil Hipps, M. Davis and N. Osborne
  • Insecticide resistance: from science to practice. (2003) MS Williamson, James A. Anstead, GJ Devine, AL Devonshire, LM Field, SP Foster, Graham D. Moores and Ian Denholm
  • Psychological disorder as imbalance. (2003) David Winter
  • Stress in police officers: a personal construct theory perspective. (2003) David Winter
  • A credulous approach to violence and homicide. (2003) David Winter
  • The evidence base for personal construct psychotherapy. (2003) David Winter
  • Border crossing. (2003) David Winter, Sue Watson, Ian Gillman-Smith, Nicholas Gilbert and Timothy Acton
  • The X-ray Emission of Low-Power Radio Galaxies. (2003) D.M. Worrall, M. Birkinshaw and M.J. Hardcastle
  • Adaptive ingress admission control for differentiated services. (2003) Hannan Xiao and K.C. Chua
  • Channel estimation for wireless communications using space-time block coding techniques. (2003) J. Yang, Y. Sun, J.M. Senior and N. Pem