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The Optimization of Combined Power-Power Generation Cycles. (2015)
Ahmed Suaal Bashar Al-Anfaji
Revealing the Unspoken: Malaysian Students' Intrinsic Influences in Selecting the UK for Higher Education Migration. (2015)
Lee Alex Khim Kian
Device-to-Device Communication and Multihop Transmission for Future Cellular Networks. (2015)
Ahmed Mohammed Amate
Safety Measures to Reduce Medication Administration Errors in Paediatric Intensive Care Unit. (2015)
Ahmed Ameer
Lying: A Gricean Account. (2015)
David John Joseph Austin
The Professional Support Needs and Experiences of Patients with Atrial Fibrillation: a Mixed Methods Study. (2015)
Michelle Elizabeth Bull
Interactions Between Downslope Flows and a Developing Cold-Air Pool. (2015)
Paul Burns
Investigating the Properties of Brown Dwarfs Using Intermediate-Resolution Spectroscopy. (2015)
James Ignatius Canty
The Dynamic Relationships Between Public Spending, Economic Growth and Income Inequality in China. (2015)
Xiangbin Cheng
Experimental and Computational Investigation into Light Scattering by Atmospheric Ice Crystals. (2015)
Christopher Thomas Collier
Exploring psychologists’ attachment style, compassion fatigue and satisfaction, and use of self-care within forensic settings. (2015)
Sophia Collins
Exteme Variables in Star Forming Regions. (2015)
Carlos Eduardo Contreras Peña
Adaptive Constraint Solving for Information Flow Analysis. (2015)
Santanu Kumar Dash
The Influence of Ultra-Endurance Exercise on the Cardiovascular and Related Physiological Systems. (2015)
Tony Graham Dawkins
Cognitive Control in Verbal Task Switching. (2015)
Fiona Essig
Rafia Faiz
Work-Family Conflict: a Case Study of Women in Pakistani Banks. (2015)
Rafia Faiz
Perceptions of Causes and Long Term Effects of Academic Underachievement in High IQ Adults. (2015)
Anne Madeleine Marie Favier-Townsend
The Impact of Professional and Team Identification on the Leadership Beliefs of Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) Clinicians. (2015)
Craig Forsyth
Using Multi-Modal Bio-Digital Technologies to Support the Assessment of Cognitive Abilities of Children with Physical and Neurological Impairments. (2015)
Hock Chye Gan
Contrasting Debates and Perspectives from Second and Third Wave Feminists in Britain: Class, Work and Activism. (2015)
Lindsey German
Using the Psychological Concept of Compassion to Inform Pedagogic Strategies for Higher Education Seminars. (2015)
Theo Gilbert
Performance Measurement in the Product Development Process. (2015)
Darren Gowland
Driving and Inhibiting Factors in the Adoption of Open Source Software in Organisations. (2015)
Neil Greenley
The Role of Referrals in New Client Capture Within the Field of Independent Financial Advice. (2015)
Stuart William Grierson
The Educative Role of Sport for Socially Disengaged Young Black Men in London. (2015)
Lena Marie Hatchett
Effectiveness of Recovery-Focused Mental Health Care of Older People With Memory Problems. (2015)
Farida Jan
Can Brief Mindfulness-Based Intervention Improve Attention in Individuals With Mixed Neurological Disorders? (2015)
Emenalo-Strange Judy
Migration of Iranian Women to the UK: Overview of Two Generations. (2015)
Maryam Khodaviren
Electromagnetic Compatibility in Wireline Communications. (2015)
David Maxwell Lauder
From Architecture to Design: A Comparative and Evaluative Study of Professional Practice. (2015)
Nathalia Lins de Paiva
The Investigation of Code-Switching in a Computerised Corpus of Child Bilingual Language. (2015)
Catherine Anne Lonngren Sampaio
Large Scale Dynamic Molecular Modelling of Metal Oxide Nanoparticles in Engineering and Biological Fluids. (2015)
Adil Loya
A Comparison of the Offshoring and Outsourcing Strategies of German and UK Multinational Companies: A Critical Engagement With the 'Varieties of Capitalism' Perspective. (2015)
Anthony Mitchell
Life Threatening Complications in Childbirth: a Discursive Analysis of Fathers' Accounts. (2015)
Hannah Moore
Defining 'Hard to Reach': the Work of Health Visitors with Vulnerable Families. (2015)
Kathryn Mumby-Croft
The Influence of Habits, Opportunities and Thoughts on Environmentally Sustainable Lifestyles. (2015)
Page Nadine Cheryl
The Socio-Economic Impacts of the Coming of the Railways to Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire 1838 - 1900. (2015)
Friedrich Rudolf Johannes Newman
An Efficient Execution Model for Reactive Stream Programs. (2015)
Vu Thien Nga Nguyen
Improved Aerosol Deposition Profiles from Dry Powder Inhalers. (2015)
Irene Parisini
The Adoption, Use and Diffusion of Smartphones among Adults over Fifty in the UK. (2015)
Sutee Pheeraphuttharangkoon
Modulation of TRPV1 Function in Sensory Neuropathy. (2015)
Sara Pritchard
The Growth and Morphology of Small Ice Crystals in a Diffusion Chamber. (2015)
Georg Ritter
A Comparison Between UK and Cyprus Based Male Football Athletes in Terms of Dietary Intake, Markers of Physiological Stress, and Training Load. (2015)
Konstantinos Rostantis
Pretence: Role of Representations and Intersubjectivity? (2015)
Zuzanna Aleksandra Rucinska
Causation and the Objectification of Agency. (2015)
Christoph Schulz
Characterisation of Low Velocity Impact Response in Composite Laminates. (2015)
Zeng Shen
Exploiting Abstract Syntax Trees to Locate Software Defects. (2015)
Thomas Joshua Shippey
An Examination of Pay Satisfaction in the Nigerian Retail Bank Sector: A Gender Analysis. (2015)
Ola Shittu
Evaluating and Expanding Knowledge and Awareness of Health Professionals on the Consumption and Adverse Consequences of Novel Psychoactive Substances (NPS) Through Innovative Information Technologic Tools. (2015)
Pierluigi Simonato
'Lift Up Your Hearts': a Contribution to the Understanding of John Calvin's Teaching on the Eucharist and its Setting Within his Theology. (2015)
Allan Robert Smith
Parents of Children with Autism who Blog: a Thematic Analysis. (2015)
Sarah Thomson
A Synchronisation Facility for a Stream Processing Coordination Language. (2015)
Anna Tikhonova
A Mixed Methods Exploration of the Sense of Self among People Diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome in Adulthood. (2015)
Susan Tilki
An Anatomy of a 'Disorderly' Neighbourhood: Rosemary Lane and Rag Fair c.1690-1765. (2015)
Janice Turner
Education and Social Mobility 1870 - 1914: a Study of Four Schools in the Registration District of Hitchin in Hertfordshire. (2015)
Helen Anne Tyler
A High-Resolution Radio Continuum Study of the Dwarf Irregular Galaxy IC10. (2015)
Jonathan Westcott
Robot-Mediated Interviews: a Robotic Intermediary for Facilitating Communication with Children. (2015)
Luke Jai Wood
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