
Number of items: 105.
  • Evolution of Spiking Neural Networks for Temporal Pattern Recognition and Animat Control. (2016) Ahmed Mostafa Othman Abdelmotaleb
  • Experiences of Mothers Who Disclose Symptoms of Postnatal Depression. (2016) Kelly Michelle Abraham-Smith
  • Factors Affecting the Uptake of Pulmonary Rehabilitation and the Effectiveness of a Video Based Home Exercise Programme in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. (2016) Ademola Olusegun Adekunle
  • Types and Contributing Factors of Dispensing Errors in Hospital Pharmacies. (2016) Khaled Abdulrahman A Aldhwaihi
  • When the Bells Go Down: Resilience and Vulnerability in Firefighters. (2016) Lois Elizabeth Alexander
  • Identifying the Ejected Population from Disintegrating Multiple Systems. (2016) Yip Alexandra Ka Po
  • Evaluation of Glibenclamide Quality and Stakeholders’ Perception of Medicine Quality in the Clinical Settings of the Ministry of Interior in Saudi Arabia. (2016) Abdulaziz Fahad A Alghannam
  • Vascular Calcification in Rat Cultured Smooth Muscle Cells: a Role for Nitric Oxide. (2016) Nimer Fehaid N Alsabeelah
  • Using Machine Learning and Computer Simulations to Analyse Neuronal Activity in the Cerebellar Nuclei During Absence Epilepsy. (2016) Parimala Alva
  • New Cryptanalysis and Modelling for Wireless Networking. (2016) Mohamed Abdulla Hasan Saif Alzaabi
  • Market Imperfections and Price Rigidities - a Case Study of the Greek Manufacturing Industry. (2016) Chrysovalantis Amountzias
  • Predicting the Absorption Rate of Chemicals Through Mammalian Skin Using Machine Learning Algorithms. (2016) Parivash Ashrafi
  • Inhibitory Synaptic Plasticity and Gain Modulation in Cerebellar Nucleus Neurons. (2016) Dimitris Bampasakis
  • Japanese Foreign Direct Investment: Varieties of Capitalism, Employment Practices and Worker Resistance in Poland. (2016) Maciej Albert Bancarzewski
  • A Census of Nuclear Stellar Disks in Early-Type Galaxies. (2016) Hugo Bastos Martins Ledo
  • Continuous Steepest Descent Path for Traversing Non-Convex Regions. (2016) Salah Beddiaf
  • The Genomics of Type 1 Diabetes Susceptibility Regions and Effect of Regulatory SNPs. (2016) Sylvia Beka
  • Complete Communities or Dormitory Towns? Case Studies in Interwar Housing at Welwyn Garden City, Becontree and St Helier. (2016) Matthew Benjamin
  • From Hell to Utopia: How Clinical Psychologists Who Don't Believe in Free Will Experience Delivering Therapy. (2016) Isabel Charlotte Brunton
  • The Concept of Service Learning in Practice: A Vehicle for University Student Development? (2016) Daniel David Buckley
  • Design, Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Potential Inhibitors of S100P, a Protein implicated in Pancreatic Cancer. (2016) Ramatoulie Camara
  • Fresh Ways to Work: Do Small and Medium sized Enterprises want Free Travel Plans? (2016) James Paul Cecil
  • Identifying Misconnection Hotspots Using Coliforms and Biofilm Communities. (2016) Chidinma Chiejina
  • Parents’ experiences of being abused by their adolescent children: an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis Study of Adolescent-to-Parent Violence and Abuse. (2016) Kerry Rose Clarke
  • M Dwarfs from the SDSS, 2MASS and WISE Surveys: Identification, Characterisation and Unresolved Ultracool Companionship. (2016) Neil James Cook
  • Bodily Pleasure and the Self: Experimental, Pharmacological and Clinical Studies on Affective Touch. (2016) Laura Crucianelli
  • The Constructions and Experiences of Males with an Acquired Brain Injury (ABI). (2016) Jasbir Kaur Dhillon
  • The Fabric of Life: Linen and Life Cycle in England, 1678 - 1810. (2016) Alice Claire Dolan
  • A Repertory Grid Study Investigating Factors Associated With Treating People Diagnosed With Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD): the Construct of Illness and the Therapeutic Relationship. (2016) Emma Catherine Dunne
  • Optical Cartography of the Northern Galactic Plane. (2016) Hywel John Farnhill
  • The Influence of High Intensity Training on Cardio-Respiratory Biomarkers, Aerobic Metabolism and Time Trial Performance in Recreationally-Trained Individuals. (2016) Lewis Simon Francotte
  • Embedded 3D Web Based Content for the Creation of an Interactive Medical Browser. (2016) Neil Jon Gallagher
  • Enhancing the Affective Domain in Order to Reduce Fear of Death in First-Year Student Nurses. (2016) Kim Patricia Goode
  • Worshipping with the Wealth Creationists: Co-Constructing Meaning and Purpose through Entrepreneurship Education. (2016) Julie Caroline Gregory
  • A Developmental Approach to the Study of Affective Bonds for Human-Robot Interaction. (2016) Antoine Hiolle
  • The Socio-Economic Effects of the Grand Junction Canal on West Hertfordshire: 1791 to 1841. (2016) Fabian Hiscock
  • The Hyperbolic Superposition of a General Quantum State. (2016) Grant Hubbard
  • Becoming Savvy: Developing Awareness of Everyday Politics. (2016) Jacqueline Jeannette Maria Janssen
  • An Exploration of Barriers and Facilitators to Risk Assessment in Mental Health Professionals. (2016) Kiri Jefferies-Sewell
  • Epidemiology and Control of Powdery Mildew (Podosphaera aphanis) on Strawberry. (2016) Xiaolei Jin
  • Revisiting Shop Stewards and Workplace Bargaining: Opportunities, Resources and Dynamics in Two Case Studies. (2016) Simon Charles Joyce
  • The Evolution of AGN and Their Host Galaxies. (2016) Eleni Kalfountzou
  • RA-LPEL: A Resource-Aware Light-Weight Parallel Execution Layer for Reactive Stream Processing Networks on The SCC Many-core Tiled Architecture. (2016) Nilesh Karavadara
  • Phenotypic Characterisation of Clostridium difficile PCR Ribotype 078 and Comparison with PCR Ribotypes 027 and 002. (2016) Daniel David Keighley
  • Identifying Lead Compounds for S100P in Pancreatic Cancer Therapy Using in Vitro Biophysical Techniques. (2016) Thamarasi Vithana Kekule Vithanage
  • Refugee Mothers' Experiences of Forced Migration and its Impact upon Family Life. (2016) Aisling Catherine Frances Kelly
  • How Young People Make Sense of Developing and Getting Help for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. (2016) Carly Victoria Keyes
  • The Role of Physical Activity During Personal Recovery at a Voluntary Sector Mental Health Organisation. (2016) Hassan Khalil
  • Star Formation in Dwarf Galaxies: Using the Radio Continuum as an Extinction-Free Probe. (2016) Ben Gerald Kitchener
  • Patients and their Use of Medicines: a Discourse Analysis of Encounters with Nurse Prescribers. (2016) Denise Ann Knight
  • Data-Driven Self-Tuning in a Coordination Programming Language. (2016) Maksim Kuznetcov
  • The Effects of Knee High Compression Garments and Ice on Exercise Performance and Recovery. (2016) John William D Lea
  • Culture-related Depression in Taiwanese Women and the Application of The BodyMind Approach TM. (2016) Yu-Chi Lin
  • Exploring Uncomfortable Situations in the Practice of a Swedish Leadership Consultant. (2016) Asa Margaretha Lundquist Coey
  • An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of the Experiences of Fathers of Adults Diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome or High Functioning Autism. (2016) Ellen Alice Mackey
  • The Experience of Feeling Fat for Women with an Anorexia Nervosa Diagnosis: an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. (2016) Laura Major
  • Governor Experiences of the Strategic Development Process of English Free Schools. (2016) Philip Mason
  • A Trust-Based Adaptive Access Control Model for Wireless Sensor Networks. (2016) Htoo Aung Maw
  • Bernard Shaw at Shaw's Corner: Artefacts, Socialism, Connoisseurship, and Self-Fashioning. (2016) Alice McEwan
  • ELT Teaching Quality and Practice in Saudi Arabia: A Case Study of the Perspectives of ESP and EGP Students, Teachers and Managers at the ELC in Umm al-Qura University. (2016) Ghader Melibari
  • Effects of Host Resistance on Colonisation of Brassica napus (Oilseed Rape) by Leptosphaeria maculans and Leptosphaeria biglobosa (Phoma Stem Canker). (2016) Siti Nordahliawate Mohamed Sidique
  • Adult Children of Problem Drinking Parents: Experiences of Relationships. (2016) Soad Rachel Nasr
  • A Social Identity Understanding of Depression: Implications for Onset, Maintenance and Recovery. (2016) David Novelli
  • Clinical Psychologists' Narratives of Relatedness within a Multi-Disciplinary Team Context. (2016) Katherine Nutt
  • Prevalence and Nature of Medication Errors in Children and Older Patients in Primary Care. (2016) Janice Oluwagbemisoye Olaniyan
  • Strategies Towards the Synthesis of 4-(3-methyl-but-1-enyl)-3,5,3',4'-tetrahydroxystilbene (Arachidin-1) and Resveratrol Analogues. (2016) Elizabeth Oluwakemi Olusegun-Osoba
  • Navigation and Geolocation Within Urban and Semi-Urban Environments Using Low-Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks. (2016) Thomas Perrin
  • Feasibility Study of Connecting Nuclear Generation to the National Electricity Transmission System via HVDC Technology. (2016) Richard Poole
  • Applications of the Flexilevel Test to Assessment in Higher Education. (2016) Andrew Richard Pyper
  • Narratives of Partners of Individuals Affected by Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. (2016) Rebecca Mary Ramsden
  • Self-Management, Psychological Correlates, and Clinical Outcomes in People on Dialysis for End Stage Renal Disease. (2016) Jonathan David Reston
  • Biomechanics of the Golf Swing and Putting Stroke. (2016) Ashley Kendall Richardson
  • Methods, Goals and Metaphysics in Contemporary Set Theory. (2016) Colin Jakob Rittberg
  • Deleuze, Judgment and Artistic Research. (2016) Spencer Roberts
  • Overcoming Challenges of Sky Background Light in Large-Scale Astronomical Mosaics. (2016) Charles William Sidney Roe
  • Universities as Agents of the State: the Example of Widening Participation. (2016) Renton Ross Alexander
  • Performative Space and the Construction of Place. (2016) Heidi Maaria Saarinen
  • Analysis of Jamming Attacks on Wireless Sensor Networks. (2016) SAEED Saif
  • Accessing Mental Health Support: Where do Young Adults Seek Help and what Barriers do they Face? (2016) Keziban Salaheddin
  • Inside the Mirror: Effects of Attuned Dance-Movement Intervention on Interpersonal Engagement as Observed in Changes of Movement Patterns in Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder. (2016) Rosemarie Samaritter
  • Integrated Virtual Reality Game Interaction: The Archery Game. (2016) Domenico Sammartino
  • Fault Tolerance for Stream Programs on Parallel Platforms. (2016) Vicent Sanz-Marco
  • Modelling Cellular Permeability via Carrier Mediated Transport. (2016) Tendai Ishmael Sarupinda
  • Designing Motivational Games for Robot-Mediated Stroke Rehabilitation. (2016) Nauman Shah
  • Bereaved Parents' Stories of their Emotional Relationship with their Surviving Children Following the Death of Another. (2016) Sarah Jane Shankar
  • Design and Implementation of a Re-Configurable Arbitrary Signal Generator and Radio Frequency Spectrum Analyser. (2016) Ashok Kumar Sharma
  • Thrombotic Risk Assessment in End Stage Renal Disease Patients on Renal Replacement Therapy. (2016) Sumeet Sharma
  • Optimal Cooperative Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio. (2016) Oluyomi Simpson
  • Deglaciation Dynamics of the Feegletscher Nord, Switzerland: Implications for Glacio-Fluvial Sediment Transfer. (2016) Martin James Smart
  • Near-Infrared Proper Motion Surveys. (2016) Leigh Charles Smith
  • Cosmological Simulations with AGN Feedback. (2016) Philip Taylor
  • The Rotation of the Halo of NGC 6822 Determined From the Radial Velocities of Carbon Stars. (2016) Graham Peter Thompson
  • Strategy-Making in a Senior Leadership Team in the Public Sector in Denmark: Taking Experience Seriously as Co-Creation, Conflict and Paradox. (2016) Pernille Thorup
  • A Retrospective Study of Young Carers' Experiences of Supporting a Parent With Psychosis. (2016) Katie Turner
  • A Mixed Methods Study of Adherence to Prophylactic Treatment Among Young People With Haemophilia. (2016) Sandra Barbara Van Os
  • Relating to the Other in Psychosis: an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. (2016) Maria Bernadette Walsh
  • Design and Analysis of an Energy Efficient Dehumidification System for Drying Applications. (2016) Wen-Chung Wang
  • Design and Analysis of an Energy Efficient Dehumidification System for Drying Applications. (2016) Wen-Chung Wang
  • London Charity Beneficiaries, c. 1800-1834: Questions of Agency. (2016) Megan Webber
  • The Experiences of Men who have had Multiple Moves Within Projects for People who are Homeless. (2016) Coral Westaway
  • Wind Shielding Analysis for Cold Regions Using Experimental and Numerical Techniques. (2016) Yizhong Xu
  • Intuitive Robot Teleoperation Based on Haptic Feedback and 3D Visualization. (2016) Chen Yangjun
  • Aerodynamic Analysis of a Novel Wind Turbine for an Omni-flow Wind Energy System. (2016) Pei Ying
  • Wireless Sensor Networks in Support of E-Health Applications. (2016) Longsheng Yu
  • What are actions? (2016) Istvan Zoltan Zardai